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    Cypres 2

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    Skydive Dallas
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  1. Agreed - although it does get pretty ridiculously hot here in Texas!!
  2. Good idea on the seamstress! It is my only jump suit and I hate to spend $600 + on a new one, but I also hate to cut my only one!
  3. Has anyone had the sleeves cut off of a regular long sleeve jumpsuit to make a shorty suit? I have a liquid sky and am thinking of maybe having a rigger do this. I'm thinking it would be nice and cool for the summer, but during the winter (and in the tunnel too) I could wear sleeves under it. I'm a fairly beginner freeflyer mainly working on sit, dynamic and starting head down in the tunnel. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  4. Quote In Okalahoma most 16 year olds aren’t sure who their parents are. OK I had to laugh that!
  5. In Oklahoma a 16 year old can do a tandem with parental consent.
  6. Thanks for all your suggestions! So far I'm just wearing it on three fingers, but getting a smaller loop is probably what I'll end up doing!
  7. I got my new Galaxy in the mail the other day, and the finger loop seems really big. I tried putting the loop around my middle two fingers, but there's still too much room in there. I don't want to put it around three fingers because then I feel like I'm wearing a mitten and can't use my hand. Anyone else have this problem, or know if I can get a smaller finger loop? Thanks! Elise
  8. Davelepka, I just chuckled to myself when I read your post. :) I like your advice of "plant your foot on the step like you mean it." I was timidly swinging my foot around trying to get it on there and it made it even worse. Does anyone have an opinion about whether it's easier to climb out while facing the front of the plane on your knees, or from a sitting position facing the back of the plane? I was unsuccessful with the sitting position and on the go-around changed to my knees and it worked (somewhat) better. Thanks!
  9. They do look pretty rickety! Thanks for everyone's words of encouragement - that helps so much!!
  10. I really don't have door fear in the Caravan or Otter. I think it makes it easier because in those I'm going out near the end, and I've already seen at least 10 people go out ahead of me, so it's just like "ok, next." In the Cessna, it's just me (and the instructor of course). I think the Cessna fear is just the extra work I have to do to get positioned on the strut. I just didn't feel like I climb out there; it seemed impossible. My leg also kept blowing off the step due to the prop blast. I'm glad to hear other people have felt the same way! I know it doesn't matter even if I fell off the step, since I'm jumping anyway, but it still feels so unnatural to be standing on a step 12,000 feet above the ground and clutching a narrow metal rail in front of you!
  11. Hi guys! So, I went yesterday for my AFF Level 4 (for the second time), and I went to a different dropzone (closer than the one I normally go to on the weekends). That DZ has a Cessna 182, which I made my first AFF jump out of. It really scared me, so I've been jumping at the other DZ out of a Caravan and an Otter. When the door opened on the 182 yesterday, I completely froze. I had a total mental breakdown and couldn't jump. I just couldn't get myself out on the strut. We did a go around, and my instructor really talked me down and reassured me. I ended up making the jump, but I asked him not to let go of me in freefall because I was really scared all of a sudden. The dive was perfect, and I would have passed had he let go! :) Any tips or suggestions for fear of the 182?! FYI, I will be jumping the Otter next weekend for the third Level 4 attempt. Elise
  12. Hi all! I just finished my AFF Level 4 (fail, ). I am really itching to get my own jumpsuit, but I think it may be too soon. When did everyone get their own suit? Should I wait to get my A license, or just wait until I finish my AFF? I don't want to be the nerd who's still a student with her own jumpsuit! Thanks so much!! Elise
  13. Hi all! I am new to the sport and new to this site! I'm a skydiving attorney who is wanting to get as much info as possible and meet some new friends!