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Everything posted by Floats18

  1. http://images.southparkstudios.com/games/create/ Southpark avitars are the TITS --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  2. Everyone knows that Ryan Turner is one hell of a canopy pilot, Jenn... Why would you slander him on a public forum? Why would you do that why? ... --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  3. How many times are people going to put posts up on DZ.com bitching about packers? You're chewing up bandwidth. Some packers care about what they're doing and some want five dollars. I make more at my real job than I ever will packing... your comfort, trust and safety are more important to me than five dollars. Pick your packer like you pick a surgeon... you're not going to let someone you don't trust poke you with a scalpel so don't let someone you don't trust hang your ass from some strings and a rag. Pick someone who knows the gear. Pick someone who might actually care to drink a beer with you later. If you don't like it you can pack for yourself. Its not that bad. I've made 13 jumps in a day packing for myself. Or get Jenn or I to pack for you 'cuz we give a shit. or just shut the hell up. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  4. HELL YEA DUBLIN! I've got all my supplies... are you ready? Shouldn't you be caring for your patients? Good thing you're not my whore... I require more attention --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  5. As part of a community outreach program I have decided to offer free psych analysis and possible corrective medication for DZ.comers. Please see the attachment below to see if you qualify for this program. For more information please read up on this page --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  6. PSYCHED FOR THE BOOGIE See you all THURSDAY --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  7. Don't forget wind conditions, canopy traffic and/or a swoop scoring platform which is heading right for your face --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  8. I told you already... Stratostar is a huge douche, your life is better not having known him. PLUS, I hear that his gaze alone turns people into fools who jump rounds from the 1950's Gotta hand it to the guy though, he does take some pretty good pictures every once in a while HEY DOUCHEBAG! Now that the yellow bird is going to be back up in the air, is that old movie project still on?? Did you keep that lettering I had made for you? --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  9. Yea, I've gotta get my act together and buy the manuals... I think that's going to be one of my goals this year. By this time next year I'm going to be a vidiot, an AFF instructor and a rigger. I can do it... I have the technology. Dude new stuff on my youtube: www.youtube.com/Floats18 --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  10. To UN-HIJACK this thread a little bit I need to continue Jenn's response here... We fly a king air and even with 3 packers we can get backed up a little on a busy day... We usually ask: "What NEEDS to go up on this load here" and those rigs get packed 1st. Thats the advantage of a DZ where the staff works well together. Following the order Jenn already said we'll take the sport rigs that have been sitting out the longest... unless that jumper has more than 1 rig. Or if its Rocky... then Jenn's a whore. edit 'cuz i aint be spelin good at skoll --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  11. You guys are going to make me all teary-eyed... All this brotherly love is going to make me soft YEAH I like to hang out when I'm at the DZ... its not a Job to me... its a vacation! You guys are free to join the party whenever you want, I might even go grab my grass skirt --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  12. I chopped because Ryan Turner tried to kill me... He's still at it, but I've gotten better at eluding him. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  13. HERE HERE!! Way to add some purpose and dignity to my Saturday! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  14. Yea yea, I know I can't spell... way to pick on the retarded kid... you must feel really cool now. Stratostar is a douchebag... you wouldn't even like him. I heard that he doesn't even drink beer. Yea and I really don't mind not having to set the brakes... however w/ some people on the dz (and you know who I'm talking about) you always have to take special care to make sure that everything is routed correctly. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  15. *TO ADD MY OWN THUNDER* When I pack I don't like it when people cock their own pilot chutes because I like to make sure its been done right... I also drag test the thing 2wice during the packjob (once after cocking, once before the bag goes in the container) to be sure. But keep bitching about packers because I think its funny. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  16. I Think its HILARIOUS that peregrinrose and stratostar are arguing packing politics.... They're 2 of the most stubborn people I know... Stratostar: you're a crazy bastard! Jenn: you're a wore! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  17. HAHA! Score 1 more for all the kyle's of the world! Glad everything turned out OK --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  18. I wanted it to be 'family friendly'... You could think of it like seseme street w/ dark adult humor built into the show for the nastay housewives. mmm.... nastay housewives --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  19. Be careful though its dangerous; we had to sign a waiver The guy who was lifeguarding at the top wouldn't let us do a speed star... he said that it'd be too dangerous... which makes sense... I don't need to break a leg right before I fly to AZ! The kids at the DZ would never let me live that down --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2do7fwT9Mew Just some fun in the snow this weekend! SEE YOU IN ELOY ON THURSDAY!!! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  21. Sweet! I'm only 1/2 retarded! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  22. My bad, bro Looks like no high performance turns for you below 1000 feet Well now I feel like a douchebag --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  23. Check out www.skydivingmovies.com for ideas -OR- Check out my stuff: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1896501966 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1675080755 A student Cypres differs from the 'speed' and 'expert' Cypres only in activation speed, not activation altitude. Just do what you've been taught to do and open containers by 3 for A! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  24. I just called Lake Wales and they are 100% A-OK Thas all I kno --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  25. I live so so far from the tunnels though.... I need my fix.... soooo coooollld.... ohh so cooooold --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training