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Everything posted by Scoop

  1. Hey, sure some of the British supporters are bad. Notoriosuly Chelsea, Milwall, West Ham, Tottenham etc but Im talking about the footballers. They all had a mass punch up because they lost. Losers! What an example 22 grown men fighting in the tunnel and one was hospitalised with groin injuries. Its a game for neanderthals (sp?) with no hope. I know in rugby or ice hockey etc the players have issues they sort it out there and then and I kind of respect that. But sulking footballers.... tut tut tut tut tut
  2. Sounds like you were effective in your line of work then :
  3. Well why are they? Overpaid and with too much attitude. Anyone else see the disgusting display after the Turkey/Switzerland match? Did that in public theyd all be arrested
  4. Best I dont have anything, else I get carried away and everyone has to walk. That doesnt make you popular. Believe me
  5. Was watching Sky news at work and couldnt see if the aircraft circling made it down safely or not. Anyone have furthur info on this? PS - Sorry im not opening with the incident report but it was just evolving as I was leaving work.
  6. Sorry, I dont understand the meaning of the word moderation
  7. I think she means the chocolate! P-P-P-P- Pick up a penguin!
  8. Yeah, if only every meal was 4 times bigger and came with chips. then wed be on to something. Oh yeah, its called obesity
  9. Scoop

    A how to guide...

    God help America if Superman is that lazy Ill give you a lil teaser...
  10. Scoop

    A how to guide...

    Check this out, when I was reading it I thinka little bit of wee came out
  11. I see what your saying! By swallowing our pride and posting pics of naked guys.... we might be able to reap the rewards! (im not volunteering by the way)
  12. Yeah, the bodyflight tunnel at Bedford really helped me with my poor leg symmetry. Ive just done my first consol and when you consider that that makes my freefall time 7 mins 30 secs yet my tunnel time 10 mins, pound per minute AFF isnt very cost effective!! Thanks to Paul and the team for sorting me out!
  13. Excellent, I think this time the beer should be on everyone else
  14. Hey man, stop fucking the dog and get on with the jumpin! This damn whuffo needs to get his ass out the way! See pic
  15. So far was probably my level 8 hop n pop. All by myself, stable and pulled in 4 secs. Gave me loads of confidence and felt briliant! Was good because broke down so many barriers... sat next to door all the way up was scared til then, poked my head out and was looking for the spot with the JM which was cool. Overcame the low altitude fear too and also the fact that I was completely on my own. And the landing was also superb. Well.... I stood up nicely anyway Im hoping theres gonna be many more like that too!
  16. So simple and i think thats what makes it addictive... Do not, repeat DO NOT click this link if you do not want to waste a good hour on this silly game! But at the same time... i landed 0.18 CM from the target
  17. Ill second that. I jumped today. Damn... how cold at altitude?!?! ill tell ya... MINUS 18 degrees C according to pilot
  18. I think I should PM you the answer to that one
  19. People find it scary when I take my kit belt home and have my baton and pepper sray in it. Believe it or not, in the UK pepperspray is classed as, what british law calls, a Section 5 firearm and if found to have it at home, I could be arrested myself. - Like to add, I did have lawful excuse at the times I had it at home, OK sarge Its just a different culture thing. The times my nephews have been around ive locked it all firmly away. But then they are not aware of what it is and the dangers. Whilst it might be a culture shock to me, if its normal to you and your family, then there shouldnt be a problem. I know I have big knives in the kitchen, but I dont go showing all my mates. Its just a tool. I guess, in a slightly different way, this relates to you too. Yeah, its daddy's gun, so what.
  20. I'll ask, the cops in the Uk are very uptight. I may have to head butt one and rip one off his shirt. Will that be ok for ya? lol AHHH BEEEEEER it will be weird going to buy beer and not looking at a few selections in the imported section. Hey we aint that bad. It depends if you get the right type of copper. For your information, police over here dont really have patches as such. We now have a national police uniform and the only things you could be looking at obtaining would be out dated from the old uniforms. They can be obtained quite easily on ebay, some of the stuff on there relating to police equipment is scary. Also try but alot of the items will only be shipped to a UK police station. The only people that wear badges (certainly in Kent police) is SGTs and other ranking officers, specially trained officers (i.e de-fib/EMS) and thats it. The only other things you could get is maybe badge numbers and the word police in reflective material. We are very boring
  21. We have a very different attitude to weapons over here in the UK. Its quite a scary thing to be in the presence of a firearm. Its fair to say most of the public are a little intimidated (but also reasured) when they go to the airport and see police officers patrolling with rifles on a sling around there body. Although I dont have a great knowledge of them, I was in army cadets and got to do a fair bit of live firing and I have a great respect for them. Ill give you an example of the impact even the image has. I was in a foot chase one night, chasing a guy through an estate where he had just assaulted someone. I couldnt catch him and we had been running for a fair time, I managed to shout up on the radio and another patrol attended. Little did I know it was firearms officers. They jumped out of there marked car in there black coveralls and baseball caps (unarmed) just screamed at him 'GET ON THE FLOOR, ARMED POLICE!' and he dropped so fast! Haha, he didnt even slow down before throwing himself on the deck. Its strange to think that you guys take it for granted that all officers and a great deal of the public are armed. Recreational use is a good thing, I enjoyed shooting. But weapons in the house I find a very scary thought. I think alot of people keep theirs locked at the gun club over here, unless they happen to have a secure gun cabinet.
  22. i don't think you're being argumentative at all, no worries man. I could see his hands the entire time, the weather was warm and he didn't appear to have any sort of weapon. This was confirmed when the cops came. They searched him and he was not armed. Of course, I couldn't be sure of that at the time, but it was a chance I was willing to take. As soon as I jumped out at him, which appeared to startle him, I demanded his arms up, and he complied. I also told him to kneel, which he also did. Although I was not pointing my gun directly at him, it was at low-ready position, . It was clear to him that charging (before he was kneeling) would have resulted in being shot. Him trying to overpower me was not an option he had. He was getting closer to my children's rooms and I wasn't about to let him try to ingress the house there. Likewise, I was not about to enter my children's bedroom and wait for him to try to enter there. If he would try and a struggle insued or I was to shoot him, I would have unnecessarily involved the kids in the trauma. As it happened, I had the element of surprise, I didn't think he was armed, and he readily complied with my commands, seeing that any resistance was futile. These types of scenarios play out in America ALL THE TIME. In almost ALL cases, just the presence of a gun that can be used in self-defense is enough to prevent/deter/thwart a serious violent crime. Many people have tried to research the frequency of these events, I'd say the most accurate would be John Lott... I don't recall the numbers he has come up w/ but I thik it's like 1.5-2 million times per year that these scenarios occur. That is truly an amazing story. But (and yes I am playing devils advocate a little bit now) whats to say he wont just be thinking to himself 'right, next time I go to burgle, I need to be better equipped'
  23. Lets not ruin a reasonable thread eh. If its not you cup of tea, just ignore it. You probably do things other people dont approve of. (like skydiving for example) ON TOPIC: It would be pretty cool to let rip with some ridicuolously oversized, overpowered weaponary. I liked that one that sounded like a mingun and cut a nice Z into the scenery Zoro style