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Everything posted by Floats18

  1. 250 Jumps on my SabreII I love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4arURp4oCtA Good opening montage about 80% of the way through --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  2. Whats up w/ all this speculation... I say put you put your buns where your money is... and by that I mean you need to find a volunteer to prove your point for you You know where to find me --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  3. You know that gets me thinking... do you have any idea how WILD a co-ed prison would be? I bet they'd bunk me up w/ an amazon woman just to see what breaks first... I am pretty cuddly tho --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  4. Sure, there are 3 single slots left in the bunkhouse but how many 'big spoon' slots? screw the little spoon crap... I'd rather sleep on the floor. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  5. Hahaha! True! And hell if I want anyone holding my hand during my 1st skydive! Dope Rope all the way! I still have those PM's from Nov, 2004... who knew what would result? God only knows where that bachelor party video went. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  6. Drew I think you've got the message of this thread backwards... Writing to 'f#$k the skypricks' doesn't exactly fit into the 'What it's all about' subject either. I don't care who's '2nd string' and I don't care if you've set 14 world records... I just want to have fun in the sky. I've come to realize a lot about this whole thing and more about life since stratostar dragged me into the sport about 3 years ago. Mostly I've learned that I need to surround myself by good people and then good times will follow. An important part of that is meeting new people and helping them find themselves in the sport. I know that I wouldn't be jumping right now if my 1st skdiving family in Indiana hadn't made the effort for me. Something that no one has touched on in this thread is newbie life on the ground as well. It not just about flying... its about flying and beers and dinner and bonfires and boogies, inside jokes, pies, tents, pelts, airplane kerokie, unexplained patches of missing hair, beers, trips, girls and beers. Skydiving is so much more for new people than just jumps! If you're frustrated because you don't make enough fun jumps in a weekend then you have the power to change your situation. Stress, frustration and anger do not belong in a recreational activity: Just do whatever makes you happy. In the grand scheme of life... if jump# xxxx gets messed up it doesn't really matter. The jump is free, the elevator is expensive. Free beer is in the fridge... its worth every penny. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  7. I wouldn't get your pantys in a bunch just yet... I hear that Dusty won't be competing this year... he wants to retire in stiiiile. I guess all thats left is for Jaime to actually do something this year instead of standing in the back and taking all the glory. Yea thats right... them be fightin' words --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  8. neither will their trusty sidekick Kyle! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  9. disappointment --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  10. I nominate Doc Larry... He'll bear hug the hell out of anyone who attempts to try anthing stupid! My lifesaving services fall outside of referee jusisdiction though --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  11. I've already got my suit... Safety is #1 in pudding wrestling! My CPR cert is out of date but I sill won't mind giving mouth to mouth if necessary; just another friendly service that I offer. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  12. I need to get a tan before this thing happens this year! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  13. Horrible sound effects but this looks like a future olympic sport: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jag8XOjaS4o GO AMERICA GO! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUvmPj9zU64 Now if we could only get our local pilots to learn this trick --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  15. They're all dangerous, brother. Don't worry about which jump is statistically safe and which is dangerous... just concentrate on what you need to do to have a safe jump for you and those around you every time. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  16. No rules... clothing optional The end Logistics: We're going to need a lot of snack packs --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  17. AND it was their aniversary last night so you might want to question the context of that ass kicking conversation... LAURALICIOUS-- You KNOW that we're too cool to pass up... you don't want to miss the show! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  18. Well if we're going to start arguing about who the coolest skydiving couple is I'd have to say that its Rosemary and Kyle Those kids know how to go down in style --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  19. Jenn (Peregrinerose) + Chad (Skydivinchad), possibly the coolest skydiving couple on the planet, cannot be reached tonight. Following a romantic dinner they appear to be missing. I've tried everything, but the police told me to f$%k off. So congrats on #4 to those crazy kids... --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  20. All I know is that I'm going to put the grass skirt to shame this year... That fuzzy dog thinks he's a pimp but I'm moving in on all the beotches --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  21. look, penguin, we agreed that it wouldn't get wierd --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  22. it'd only be sad if this was a solo activity... you can't tell me that a skydiver hasn't gotten plastered at one time or another. Hell, I can even spell right now... ask anyone who knows me and thats an accomplishment. Its been a hella crazy week... I reserve the right to stay awake! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  23. BULL! nothing irish can be that bad! St. paddy's may be over but the drinkin' spirit live on! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  24. Is there not a better way to view the world? I love 2 stage shots: Cherry bombs yeager bombs irish car bombs bombs are the BOMB Here's to good times and good friends... Anyone drinking near DC tonight? --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  25. Who owns your canopy? You do! Who has control of your canopy? You do! I've packed professionally for over 2 years now and new canopies are just part of the job. If you need to cheat tho... here's a trick: PRO PACK IT! Roll your tail extra tight (not a lot of material is requried... just very tight small rolls)... coocoon it hard core and tuck the tail material inside the center cell as best you can. WHILE YOU LAY ON THE CANOPY, get the D-bag ready (streached out as best as possible) and make your 2nd (larger) s-fold first (the s-fold closest to the attachment point). Put that fold into the bag and then make your 1st s-fold (closest to the lines) and put it inbetween the folds you just made. This makes the canopy less prone to exploding as you try to make both folds outside of the bag. As you get better at packing you'll find your own system, so don't sweat it. Just practice and you'll find what works best for you, its all about practice. Enjoy your new canopy! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training