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Everything posted by Tonto

  1. What about Ginger Rogers? Everything Fred did she did backwards in high heels! Chicks Rock! t It's the year of the Pig.
  2. Tonto


    I can't. I suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and struggle to tell the difference between fantasy and reality in a conflict situation. I set traps and try to kill people who are after me - or ones I think are after me. t It's the year of the Pig.
  3. leave your toilet paper in the rain. It'll let soft. Promise. (Stalker) t It's the year of the Pig.
  4. Quite sure. Africa. Renowned for its drought, famine etc. Rain is a curse. t It's the year of the Pig.
  5. 1. Its something I progressed to through watching birds to homing pidgeons through falconry to jumping off cliffs into water to hang gliding to skydiving. 2. 18 and a bit years. Nothing touches it. Nothing. 3. I love the constant. We always know nothing, we are always learning, and yet our skills still satisfy us. I love the people who stay even when the weather is bad 'just in case" I don't like the come and goes. The "I love this SO MUCH" and then they stop. Commitment is good. All commitment. t It's the year of the Pig.
  6. WHAT! Waking up to RAIN? RAIN? AAAAGHHH!!! Blue Skies! BLue Skies! Not a breath of wind.... and Blue Skies... all your other stuff counts if its dark and there are no night jumps... t It's the year of the Pig.
  7. Thanks man. We're all quite special. Nice to know that every day. t It's the year of the Pig.
  8. You can be pleased you never thought of that. America is the great nation it is because of its massive cultural diversity. Whoever wrote that drivel is a pipe. t It's the year of the Pig.
  9. Have a good one. Middle age is around the corner. Hurry. It's nearly gone. t It's the year of the Pig.
  10. Lemmings... And AOE... and Quake... It's the year of the Pig.
  11. What about the love we get from other people's kitties?
  12. Feral, from AD2000 Mag... t It's the year of the Pig.
  13. "The Snap hook 180 into double fronts? " But you never said anything about risers either...
  14. "which, from what I've seen, most people do on their AFF level one with ripcords anyway." So true! I'm trying to convince our club to let them do that, thus striking a balance between ripcord/BOC. Your thoughts? (Apart from cost and litter... we use plastic ripcords, cost is a little over $5...) t It's the year of the Pig.
  15. 1. 50 jumps on C9/T-10 Round canopies 30 on a 240 Viking superlite 100 on a Swift 177 500+ on a 220 Cruiselite 7 cell 100 on a PD 190 75 on a Reflex 145 150 0n a Perigrine 150 (Excalibur copy) 1500+ on Jonathan 120's 100+ on Stilleto 107 (Thrown in on top) 700 on 360 - 421 Tandems 650 + on AR-7, Matrix and Rubis Rotation CReW rigs 2. Learn the technique, then go down. The people in the PD demo team are not average people. You cannot base your progression on theirs. If you can, you'll soon be one of them, or in a chair, or dead. t It's the year of the Pig.
  16. There were no classes in 1985. In 1987 I bust my femur in 9 places toggle hooking a 220 sq ft F111 7 cell too low. I still toggle hook, but that was my last injury. t It's the year of the Pig.
  17. To SkymonkeyONE I agree with all you have said. To Rhino, I do feel though, that many junior jumpers feel front riser is safer than snap toggle for the wrong reasons. Judgement is required in both toggle snaps and riser carves/double fronts, and I've seen titanium rush to both in equal quantity for different reasons. On riser input the possibility of a lost toggle is very real, particularly with loops as opposed to blocks when newbies find themselves lower and faster than anticipated and fear (the mind killer) forces the release of the riser without proper conditioning. Some canopies perform poorly in turbulence on the front risers. Some... very poorly. Remember the.... Nova? I think the clear conditions some competitions take place in, and the standard of the compertitors allow techniques which are not all day everywhere everyone techniques, and some people may not have the knowledge or the disipline to know when to say no to a particular approach. You should strive to have degrees or variances to each approach you do, a series of soft to hards bridging as many techniques as possible. t It's the year of the Pig.
  18. What are you loading at? Skybytch may be right about her edit. t It's the year of the Pig.
  19. I am an AFF I. If BOC's are safer than ripcords... why don't we have them on our reserves? Spring loaded pilot chutes work better when you're unstable. When you're stable they launch into your burble and hesitate a bit. Transisioning from one set of gear to another is always risky, so some operations are now teaching AFF on BOC's, so that if you have a "tricky pull" there is help around, rather than is happening later, when you're alone. t It's the year of the Pig.
  20. Welcome back! What the hell did you do for 2 years? I can't fill a weather afternoon! t It's the year of the Pig.
  21. Was that Carlos C Godfrog? Damn! I read that book in 1985 and it was dated... maybe I should read it again! t It's the year of the Pig.
  22. All rainbows are seen exactly opposite the sun... but on the ground - the planet keeps you from seeing where the middle is. Rainbows and glory's are the same thing, except one gives you a full view. t It's the year of the Pig.
  23. Perfect advice from Skybytch! You need to be hungry. Start packing now, and learn as much as you can from anyone (you respect) who will teach you. Coach, then Camera then Tandem, then AFF. Add a SL or IAD rating in there if you're at a smaller DZ now. Travel. Go to boogies, make friends - they're the best contacts. Work hard, and it'll work out. When it does, you may be hungry somedays, but the other days will be the envy of the rest of the planet, and you will smile long after sunset. Never stop learning. Add a riggers ticket and a pilots licence if the oportunity presents itself. Good luck! t It's the year of the Pig.
  24. AHH! Numbers... Congrats. 2000 is a bitch, cos around 1017.... you know EXACTLY how far it is to 2000! All downhill from here! Blue Skies, t It's the year of the Pig.
  25. I pack only when I have to. Why? I do about 10 AFF dives a day at about R250 each (+-$30) which adds up to about $300 a day. During the time my rig spends being packed, I am usually briefing or debriefing a student. Were I to pack my own rig I would save money, but probably compromise my service to the student, and maybe even do fewer dives. I took a week to learn to pack, and 7 years to learn to be an AFF Instructor. I prefer doing AFF to packing. t It's the year of the Pig.