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Everything posted by Floats18

  1. I bet you heard me say some of the same things at 14 jumps, Stratostar. Well maybe 44, 4th of July weekend. Dealing with fatalities + disabilitating injuries is the hardest part of this sport and like all mourning, everyone handles it differently. Someone, probably Stratostar, once told me that if I bounce at a DZ like Zhills or Eloy, I better not aim for the landing area because if they have to stop jumping I won't be remembered as a nice guy. All I can say to MilliniaS is that you really should take care of what YOU need to take care of, including the skydivers which you think of as your family. Changing what other people think and do really isn't in anyone's job description. Death is a fucked up subject. It sucks. The end. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  2. 14,000 feet; Exit Exit Exit! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  3. I've only had one cutaway, but it occured during a canopy entanglement and subsequent spinning, bumping and yelling.... The cutaway procedure was the easiest part of the experience, it was as if my hands and the handles were magnatized and they operated without thought or effort. I have no doubt that the ease of the cutaway was a direct result of my on-ground drilling. I also have no doubt that the cause of the cutaway was a direct result of a pair of idiots --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  4. It sounds to me that you need some diving coaching instead of faster belly flying... There are lots of ways to dive down to a formation which can be executed without any freefly training and without freefly friendly gear. You should ask an experienced jumper to show you how they dive down to a formation. Ask lots of experienced jumpers, shop around and pick the method that works the best and is the most fun for you! (I like to dive upside down ) --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  5. I thought you needed the required NOTAM and the consent of the pilot doing the dropping for it to be legal... Someone look at the FAR! As for basejumping, its illegal all the time for most exit points... so buy a para chute and climb a tower! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  6. I've been using a bungee/2x ruberband system for about 300 jumps now. One of those jumps included a canopy wrap and double cutaway. Be it my fault or jumper #2's fault I really don't care anymore... the rubber band broke, never to be seen again, and the bungee still works today. I HEARD the rubber band break when I cut away as the slider was stowed behind my head. The reserve pilot chute may have been held up by the bungee located on my first reserve flap (I fly a mirage g4), however as everything happened according to plan we will never know. If I ever jump my rig agian, I will stow my slider behind my head using two rubber bands and a bungee. That's all I've got to say. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  7. You could build 'badmitten' (spelling?) birdies of different size/ weight combinations and measure the amount of time it takes for them to hit the ground from a given height. Increased drag/weight combinations could be interesting (I'm sure you could manage to build a heavy one that falls slower than a lighter one). Having students build rigs to safely drop an egg from a given height w/o breaking it is always a good time but messy! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  8. Haha skydivingchad and I were demoing the same canopy... No one else at our DZ jumps a nitro so we just thought it was part of the ride The jumper that owns the wing thinks that its the bee's knees though! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  9. The Nitro is a pretty sweet ride (I have 1 or 2 jumps on a 150). They will spin you up on opening if you're asymetrical in the harness (ask Ryan Turner about that one ) They will also spin you into the ground if you freak out in the pattern... Its important in this sport to make sure that you select gear thats right for you and then get it at the right price, instead of the other way around... titanium is more expensive than a SabreII! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdhzFn7oGHY My balloon jump... wicked fun! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  11. I know a bigger jumper (BIGFALL) that jumps this gear, except his was grey instead of OD Green. Its a preety solid setup except there is lots of velcro and snaps all over the place. The deployment, cutaway and reserve ripcords are located very high up on the harness to allow for large payloads in the front... which makes the cutaway position awkward like you're doing the chicken dance. My buddy Jerry got the thing set up BOC and its a pretty sweet deal for a dude his size. I wake up at 5:30 am every day and I stayed up till 1 when I saw it was on... well worth it! THAT SHOW MADE ME FEEL LIKE A COMPLETE BADASS! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  12. Bad ass! Thats awesome, way to bring back the Christmas spirit! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  13. Just beware the packing fairy when you stay with Jen... I hear that he strikes without warning or method... but he'll put his junk on your gear. *sob* My rig is a packing fairy attack survivor *sob* --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  14. My first rig was a Pro-Series 170 (by FC) and while it was in the shop for a reline they gave me a Sentry 170 to demo for FREE. The guys at Flight Concepts are great and their service level is A+++ for a skydiving biz (on par with L&B). I have about 20-30 jumps on that Sentry, 100-120 jumps on the Pro-Series and 250+ jumps on my SabreII 150. Even though I really like the guys at FC, I can't reccomend that canopy to you. It will smack the hell out of you (I'll get a video of it opening posted if I feel motovated when I get home tonight... send me a PM). When I had my Pro-Series/Sentry rig I thought it was normal to have bruises on your inner thighs from skydiving. It flew great for me as an A liscensed jumper with 30some jumps loading it at about 1:1, but I don't think it will grow with you as your flying skills improve. It turns like a truck and feels more like a 'parachute' over your head than a wing... I never felt very connected to it at all. Of all the canopies that I have jumped (Skymaster, Manta, Clipper (also FC), Raider (FC), Pro-Series, Sentry, SabreI, SabreII, Spectre, SafireII, Crossfire, Nitro) I like the SabreII the best (not ready to jump the crossfire). The SabreII does everything I want it to and has allowed me to land in some hairy places without a problem. Its an exciting ride, it opens sweet (people might argue this but watch my florida video for my rebuttal (http://www.youtube.com/floats18)) and it behaves very well under pressure. The Sentry is a great deal and it will get you to the ground safely but I reccomend that you spend the extra money! You'll get what you pay for! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  15. I learned this lesson the hard way because nobody told me otherwise and I am an Idiot. Belt flew off just deployment time, but the buckle kept it stuck to my dumb ass. After a few hundred feet of tracking and getting slapped in the ass by the thing I decided that if it was indeed my leg strap, delaying the deployment would kill me faster than riding 1/2 a harness down. Worked out ok though . Gave my heart a start though. I never wore a belt again, and when I jump with a T shirt I pull the shirt tails down through my leg straps and out to the side so that they're stuck. As long as my leg straps are tight, that thing isn't going anywhere. No belt required! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  16. That is the very moment when I realized that I had just swooped myself into the judges' platform in Eloy. That is my dumbest moment in skydiving and possibly life captured. It's sobering to think, that picture could have been the last moment of my life had I hit that platform right. I wish we had a picture of my foot drag next to that platform, I missed it by an inch. I am very glad that I had 200 jumps on that canopy before I decided to put myself there . Had I downsized just before I probably wouldn't have made it out. Hurray for learning my own limitations! (Attached is a pic of when I was happy before boarding on that jump for contrast) --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  17. Jenn (peregrinerose) knows what kind of faces I make when I don't EXAMINE THE LANDING ZONE before I try something oh so stupid. Turns out, landing is pretty important sometimes. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  18. Rosemary and I like it --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  19. You're a wierdo --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  20. Ah HA, now we're adding variables. If someone is unconfortable tracking then I think a 1 on 1 tracking jump would be the most valuable thing to do. Pulling center won't make the need for tracking go away. As far as saying that pulling center is unanceptable for someone who wants to play with their friends before learning new canopy skills... I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you guys. Bump yourself from the jump, load or bump me in the face with your altimeter... what ever makes you feel better! I DO AGREE that the best way to learn your canopy is to do several high hop+pops, however. I am a big fan of that hot action. Ask Jen, she knows I love my canopy in a completely wrong sort of way. (btw, peregrinedumbass flows a lot better than Floats18asshole) Edit 'cuz I realized my 1st response made me sound like a pompous skygod asshole... my bad! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  21. Yo Pereginedumbass From her original post, it seems that pulling in place was part of the plan. I've pulled in place before (before I met you) when it was part of the plan. I wanted more time to get used to my canopy. Working on tracking is important, and you know that I love to track, but if you plan to have one member of a 4 way dump in place I don't think its that big of a deal (especailly if she was worried about how long her canopy takes to open or if she wanted extra time to get used to it/play). AND as long as you clear it with groups exiting after you. Woohoo SAFETY! Plan the dive, dive the plan. I made that saying up by the way, probably because I rule. People say it all the time, no big deal. HA and before you flame me/delete this post... Jen is one of my best good friends and I'm allowed to antagonize her! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  22. Strato trained me on a SOS system and I lived, but I think I got the SOS because I'm too dumb to grab two things with both my hands at the same time. THAT'S probably why I don't have a girlfriend! Damn my inferior skills, damn them to hell. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  23. The dude is a SURVIVOR HERO for linetwists and having his ass drug through some cow crap? Our nation's lifestyle makes me sick sometimes. I went whitewater rafting 2 weeks ago and I knocked my elbow against a rock and drank some riverwater. Maybe I can get some money for myself. Where's this Grimm guy at? --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  24. Yo! If you burned 1k feet during your 360 then it would make sense to me. I'm jumping a sabreII 150 loaded at about 1.17 and it regularly takes 700 feet to open. If you're nervous about it you could always do a solo, take it to terminal, and pull at a nice round number (5k, 4k, 3k) and stare at your altimeter through the whole process. Do a nice solo high H+P and play with your new canopy! If you're not comfortable with it, have someone who's more experineced with a sabreII jump yours and they may be able to tell you if there's something wrong w/ the trim. How many jumps are on the canopy? --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  25. Dude I love your attitude! Way to go, I think you rocked it out! If everyone quit making excuses and learned from their and other's mistakes the sky would be much safer. THANK YOU!