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Everything posted by jimmytavino

  1. as a side note to this thread...I have a question... Is it permissible ? is it logical ? is it acceptable ?? to scatter ashes of a friend or loved one...... In MORE than One place??? i.e. some in one location and some in other locations....IF the departed has expressed those wishes, prior to passing.?? I could see many situations where a person may want to "spend eternity" in and around a few places of importance to them....not just One. Do certain religions, Catholic for example, have any position on this concept??? Fact IS.... Catholics may frown on cremation altogether..... Though things have been changing in the past few decades... Personally I could see SOME of my ashes scattered during a skydive, but since skydiving is NOT my ENTIRE focus, in this world, how about some, Also scattered at other significant places of my choosing.....FAA approval or NOT Just wondering.... jmy
  2. Exactly... whenever a BANK says, "you Can afford such & such of a mortgage amount " It's always better to borrow only 50 or 60 % of That amount,,, and either "Buy less" or make up the difference by scrimping and / or pulling funds, from other places.. As for the " interest deduction is GOOD " theory... That is usually pushed by Real Estate Agents, trying to make a sale ,,, or by bankers trying to lock you in on " MORE Money Borrowed " In years past when interest rates were 14... 15 % maybe it made sense... but today, Unless you have a TON of legitimate "deductible expenses " most people are better off just taking the "standard deduction", anyway...( which i believe is 14 grand ) A quick way to pay OFF a Mortgage..??? Don't borrow so Much.... Congrats J Marko !! much good luck in your new Home. jmy
  3. ....and this time of the year..Before the trees have "leafed out "... we lose the chance to actually SEE the effect of the wind , the way we can in mid summer. Leafless trees don't Move as much, and that can be deceptive...
  4. maybe he should just say "the hell with it " and Move to Texas. wouldn't he and his cows be welcomed, in that state ???
  5. Land of the Free Home of the Brave it appears that we may find OUT who is the bravest I cannot accept ANY Government agency or representative, arming themselves against the citizenry , in order to "enforce" anything..... there HAS to be a better way Instead of tossing a lighted match,, into a powder keg, isn't it more SENSIBLE to wave a white flag and monitor the situation from a NON threatening distance, as selected attaches meet, to DISCUSS the circumstances I'm not sure I understand the reasoning Against using pasture lands for grazing....seems like a good use of grasses that are gonna just Die,,,,anyway, at the end of the season.
  6. I specifically worded my comment , using the word "people" and NOT Husband & wife... so HOW can YOU interpret That, any OTHER way,,, AS You DID...And as for Both of them "being employed" THAT is only soas to lay the financial foundation needed, so that ONE of those two can THEN take a leave of absence To Raise the child / children OR so that they can consider alternating work and parenting in a timely way.. maybe your reply is sarcastic, or tongue -in-cheek I can't tell. you say, "rare situations where your child is not doing as you would like them to do " RARE??? hahahaha Would I be correct in guessing that YOU, GoHuskers,,, do NOT have Kids???? As for "advocate chemical intervention " Given the TRUE history of Mis-Diagnosis, which is rampant in all categories of our medical community,,, I vehemently DISAGREE with THAT,,,, except ONLY as a Last resort... and only AFTER a number of other possibilities, conversational intervention, establishment of SOME sort of Activities, hobbies, Interests etc...have been tried. peace jmy
  7. When WE were kids, "hyperactivity " was just part of the package... We all had more energy than we needed, OR knew what to do with ,, and lots of kids were "problematic ".. The difference in the 50s and the 60s ???? we were never "taken to the therapist " or " medically evaluated " soas to have a Lifelong Label of some sorta "disability " tacked on to us..( in some cases today, THAT seems to be a GOAL of some parents for reasons which i can't conceive ) and then GIVEN "hard drugs" in some twisted attempt to FIX the child.. We were " eased out of misbehavior " by our parents . We GOt a swat on the ass, when we needed it. Hell, My Dear Father had his Own "behavior modification program " In Place , over 50 years ago... Amazing what a "swift kick in the ass " could DO to Snap a Kid Out of it!!! ( always with the side of his foot and never with excessive malice) Drug ??? Yup.. we were DRUG to the yard and told to clean it Up. we were DRUG away from the playground IF we misbehaved. We were DRUG to our room, when it was warranted... NOW, in the last 20 or 30 years,, ( when spanking a child has become UNacceptable ) the result is that instead, we start molly-coddleing kids... tell them that They are "damaged" and start pumping medications of questionable effacy into them,, Creating not only the potential for life long dependence but also seemingly a built-in alibi for every little failing, wrong doing or inability to assimilate into society.... I do NOt advocate hitting kids and while it worked Ok when WE were young i. e. the 50's and 60 s , i seldom resorted to anything more than an open palm to the clothed buttocks of my own kids, and only between the ages of about 3 to 6 ...and always with a follow-up sit-down session to talk things through... This young man, troubled as he May BE,, could well be the product of over zealous health care practicioners and frustrated parents.... An arm around the shoulder, a willing adult to really Listen to what was bugging him,,, a SMALL amount of peer acceptance!!!! instead of peer aversion, might have been all that was needed.. I have not read anything about WHAT type of knives he used... any idea?? are we taking about switchblades ? or hunting knives? or something he grabbed out of the kitchen drawer..?? This incident DOES go to show that we have a much deeper societal problem than one that can be FIXED,,, by ANY sort of legislation...How about instead of screwing with The Bill of Rights maybe we start implementing "Proper Parenting " Classes,,,, around about in JUNIOR High !!!and have those classes emphasize the need for TWO stable, Employed, responsible people, In a committed relationship and with a safe and secure HOME in which to raise such children. imho jmy
  8. How in the world is IT that this person managed to attack so many people, without having a MOB of others, physically overwhelm him and then taking him down??? Could Not a group of 5 or more, have overpowered the attacker??? and disarmed him??? I KNOW there would have been the risk of injury and MAYBE some of those who WERE hurt , had That occur while they were "aggressing " the attacker.. Frankly I have not read enough of the reports to know exactly just what happened... I would think that in full view of dozens of people, the violence would have been negated by bystanders...way before the toll reached near 20.
  9. damn sounds great to bad I am to old to be a cabana boy Rick.....Dear...... would you REALLLLLLY want to put up with Amazon as the captain of a yacht????? Glad I checked back.. wow Amazon... Your Sailing Voyage and Ancestral Quest sounds like a Great Idea I may have to change my mind about Scandinavia, after all... or EVEN Better !!! AFTER a month there
  10. I composed and Wrote down onto paper,,,this Poem almost 40 years ago....By reading it often, I was able to memorize it and I enjoy reciting it for fellow skydivers, They get IT!!!
  11. I'm glad I checked back here because Amazons Post was perfect...I sure don't question the energy and enthusiasm of the Mom and Dad... could be they've been planning this voyage for years... Only wanted to point out that the kids were toooo young yet..imo Patience.. The travels and memories and family bonds that Have been described here, by those who have enjoyed sea-going ways can be the better of many a good aviation tale.!!! I can see, how Such times, are wonderful...and not to be missed. Amazons pictures speaks volumes.. No doubt this Crew will re-compose, de-brief , re-plan and eventually accomplish the journey, sometime in the future... good luck to them
  12. exactly !!! i saw this report on the news this morning... Nothing wrong with adventurous parents....But NOT when the children are soooo little that they are vulnerable to everything from OVER Exposure to the sun, to queasy bellies from the rocking and rolling of waves .... A Big part of parenting is knowing how to be Patient ( say, until the kids are At LEAST teens,,,, and can have a SAY in the decision ) And practicing how to sacrifice one's OWN desires, until the correct & proper Time.... sheesh.... How could ANY friends and or family members of this couple, condone the START of such a voyage??????? p.s. what do they "doo " with the dirty diapers??????????? jus' sayin'...... jmy
  13. Better make SURE That THEY have passports too !!!! jmy
  14. we used to "sit Up" all the time,,, especially when using TWO MA 1 pilot chutes, to launch a paraplane Cloud....off our backs... same principle can apply when you're down and dirty and need some Canopy, NOW!!!! As for a reserve ripcord, AND mounting it on the MLW...."if it ain't broke,,,, don't fix it. " p.s. the only FIX needed, came decades AGO, when we ditched blasthandles, in favor of D handles....
  15. claim of 'disability ' equals preferred status Preferred status equals increased likelihood of issuance of Govt. Contracts Issuance of Govt contracts equals OTHERS will NOT be considered AND it equals increased $$$$$ for His private company Increased $$$ for His private company equals increased likelihood and resources to HIRE tax attorneys who can relieve him and his Corp. of Paying appropriate annual taxes relief from paying appropriate Taxes equals Lots More money Into His Own Pocket AND less revenue to be directed TOWARDS True benefits for DESERVING Service People and Veterans.... Alll of which leads to disharmony, unequal distribution of available Job contracts... Distrust of "Govt. Pograms " and exposure of the so -called "Medical Experts " as complicit participants in FRAUD.... How was this status even ALLOWED in the first place?????? Connections, I guess... the guy SHOULD be ashamed of Himself and should NOT be hiding behind,,, " I don't recollect " and "I'm not sure I UNDERstand " shameful imho
  16. I'm pretty happy where I AM... and after struggling through a miserable winter...would be Ok with staying right Here.... However if given a chance to "go anywhere " and it IS summer... I might think about Scandinavia... Long hours of daylight. No scorching temps, BEAUTIFUL topography and majestic sceneries.. Someplace different
  17. well Your life certainly seems to be about numbers and so I can understand your point... But in our sport "Numbers" tend to take care of themselves... Try not to get distracted by them, and simply jump at whatever is a comfortable pace, for You. IF you go real fast... many many jumps each day, many days in succession then HOW well can you savor each jump, re-visualize it a few times. ?? In recent years I'd maybe make 2, or 3 jumps on any given weekend and for the next week, I'd Re-Enjoy them in my mind.. Stay around long enough and the numbers just happen. It's been a long time since I've jumped 20 or 24 days in any given month. But everyones pace is different. It seems that if you're making 6, to 8 jumps a day that they'd all blend together. make so many loads, and when is there time for dirt dives and more importantly de-briefs ? Still, your choice. As for a second rig, NWFlyers post above, is excellent.. Be sure to log those jumps and not forget them.. and when you " jump excessively when I have the chance to jump " do so with good care and attention. skydive safely
  18. yes YOU are correct.. in my haste to TRY to read EVERY post in a thread..... I DID misunderstand...my bad Thanks sooo much for YOUR critique... not tryin' to "start an argument" it's good that WE are alllll in agreement. That H&Ps are Good, Fun, satisfying and a learning opportunity jmy
  19. Spring Cleaning shock the missus AND build up some solid credits which you can cash-in later this summer jmy
  20. "and then never do one again" hahaha BIG DisAgree do them often if you LIKE go to 3,600 feet or so, and get Out... Likely that you'll have the sky to yourself, especially if you're at a Cessna DZ You'll leave more Room in the plane for any others who are going to altitude. you'll reduce your "per Jump " price by "averaging down " and you'll be able to enjoy a SOLO.... Great thing about the sport, You can join others in the air, OR you can go Alone.... either way, a H & P is always OK in my book... Plus if you hustle you can find a clear spot on the packing floor and be stowing you Pilot Chute when the others from that same load are just landing... OH Yes....... ps to TBrown.....it seems to me that I may REMEMBER, some of those Hop and Pops of yours ......Might have been right behind Ya'... exiting a little further DOWN, the jumprun !!! jmy A 3914 D 12122
  21. there ya' GO... as for the "rigger who doesn't drink " First of all Hang ONTO Him !!! and second , see if he likes smoked brisket... skymama .. good explanation of the event and pchapman, thanks for the follow up. jmy
  22. ah,, thanks normiss... does the skyhook have a "fail safe" for just this situation?? ( sorry that I am NOT certain of it's routing ) wherein it won't activate the reserve , till BOTH risers leave??? still,, having to manually Peel that riser OFF, is a bit extreme... No??? safety first and what the hell, safety second, too.
  23. is your rig RSL equipped ? and if so ,,, it must have been connected to the riser which DIDN'T release, at the instant of CUTAWAY.. good thing for that... did you physically peel the riser off the large ring ? was the main fully Gone, before the reserve container opened???? had you already made a jump or two? an off field landing can be challenging under a main... to accomplish it under your reserve is a confidence builder. Glad that you're OK
  24. you sound like a very sensible person B_Charles and it certainly seems like you have a Great outlook on your responsibilities and on your dedication to your family..Way to be a good Father and Husband.. If you have the time , why not Proceed with learning how to skydive.? It can have a positive effect on all aspects of your life... Often, things in our day to day, which seem serious, or overwhelming, can be brought back to a reasonable level, in our minds, After time spent with DZ friends , including a few rides to Altitude.. good luck. work hard, play hard... jmy A 3914 D 12122