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Everything posted by skydude2000

  1. Are you sure? I looked on page 34 of the alti-track manual and it says you can choose either freefall, or freefall + canopy profiles. It does say you can store more jumps with freefall only, but I read somewhere that in was in the thousand jump range, nowhere near the number of jumps I've put on it. Entirely possible that I'm reading it wrong, but I'm not sure. Now I'm also having to adjust my total # of jumps each time. Getting my info from here, on page 34: PULL!! or DIE!!
  2. Thanks Iluv2fly! I'll have a look. But I'm 99.9% sure I have it set to dual mode, freefall & Hop/pop. I'll see if I can find a contact for someone in the States who can tell me how to fix it. PULL!! or DIE!!
  3. Don't know why I never thought of that, thanks. But Google Translate came up with 'I might well answer, if you do not already have the answer?' From this: 'Jeg kan godt svare, hvis du ikke allerede har svaret?' So that doesn't quite help. I'll go through the manual again and see what I can find. PULL!! or DIE!!
  4. Hi Guys, I have a couple questions about the electronic logbook in the alti-track. Before you flame me, I DID email L & B, and though I know their customer service is top notch, I got a speedy reply back, but it was in German. I'm having issues with the unit not recording some of my jumps. I read in the manual that it can log between 5 and 10 thousand jumps, either in freefall mode or freefall + canopy mode. I got it at jump 165, and it seems to have erased the last 80 or so jumps that I've done. I've also recently gotten into CRW, and it doesn't seem to record ANY of those jumps, even though I have it set to freefall + canopy mode. Any ideas why this might happen or what I could do to fix it? Or anyone who speaks German who could tell me what the manufacturer said? Thanks!! PULL!! or DIE!!
  5. Hi JJbb, I have my alti-track mounted using the same mount. I mounted it on the right side because 1) I don't like not being able to SEE my reserve handle, 2) It sits RIGHT overtop of my cutaway handle, so I can just bring my right hand up to the base of the mount and the handle is right there, easy to find, and 3) I THINK the angle of the mount is conducive to it being mounted on the right, which has in angled inward. I'd ask an experienced rigger his thoughts though, obviously. Good luck!
  6. Damn straight Wendy!! It sure does! Scared the bejesus outta me though. Quick question, what's the difference between a stack and a bi-plane? Or is there a difference, other than the name? I thought maybe a bi-plane just means two canopies, where a stack implies more than two. Or is a stack when you're just sitting on the canopy, and a bi-plane after you've slid down the lines? I'm new to most of this CRW lingo, but I knew what one jumper meant when he told my partner to have a Merry Christmas PULL!! or DIE!!
  7. Hi Guys, Just felt like sharing, since I'm still so pumped. I did my f*rst real CRW jump on the weekend. A 3-point 2 way with a VERY brave jumper and great friend . Bi-plane, side-by-side, followed by a downplane (scary as shit, but SO awesome). It was a BIG mistake. I've seen the light, and now there's NO going back In case anyone is wondering, yes, it WAS followed by alcohol I think it's all downhill from here. Anyways, carry on. Just thought I'd share.
  8. How about give the rear risers a tug to speed up the opening and help the slider come down? Unless of course, you have a thing for Ground Rush Other than that, try to keep your body symmetrical. PULL!! or DIE!!
  9. Hi Shannon, If you haven't already checked, have a look in the Dropzone Database here, in the Florida area. Most of the DZs seem to have websites listed with FAQs for age/weight requirements. That would probably be your best bet. I don't believe there are any DZs in FL that offer tandems to anyone under 18 though. Sorry! PULL!! or DIE!!
  10. I think I can usually do a rush pack job, THAT WILL OPEN in about 10-15 minutes. Pretty slow, but I have a big canopy, and my life is generally more important to me than my time :) I pack a 170 PD Spectre. PULL!! or DIE!!
  11. Hi there!! Welcome to the forums, and the sport :) I have done several tandems as a passenger so I understand your concern. The instructor should explain everything you need to know for the jump, but they will only loosen the harness for the sake of comfort. You should still be well fastened into the harness after the canopy opens. As to your second concern, I haven't personally heard of a tandem harness failure, and I am told that the attachment points on the harness are generally rated to hold up to 5 or 10 thousand pounds each. (Engineering nerds please correct me if I'm wrong). But certainly don't be afraid to ask these questions and voice your concerns to your instructor. Most important!!! SMILE! BREATHE!! HAVE FUN!!! PULL!! or DIE!!
  12. Please to be explaining what a 'wacker' is, in the skydiving sense????
  13. Hey Gang, I just had a question about RW positioning that I can't quite wrap my head around. It's probably something I should know already considering the amount of RW I've done, but you never know if you don't ask, right? Whenever I'm doing a jump any bigger than a 4-way, I've always seen that the heavier guys are usually in the base, and I've been told a fast base is a good thing. My question is, why? Wouldn't the heavier guys have an easier time diving down to a formation than a lighter jumper/slower faller? Or does it have something to do with the speed and the vertical shape of the formation? Hopefully it's not just something we do at my DZ and we're doing it wrong, but I'd like to at least know the reason
  14. I agree with Dave. You can always tape them up or fold them in until you're ready to use them
  15. Done That put me in a better mood already, lol. PULL!! or DIE!!
  16. Hey, Good luck on your course. Static line is awesome!! Line twists aren't usually a big deal on large student canopies that you'll be using. Just follow your training and that should take care of it. Normally you will be under radio control until the instructor feels confident that you can land on the dropzone safely. Then when your instructors are confident enough in your canopy control based on some requirements, they may clear you to jump transition equipment with a slightly smaller canopy. Generally for first canopies for an average sized jumper, you will want something between 170-210 square feet. I didn't buy my first rig till after 100 jumps, but that was more because of cheap gear hire and being broke. Talk to your instructors and they'll guide you to making an informed choice about your first canopy. Good luck and welcome to the addiction PULL!! or DIE!!
  17. I couldn't find one on their site for order, but you could probably email them and ask. Good luck!!
  18. skydude2000

    Lisa H?

    She looks like more than a size 8, too PULL!! or DIE!!
  19. First of all, I'm not sure if this technique will work on the canopy you have, and ABSOLUTELY verify this with your instructors. But early-on, I was taught if you flare WAY too early, let up on the toggles SLIGHTLY, and then finish your flare normally. But if you let up too much, your canopy will surge forward and you WILL get hurt. Most often it's best to just hold your flare and PLF, unless you're WAY too high. Again, verify this technique with your instructors before trying it in the air. Heal up fast.
  20. PULL!! or DIE!!
  21. I don't care if it's a repost PULL!! or DIE!!
  22. Hey there, Hope you're enjoying the sport so far
  23. I just bought the 960 (should be here next week. Yippeee!) I read in the FAQ section that they're all the same camera, but each kit comes with more/different mounts. That's why the differences in price. Maybe I'm confused about that. I'll let you know when it gets here. PULL!! or DIE!!
  24. I'm saying that's not automatically what I'd do. After some thought I have an idea what I might try to do if I found they were entangled and I had some time and altitude, but I'd talk to an instructor first about what YOU should do. If you cutaway when the risers are entangled, there's a chance the main could entangle the reserve, and then you're in BIG trouble. PULL!! or DIE!!
  25. Hey, That looks like a decent list, but the one I disagree with is the 'two canopies out' scenario. I was taught in my FJC, a million years ago, to check first that the risers for the main and reserve were clean and not entangled. Do it automatically without checking, and you're liable to be cutting a ball of shit into your reserve, or CREATING a ball of shit out of your reserve, and then you're REALLY fucked. But that's just me. PULL!! or DIE!!