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Everything posted by Floats18

  1. The new nitro does have a pair of dorsil fins on it... Coincidence? I doubt it... but the next time he attacks it might be with 4 linetwists I hear your rigger is a whore --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  2. I've gotta wait for the guy who shot it to snail mail me the footage... BUT in the mean time... check out my outdoor fun: http://www.myspace.com/kylejumps -or- http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=Floats18 These will be updated on MONDAY! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  3. surrrrre... feel free to judge, Jenn... Just wait until you feel the wrath as that boring engineer hunts you down under canopy and TIES YOUR MAIN IN A KNOT BEFORE YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO PROTEST!!! OH THE HORROR!! I CAN'T SLEEP ANYMORE (besides... its in a song) --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  4. I do enjoy how they make a 270 seem like a SUPERFANTASTIC DEATHDEFYING ONE TIME ONLY LAZER LIGHTSHOW SPECTACULAR I watched last night, it seemed to me that he was being very cautious... that was definately not as low or as fast as he could swoop... but if I was in the same position I'd probably make the same choice there. The bungee basejump looked freaking sweet tho! His release was incredibly stable... perfect execution. I can't believe they played and replayed the jumper's biffed landings though... thats not what the show should be about. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  5. I had one when Ryan Turner tried to kill me... but thats a story for another day. Who is Ryan Turner? --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  6. HOLY CRAP THAT WAS F$%*ING AWESOME! I bought 10 minutes... 2.5 I spent proving myself on my belly, 2.5 I spent flaling on my back 2.5 I spent flying on my back 2.5 I spent walking on the net and learning back-sit transitions! (video soon to follow) TUNNEL TIME IS CRACK COCAINE... I NEED MORE! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  7. Cool advice, brother. They did tell me that I would need to fly on my back... and pretty much the only thing I've done in that position is track and escape from funneled f*%&ups. That could be really cool. I think I need to stop PMSing about it and just enjoy my time there. w00t for pointless posts! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  8. Yo tunnel rats- I'm in Phoenix on biz for the week and I figured I'd drop in on the tunnel while I'm in town w/o my gear. I've been on my belly 90% of my jumps (I can sit and I have a full range of motion EXCEPT forward... i suck at that). I really want to learn how to freefly this year but there are NO freeflyers at my DZ. I called up and they told me it would take up to 15 minutes before they would qualify me for freefly coaching in the tunnel... since I'm only going to be here for a few more days, do you think it would be more worthwhile to me just to get RW coaching instead of trying to qualify for freefly coaching? Thoughts? --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  9. I have a cutaway with a stowed slider in a rubber band/ bungee slider keeper and did not have any problems... the rubber bands just broke off... no damage to the rig or the slider. Brian Germain put up a diagram of his slocks up here some where... I'm sure a search will turn it up. 10 minutes for any rigger. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  10. stratostar you showoff --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  11. or batman --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  12. I reviewed the tape from FL tonight and the swoop shot is immediately after a shot of a group exiting the chopper that I took from the ground... Sounds like a positive match, dr. (Not many people were jumping with an RDS anywho) If you want a higher res clip I can send it to you... that was a dirty USB download... I have firewire capability. PM me man. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  13. Woah, harsh words brother... Dude tho I don't think that you are going to get many people to wilfulingly tell you that they personally endangered anyone in skydiving... let alone a student. I don't think you have enough time in the sport to realize what you are asking... in spite of the harsh words above... your question is equally painful. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  14. Damn... I've been admiring his work... --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  15. Nah, I mean after your chop... Finding a single riser w/ only shreds of lines has to be difficult after the fact... especially from 10k Did you suck your reserve pull down? My only cutaway was at about 6k but I had that sucker pulled as soon as I got stable... You know what tho? I had a bag hesitation on my Mirage G4 after a subterminal delay... I did the exact same thing and ripped my canopy out of the bag by yanking on my risers. After the fact I think I probably should have chopped it as the lines were just flopping around all over the place (which is why the tension not theory makes sense to me). At least you've got another story to tell and probably some to buy! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  16. Did you inspect your lineset after it came back from the reline? The set could possibly have been damaged during transit/at the factory... I lost a brake line at 1200 feet because my lines were not tacked after my factory reline (not PD... my old old canopy)... made me look closer at all 'new to me' gear, even if it was from the factory. Glad everything worked out for you bro but in a morbid intrest sort of way I wish you had video... that would have looked pretty wild I expect How did you find your risers?? --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  17. Exactly... I'm really glad that I'm not the only one getting the error... I figured I might have a rad error message tatooed on the back of my eyelids. Now there's an idea to keep you busy --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  18. Anyone know how to find these guys online? All the links are broken Makes me feel oh so lonely --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  19. Could be... Sure isn't my buddy Matt... we were just chillin on our tarp by the swoop pond and I wanted a random badass swooping clip in the video. If it was your friend Matt then power to him! That was a sweet swoop! Video was shot on either the 30th or 31st of December at Z-hills... looking at the clouds it was probably the 31st but I could be totally full of crap. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  20. I've been flying this canopy for about 200 jumps now and was 1st in denial of SabreII's tendency to open off heading, but I've found that I can counter it w/ my risers and my harness. I'd let her fly through opening but I really don't like canopy wraps... especially with Ryan Turner, who sucks at CRW. --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  21. You're right... I always attempt to steer my openings with my rears and my harness when she decides to run away from me... If you watch the last opening is the only truely on-heading opening and as such I just get to ride... WOO HOO I'd say that my SabreII opens 25% on heading (
  22. check near the end of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4arURp4oCtA and you'll see that my sabreII 150 will do... The very last opening is my BEST OPENING EVER, so I'm glad I got it on film. I think there's 4-5 shots of my canopy deploying on this video. You might want to watch the whole thing, its pretty cool --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  23. Go to sleep, brother You've got a lot of work to do tomorrow! As the great instructors of old say: "DON'T F%*K UP!" --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  24. Dude just jump it! I know a guy who actually TRIED to pack himself a mal [not that I agree with this at all] and he could not manage it. Just do everything they've taught you to do and throw that pilot 'chute. I've jumped my own pack jobs since jump #3 (save 3) and I wouldn't have it any other way. YOU'LL FEEL LIKE THE MASTER OF YOUR DESTINY! --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training
  25. geez stratostar... it's been this long and you haven't learned how to track yet? Catch me on a slow weekend and I might find time to coach you for slots --- and give them wings so they may fly free forever DiverDriver in Training