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Everything posted by jakee

  1. Interesting. How many civilised Greeks wanted to be associated with Macedonia even after Phillip II's conquest? During the golden age of Greece the Macedonians were viewed as borderline barbarians, a view that was only changed by force. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  2. It is the same in that you are foot launching a canopy, the equipment and objectives are very different. Put simply, paragliding is about getting high, going far and maybe doing acro moves (depending on taste). Ground launching is about staying low, going fast and skimming the terrain. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  3. I guess I've got two main experiences to share in my short time wingsuiting (three, if you include how smooth my sabre 1 opens) 1) Solo exit over a thin layer of blanket cloud, playing about a bit with rolls, loops etc before diving for a gap in the cloud, coming out at 6k to see the dz so far away! Fuck, I'm not going to make it back! Head down, back straight, knees locked and legs pushed down - its getting a bit closer, closer, passing all the other canopies off to the side, closer.... at 3.5k I'm over the hangars, over the runway, deploying and immediately turning back into wind - hell, yeah! 2) A 4 way flock, got together and flew relative a while, then the leader punched it out a bit. Followed him along towards a huge cumulus cloud he was aiming for - there was this moment (I specifically remember it happening in an instant) where my perspective changed from chasing a nearby wingsuit towards a far away cloud..... to chasing a tiny, tiny dot disapearing into a massive, gleaming, beautiful white cloud that was bigger than any skyscraper I've ever seen, he was just lost in the sheer enormity of it..... and then a few seconds later I was playing around in its tendrils too! Hands down the most awesome visual experience I have ever had, in any walk of life. Amazing.
  4. A person with an unopened parachute and a person wearing an opened parachute weigh the same. Ask them why they don't fall at the same rate. Watch their tiny head explode. Honestly, that doesn't even bother them You just get "Oh, but thats a totally different scenario" Me: "Why is it different" Them: "Because its totally different, he's got an open parachute with drag and shit" Me: "Moron!!!" You can see why I never considered being a teacher Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  5. Yeah, Prometheus was a liberal! Why else would he have wanted to redistribute the wealth from the top down? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  6. 1) I don't see any contradiction. 2)Businesses, or unethical business practice? 3)Yeah, 'cos the republicans have done so much to smack down the NK's 4)Might have a point. 5)Better than ignoring the opinions of most of the scientific world. 6)You don't think homosexuality is natural? 7)You don't think AIDS would have spread slower with earlier federal recognition of it and efforts to stop it/ raise awareness of it? 8)What do you have against teachers? Why do you think they are all incompetent? 9)I didn't know all liberals were from SF. 10)Another point. 11)I thought Mel Gibson made Passion to piss off the Jews? Shame really, he used to be fucking cool. 12)NRA = 1 part of the constitution, ACLU = all the others? 13)How to ATM fees contribute to social services, military expenditure, national infrastrusture etc? 14)I have no idea who those two are. 15)Depends how the tests are written. Racial quotas did serve a purpose at one point in time. Probably not any more 16)I don't know why it is but she scares me. 17)Most of western Europe is doing pretty well right now. 18)I'll answer this one once my head has recovered from the spin. 19)Private gay parades, govt funded mangers - see a difference? And again whats with the hating on the gays? 20)Don't know anything about that. 21)Naah, I just think you're stirring the shit Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  7. aka - colored, mildly carbonated water with chemical foam stabilizers. US industrial brew (Miller, Coors, etc) is for people who don't really like the taste of beer, but who like to pee a lot. Aah the good old SC micro-brew/ mega-brew debates. Good memories, good memories.
  8. Then: Thoughts? I'll let you kow what I think once I've stopped laughing!! Seriously though, a nomination does not mean much of anything, and should certainly not be construed as an acknowledgement from the Nobel committee itself. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  9. So, what's this mean? That the prerequisite for being nominated is having the right person nominate you? Pretty much, yeah. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  10. Now thats a guy who gets the skydiver mentality! I don't get bothered by the people who ask a stupid question in the first place, like going up after opening and everything falling at the same rate. What gets me is the people who, after you very clearly explain how perspective can trick you or how air resistance works to balance the forces at terminal (and how thats not the same as initial accelleration under gravity) just blindly repeat "But I know everything falls at the same speed" and just will not understand reality! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  11. I'd heard about that a while ago, how's it going at the moment? I thought it was more the fixed wing gliding community that was having to worry about it - you guys probably being automatically exempted since you got nowhere to attatch the transponder? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  12. Which you did, in the gen skydiving forum. Oh but wait! Everyone there told you that it would be next to impossible and one of the dumbest things they'd ever heard. So of course you won't let our 'expert' advice impact you in any way at all. After all, we only jump from small, slow prop driven aircraft, what the fuck do we know? You already know that we're wrong. You know we're wrong because you have a conspiracy theory. Even better than that, you already have someone to blame, and there aint nothing that can get between a neo-nazi conspiracy theorist and his scapegoat. So go ahead with your 'scientific' theory. Knock yourself out! Just don't expect anyone to give you the fucking time of day for it. Now piss off. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  13. Well I would, but it's taking me a while to digest your own stimulating, well thought out, multifaceted response. I'll get back to you when I have a comprehensive answer for each of your discussion points. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  14. Nope, its not what you say, its what you quote. Quoting the entire post you're replying to and then quoting again the individual parts you are addressing is not only a complete waste of space, it makes your posts very difficult to break down. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  15. Some people just don't realise there's a 'reply' button as well as a 'quote' button. Jeez, even Kallend's got the hang of it now Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  16. Question for anyone who knows, would the cyst have been responsible for any of her weight gain besides what was contained in it - or was she lazy and eating too much along with having that thing growing inside her? (Either way, goddamn that thing was freaky!!) Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  17. Woohoo, I shall give myself a lollipop to celebrate! (Bwaahaahaa, hairyjuan) Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  18. No, please! You can't leave my questions dangling - I want to know how this discussion was supposed to go! (Unless I nailed it with my last post, in which case, yay me!) Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  19. Perfect timing from hairyjuan as always Rehmwa, I've only really skimmed over your exchange with Phil because its pretty tangential to what I was talking to you about earlier. I don't really care too much about the arguments about the benificiality (Woohoo, new word!) of religion - I just find the stories that religious people believe to be utterly absurd. In that vein, I just find it odd the way you refuse to make a 'truth judgement' about anything supernatural - even something so obviously imaginary as a pixie living in my tree. Unless you go the whole hog and suncribe to the reality is an illusion created by our senses argument... Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  20. What he said to reporters and wrote on the net was a clarification of the reason that he complained in the first place. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  21. Since he made the original fucking complaint! Read the article I posted a couple of hours ago. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  22. Yes, he was. Ok, maybe since then he has stated that he is happy that the school is presenting an alternative view - if so, good for him. However he makes it perfectly clear that his original objection with the DVD was that it did not contain a biblical end times perspective on global warming (plus a bunch of blindly patriotic guff). Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  23. Only if they question me by forcing hot women upon me and filling my belly with their truth serum (tetley's ale) I had the same response. All British agents are like Heather Graham and Beyonce Knowles (from the Austin Powers movies) Weren't they both CIA agents? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  24. Another nail in the coffin of reading comprehension. Do you want to have an ideagasm?