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Everything posted by jakee

  1. When someone mentions gay rights how loudly do those muslims shout "No"? I'll tell you one thing, that tiny number of Christians shouts pretty fuckin' loudly. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  2. I hate it when people call me Xenophobic. I aint afraid of no freakin Greek paradox! Bad jokes aside though, I think that alot of people that might be thought of as "moderate" homophobics (ie. don't like gays in principle but wouldn't go round beating them up) actually do exhibit some fear of what will happen if homosexuality becomes accepted. A quick trawl through these forums will reveal people opposed to gay marriage because they are afraid it will change the definition of their own marriage, people opposed to mentioning homosexuality in sex ed because they're afraid their kids will turn gay if they hear about it, people opposed to gays in the military because they are afraid they might be hit on etc. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  3. You want to try climbing out the cockpit window of a 757, being buffeted by 200+mph winds while wearing a wingsuit? Rather you than me bro! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  4. Did you notice the links at the top of the page that say "Before you post!" "Getting into BASE" and "My first BASE rig"? They are subtle clues. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  5. Should be does not mean they always are. Two BASE jumpers went in this year with pull ups tied round their pilot chutes. Do you think the average BASE jumper is more or less anal than the average skydiver? As Rem said, numerous skydivers have jumped numerous times with pull ups or zip ties effectively disabling their reserve and cutaway handles. What you've suggested would disable the main (with double redundancy) and the reserve. It's really, really bad advise. Just get a bag. A rigger could probably make a basic stash bag for the cost of a jump ticket. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  6. Or, fuck all that complicated shit and just put it in a rig bag Edit: BTW, did you stop to think of the effect some of your suggestions would have on the safe outcome of a skydive if they were overlooked at the DZ? Disabling a rig in any way (especially a not immediately obvious way, such as secondary pins) is bad, bad, bad juju!! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  7. Just weight, or the effect excess weight can have on physique and body shape (Y'know, the 'built in arch')? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  8. You mean it doesn't work the way the Representatives and the Senate do? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  9. I've been rumbled! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  10. Thanks for the clarification Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  11. So basically your position now stands as "The NFL said something stupid, the cops will ignore them." I'm not exactly sure what you're getting so worked up about... Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  12. Surely thats not quite on the scale we're talking about though right? It also seems like a circular argument, the sacrifice he made was making the sacrifice. Hmm. Physical death? Everybody dies. Why? Just because we don't pay the price why is it a theological neccessity for someone else to pay it? Why can't the punishment simply be waived? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  13. Yep, those work. Although I heard from your sister that last one actually rhymes with "Oh god, right there, right there!" Yer mama was saying the same thing, just the other night. Note to Billvon: I know. I know. Cut it out. Both of us. But I was just starting to have fun Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  14. Yep, those work. Although I heard from your sister that last one actually rhymes with "Oh god, right there, right there!" Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  15. So basically you don't have a clue. Nice answer, thanks for playing. Anyone with something constructive?
  16. So in a few recent threads discussions have cropped up about fairness in the whole who gets into heaven thing with regard to born again christianity. Part of the reason these tend to turn into back and forth "yes it is," "no it isn't," "yes it is" type exchanges seems to me to be because we (or at least me) on this side of the discussion simply don't get the whole salvation through Christ thing and why on earth it should be so important. So here's a few questions. 1) Where exactly was the sacrifice? Jesus dies on the cross... but 3 days later he's back with his buddies (and an indeterminate time later has ascended to heaven)? I don't get it - what's so terrible about that? (I asked this to my RE teacher back when I was in school and the best he could do was "It must have hurt," although I'm sure that says more about the state of Religious Education in the UK than anything else. I shudder to think what his level of understanding of less mainstream religions was like) 2) Proportionality. If we do take his death to be a punishment, why is it not proportional to the one we should recieve? I am told by the born agains that we deserve to be punished, but Jesus has taken that punishment for us if we accept him. Hang on a minute though, the punishment in store for us is an eternity in hell after we have died our physical death. The punishment Jesus took was..... dying a physical death. Nowhere have I seen it stated that Jesus spent any time in hell, so I don't see how he has actually taken our punishment for us. 3) Why doesn't it apply automatically. Jesus said he died for the sins of all mankind (is that right) so why do we have to ackowledge it (say thank you as it were) before it applies to us. 4) Why is it needed? Before Jesus, God punished sinners. After Jesus, God does not neccessarily punish sinners. Why does he need the symbolism of Jesus' sacrifice in order to justify his non-punishment? Either way, sinners still go unpunished. God makes the rules, he doesn't need this convoluted plan in order to balance his book of crime and punishment because he doesn't need to justify to anyone else that he's slacking off on the punishment. What is the purpose of the symbolism? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  17. In my example, no. The idea that hell is getting closer and making the earth warmer is an objective issue. It either is or it isn't. I think you'll find it's Scope. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  18. Like what? Not sure what you are referring to but in general there is a difference between having an extreme political opinion and believing something utterly ludicrous about how the physical universe works. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  19. Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realise that believing the earth is getting warmer because hell is getting closer makes sense to you. What are you saying? That anyone with any implausible beliefs is indisputably a madman (or madwoman)? There are degrees of implausibility, to this degree - yes it is mad. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  20. As long as its just a guess then I'm sure it won't. (You may well be right, I just hate it when people say "I guess" or "I bet" and then act as if they've just demonstrated something.) I'll bet that you think your last little quip proved a point. I'm afraid you'll have to show me the statistics to support that wager. You mean you don't require a peer reviewed scientific explanation Wikipedia is my weakness Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  21. Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realise that believing the earth is getting warmer because hell is getting closer makes sense to you. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  22. Lol, Ok that was good. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  23. As long as its just a guess then I'm sure it won't. (You may well be right, I just hate it when people say "I guess" or "I bet" and then act as if they've just demonstrated something.) I'll bet that you think your last little quip proved a point. I'm afraid you'll have to show me the statistics to support that wager. Do you want to have an ideagasm?