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Everything posted by Casurf1978

  1. You make good points, but you have to agree that our economy is not in the best of shape at this moment in time and it will get worse before it gets better. I read the most ridiculous thing today from Mcain and Clinton: Are they just trying to get votes? Sometimes I just wanna slap politicians around. Once again just thinking of a short-term solution w/o really looking at the implications this might have in the long-term.
  2. I never presumed to tell anyone how they are faring. I did point out that despite the problematic components, consumer spending is up and the overall economy grew (a hair). Crying recession long enough is only going to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's bound to happen because our economy does seem to cycle -- about every 6-8 years it seems. If I start spouting that a plane is going to crash...sooner or later it's going to happen. I place the current energy burden on the energy laws passed in 2005, 2007 and the weak dollar. Ethanol is a great idea, but not at the expense of the food supply. Ask anyone with any knowledge about finances and they will tell you we are in a recession. Merryl Lynch's CEO stated this back in January, Buffet even said so even though we do not meet the technical definition of it. Look at wall street and you will see some of the smartest people in the finance world telling you that yes we are in a recession. Nothing like back in the mid 70s but yes we are in a recession.
  3. That's my stance too. I do not support it, but in cases when you're dealing with hardened criminals in super max I think it should be allowed. There was a special on MS-13 and how some of the leaders, who are lifers, still order executions and run this gang from behind bars. In cases like these I fully support it.
  4. You have to agree that after we spent billions in the 1980's it was irresponsible for us to just leave w/o providing and support or guidance. That's my point. Our lack of a post war game plan in way helped bring about such an extremist group as the Taliban. Even though Pakistan did aide them.
  5. Read your history on Afghanistan. We are responsible for the situation there. We help them defeat the Russians and when they did we just left them there w/o any support. What did you think was going to happen. Democracy was just going to spring up. They needed our help with reconstruction efforts and we just bailed. We created a chaotic vacuum in a country that had been at war for close to a decade. Perfect time for the extremist to come in and fill that void.
  6. Measure out a 7 X12 foot space, then imagine spending 23 hours a day there for the REST of your life. Some prisoners have black and white TVs, which show only educational programs. Certain prisoners are not allowed to have ANY contact with anyone from the outside world. That is life is a supermax prison. Yes, very cozy indeed. That is the way Zacarias Moussaoui will spend the rest of his life. Does he deserve it. HELL YES. I'd rather have him in jail then turn him into a martyr. To answer your other question. Treat him as a war criminal and put him on trial as one. We are at war with them. If he merits and is sentenced to death, then string him up. If he gets life, then send him to a supermax. How would you treat them?
  7. That would set a great example of our justice system to the rest of the world. Bring him over here, put him on trial and if guilty lock him up for the rest of his life. Question is do we as a nation seek justice or revenge. I think too many want the latter.
  8. That's what the commodities and futures markets are all about. It's gambling but at a very, very sophisticated and complicated level. Now add to this mixture the Bear Stearns bail out and I really don't see oil or gold retreating any time soon and the dollar sinking to new lows. What will probably happen is banking/government intervention both domestic and abroad to somewhat stabilize our currency and markets.
  9. But in 11 months Bush will retire in luxury to his ranch, supported by the millions he made courtesy of the taxpayers of Arlington TX and his rich oil buddies. It wont really matter. The dollars sinking faster than the Titanic so he wont be able to afford much. When stores in Manhattan start preferring the Euro to Greenbacks that's a warning sign.
  10. Good points, but they facilitated the actions of the CEO and top executives. Without their help it would've been much harder for upper management to hide what it was doing.
  11. I agree, but there are good cops out there. All it takes is one f-ed up bastard to taint an entire department. Like you, I hope this guy gets some jail time with the general population.
  12. Everyone is bringing up good points, but in this case I think the property owners rights trumps yours. You have the choice to go to another establishment and in some cases work elsewhere. What rights do the owners have. I wonder if there are any legal cases regarding this. I'm just talking private property not public.
  13. I agree people should have the right, but how about the rights of the property owners. If a private school doesn't want to have students, staff or whomever carrying do they have the right to dictate what is allowed on their property. Where do you draw the line?
  14. All really good points. One seems to be missing though, we need to cook our meat to eat it. Even certain types of sushi need to be prepared a specific way for human consumption. You just cant take any regular cut of tuna and serve it up raw.
  15. There's a few close to where I live, but I have no kids. Congrats on the kid btw.
  16. Skyventure probably spent a ton of money on R&D over the years, plus I'm sure they offer you support in case something goes wrong with the equipment. Now if you want to go at it alone, design, test, build and support a new tunnel go right ahead. But now you're looking easily at tens of millions.
  17. I'm sorry if it came across condescending, I didn't mean it to. But if you look at my previous post try to explain the numbers. Don't just take one statement w/o looking at the rest.
  18. Not what I'm saying. Just stating the numbers. You can interpret them as you want.
  19. I'm not trying to turn this into a lib v con conversation. I'm just saying look at the numbers and they speak for themselves. Hell, we gave women the right to vote less than a hundred years ago and the civil rights movement occurred some 4 decades ago. This country needs a lot of growing up to do before we elect a female or a non-white prez.
  20. I think you're way off base on this one. Lets take a look at Fortune 500 companies. Did you know that women make up less THAN 2% of top executives as of 2 years ago, and there are only three, THREE, black CEOs. Look at how ape shit people go when the mear mention of gay rights comes up. I don't want to take this post that way. I remember male execs being praised for being aggressive and go getters, but when a female was like that I heard many people calling her a 'bitch' or a 'cunt'. How do you explain that. At my old job there were only three female execs and not a single non-white exec. I'm talking VP and above and also sitting on the board. Edited for the following. I did a quick search and found that since 1789 there have only been 35 women senators, after the 2006 election there are 16. And there have only been three Black senator, including Obama, since the Reconstruction.
  21. I think you're right about McCain. To put things in perspective Franklin Raines was the first Black CEO to head a fortune 500 company. He was elected to that position back in 1998. I doubt we will see a Black or a women POTUS anytime soon.
  22. Every business is like that. Ever worked in the corp world and listened to the 'water cooler' talk that occurs sometimes. I've been ccied on some emails in my old job that aired out worse laundry than this thread ever has. And these were execs with MBA's bickering and gossiping like little pre-teen girls.
  23. He deserves a trial. Radical idea, I know I know. Some just don't understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty. Now, if after a trail he is found guilty then let him rot in jail for the rest of his life.
  24. This is not new news. Read Fast Food Nation (2001). I'm still surprised that people are shocked by the US slaughter house industry. And it's not about government agencies, it all boils down to money. You want a dollar burger, well you're not going to get Grade A prime.
  25. Look at orcas, dolphins, elephants, apes and chimps to name a few. There is more than ample scientific proof there. All you need to do is open your mind.