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Everything posted by jakee

  1. Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story. The most beautiful woman ever (apart from Jessica Rabbit) As for coolest actor, Cary Grant in any film he ever made, hands down, no contest. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  2. Damn, I was born 25 years too late! The Clash are awesome, what I wouldn't give to have heard a live concert. Ah well, got a Ramones best of, me like!
  3. Why are baseball games so long? So the spectators have enough time to get drunk on american beer. This weather is pissing me off, I don't have a car at the moment so I have to arrange in advance when I can reach the dropzone, and I keep picking PANTS days. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  4. You're all evil and I don't want to play anymore (Guess what the english weather forecast is) Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  5. I'd be quite worried about 1km objects whether we could see them or not. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  6. Yeah i've heard some stuff about them, whenever I'm in the record store I always get distracted by something shiny though. I don't think I've ever heard any of their stuff. Someone told me a bit about The Damned(?) as well, good/bad? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  7. Sweet! Its an argument about whether or not people should care about other people arguing.
  8. I think my music collection needs to get bigger. I've got stuff by the Clash, Sex pistol's, Buzzcocks, the early UK bands, does anyone know any good american punk bands or albums from the late 70's/early 80's?. Also does anyone know much about improv or freeform jazz? I've always loved what i've heard, piano, double bass and trumpet trio's that sort of stuff but I have no idea where to find any recordings or find out what is good or bad. (also I live out in the country so can't get to any jazz bars) Thanks! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  9. jakee

    Nudie jumps

    Hmmm, sounds like you're denying it a little TOO strongly. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  10. 1) my first aff level when my instructor totally let go (level3/4?) he came round to the front after about 20 seconds. On the ground after I asked him if he'd been keeping me stable before he flew round to the front. He said "No, I let go as soon as we were out the door, you just didn't notice." I was smiling like the bloody cheshire cat. 2) My first solo. Just so cool. First time I got to take in the view and it was so beautiful. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  11. jakee


    Holy crap I had no idea things were like that in the States. I live in the UK and I know no one that has been circumcised (myself included), I think its pretty much just a religious thing over here, I thought it was like that everywhere. Shuddering at the thought of people trying to cut bits off me now! yikes. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  12. (heavy breathing) No crapflinger2000, I am your Father. (heavy breathing) Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  13. altitude: 10,000 aircraft: grand caravan maneuver: solo description: tracking
  14. I don't think I would agree with either of those statements. With politics there is not just a left and right but a front, back, up and down. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  15. New jumper wearing a helmet cam? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  16. Natural selection no longer applies to our society. Through science, engineering and medicine we are all more dependant on the works of other people than we are on ourselves. Poor families and rich families can give equally stable home lives, it counts for nothing without some level of education. The private sector will only pay for what it needs. Since they will only sponsor kids that they want to use then will we see 2'nd grade kids signing contracts promising to work for XYZ Ltd for ten years upon completion of X years of schooling. What happens to the people who do not get sponsored schooling at a basic level. A two tier society of the educated and the non educated with the lower level unable to cross the barrier and rise up. Which class of society has the highest level of teen pregnancy, rich or poor? You are assuming that all lower income families are lazy welfare bums. Absolutely not true. It is the nature of capitalism that someone is always on the bottom. Besides, it requires a lot of money to put a family through school. It's not just trailer trash that will miss out. No, I am saying that without freely available gov't funded schools you will end up having to support a whole lot more welfare bums than you do now. Either that or deal with a massive degeneration in living conditions in big city areas. The streets of NY will once again be war zones. Yes I do support SOME welfare programs, medical most of all. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  17. Yeah private education should be a choice if thats what you want. For most people though it isn't a choice. To me it seems like a straight choice, you pay taxes for publicly funded education now or you pay later when you are landed with a much higher slice of the tax burden because half the country is so poorly educated they can't earn enough to pay their taxes. Then you end up paying a much higher proportion of the bill for military and general government spending and also pay a higher welfare bill for all those with no education. I just don't see why the next generation should succeed or fail based on what schooling their folks can afford to give them. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  18. How do you think education should be funded? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  19. Keeping soldiers in Iraq at the moment is the right thing to do. However Bush will still be the one who sent them there in the first place and that is the questionable decision. If Kerry gets in will it suddenly be his fault that troops are in Iraq? Of course not. Bush will still be the man to blame. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  20. Oh yes. Actually before an english distillery excize inspector working in ireland invented the continuous distilling thingamebob which allowed pure grain spirit to be quickly and cheaply distilled, (leading to the rise of blended whiskeys) Ireland used to be the World standard for Pure Malt whiskey. Irish distillers refused to compromise their old methods but the scottish took it on board straight away. The scots ended up selling so much blended whiskey that the market for irish malt dried up. The big scottish distilleries soon ended up selling both blended and malt whiskey in greater quantities than the irish. Another thing the english did for the emerald isle Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  21. I was just pointing out that you were dismissing the opinions of one bunch of evil bastards while calling attention to another bunch of evil bastards. I will certainly agree with you that North Korea is possibly the most dangerous country on the planet at the moment but i don't think that either candidate would have any success in changing the regime, if indeed they thought it was wise to even try. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  22. My dad let me use his squash rackets! OK you win. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  23. Well in that case you shouldn't care who North Korea supports either. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  24. Well, what with all the voter polls that must be flying around right now I was wondering why you chose to display this one. Without any kind of explanation it seems like a waste of time. I'm confused thats all. Help me out here. Do you want to have an ideagasm?