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Everything posted by Scoop

  1. I suspect that you have had a reasonably privileged upbringing and that you have not travelled much. Well, in the UK theres no need. We will give you a house, pay for you to sit on your ass all day, and if you got children. Your really laughing because of all the benefits you get paid. Ive picked up my fair share of illegal immigrants who know the system and abuse it to the max!
  2. Hmm, i dont know what piece of law you know that says you are allowed to attempt murder in order to defend your property. I believe its 'use any force that is reasonable and neccesary' - I dont think preparing petrol bombs and throwing them at people would quite fall into that category! But hey, your profile says your a lawyer. If you wanna argue that in court. Be my guest
  3. The initial scene was a bit poo. There really is nothing like precision shooting... well not in that bit anyway I have to say, there is something just not quite right about a young girl blasting the crap out of a hillside... Not that im jealous
  4. When I had my officer safety training for the police, I wasnt taught to fight. Taught to defend ourselves, incapacitate someone violent and get them restrained quickly. If your looking at self defence thats the best type. Its fast, dirty fighting. Me and a guy who had supposedly done 'a martial art' for 6 years had a bit of a spar and I dropped him pretty fast. Its just a funny non technical type. Elbows, knees, feet, fists everwhere. It doesnt look polished but its effective. If you kick someone in the shins at full speed wearing your boots. They go down very fast! Its proved vey effective on the street too in similar situations. Course I can always use my ASP baton or pepper spray if im really worried! MWAHAHA! All joking aside, its a really good techinque for self defence. Try getting on one of those courses. Or join the police then quit after your safety training. hehe
  5. 1) Anyone runs from police they deserve whatever happens to them. 2) Rioting is a crime too, in circumstances like this it should be a joint police/military effort to regain order using whatever force is neccesary. 3) If loads of immigrants dont like the conditions they are living in.... they could always go back home! *shock* *horror* Its either better than what you ran away from, or its worse. If its better, stay and shut your mouth. If its worse, realise you done the wrong thing and go back home. 4) Theres no such thing as poverty breeds crime. Shit breeds crime. In this day and age, it isnt neccesary to commit crime to survive. Its just because they are theiving bastards. Im sick of hearing people giving excuses for criminals.
  6. I seen the other thread with the expired cypres. Im aware its never clever to buy online without seeing, but I am prepared to take a gamble. Ive seen this item listed.... It seems to have a good life time on it. Its recently been serviced (if a bit late) Ive asked to see an image of the bits n pieces to confirm it has been serviced etc. Who knows what itll go for! is there anything else I can ask to see. Ive also asked for the serial number so I can contact the manufacturer. Thanks! If anyone got any tips or advice post away or PM me. Cheers again!
  7. Scoop

    Hoax or Real?

    I only scored 6. I WANT TO BELIEVE!
  8. Whereabouts in UK are you? If your South I would recommend Headcorn. I know people got a few things to say about it as a DZ, but theres difference in opinion everywhere you go. Got nice plane for winter, gets you to altitude fast and its got a kick ass heater so nice and toasty until that door opens! Brrrrr. Ive found it mostly friendly and plenty of female jumpers too
  9. OK, now im really confused I guess im not gonna know til we actually see it
  10. That would probably explain the misinformation then. Thanks
  11. Hmm, id say get what you want. Coming from another newbie though. My understanding is stay away from full face helmets for a while because you wont be allowed to jump them at this stage. ive got a Pro Dytter, but I set it quite low. Mines set so first warning is at 4. With me pulling normally at 5 i shouldnt hear it. Sometimes hear it as canopy is inflating. I dont see it can be a bad thing as long as you dont use it as a tool and , like you said yourself, become dependant. My instructors were happy for me to use it anyway. I got a cheap second hand suit suitable for relative work. Its very hardy and will take a few rough landings. Ive seen few other new guys in there flash white jumpsuits with very impressive grass stains (and sheep shit smears)
  12. Hi, Im wondering if someone could clear up what size a Raven1 reserve canopy is please. Im getting conflicting info and it would help me alot. Thanks
  13. I had to look at that picture about 4 times before I got that... is that worrying or what!?
  14. From freezing and become two useless bits of frozen meat. Kind of essential to be able to pull at the required time. Plus comfort!
  15. I like the way the photos are of Airkix and the reporter keeps using the term 'bodyflight' Maybe not confusing to Joe public but it just frustrates me a little bit. Not only does it imply they are the first but they're even muscling in on your name now!
  16. Hi, welcome aboard. By clicking on someones name and bringing up there profile you can send a private message. That would probably be your best bet.
  17. Do you know thats the first time Ive heard about the history of the marathon. Thats a pretty amazing story! Ive love reading stuff like that!
  18. Best method is the standard deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. And it really does work too! Another good thing is to shout something as you exit, thatll focus your attention. Scream out something like ARCH! Loads of ours do that. Seems to work, in my limited experience.
  19. Well done buddy! Glad you enjoyed it. Landing sounds a bit ouchy, but least your laughing about it. Ive had few silly landings where afterwards i thought... 'why didnt you PLF you cock!?' Have fun, your gonna love the independance in the next few levels. Im just going on to consols and im loving it! Enjoy it all and stay safe!
  20. Definately a KFC. But Id rather a burger than disgustingly greasy bit of chicken. The grease from the chicken pieces makes me cough and have to clear my throat for abouta an our after eating! A zinger tower meal though. Now thats what im talking about!
  21. Thanks Skymama, but I realise that.. its just not shown