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Everything posted by Calvin19

  1. So, i dont flat pack much, but my Blackjack is big, im little, i cant stand up, and i get distracted easily. so, anyway, i was flatpacking. and i used a small clamp (NEVER use small clamps) and i left the nose clamp on to hold shit together while i fold, i rolled the nose and just made the second fold onto the little clamp. Closed her up, gathered my shit, and counted my clamps. 4 big and one small. shit, there is supposed to be 2 small. uh oh. so yeah, we all know this has happened before, i have seen people jump 4 clamps in a packjob (onheading and clean) but, i guess im just a bit bored, so im going to go pack again, oh yeah, and i bought all new clamps today
  2. I have a Dagger and a Blackjack with ZPforeskin. I like the blackjack better for every reason, but i have packed both of them in every way i deem possible, and the dagger flies awsome, but never packed like a dream, always like shit. Seems to me that any packing either works, and the pack volume varies a bit. but for volume, i recomend the nontabywheretheywantyou2use* way. A rock dragon and a dagger are the same thing, just no 'ventybreathygofasterantideaththings'* on dagger. *i declar that a word, if anybody was wondering.
  3. well... hmm. a mystery indeed, I bet if you were actualy getting a 2,9/1 reading from GPS calculations, its probably not from the different equipment. definatly not weight. Weight is a good freind for inefficient gliders, to an extent, i bet the lighter weight rig idint help in weight, but i would suppose it helped with airflow profile. When I jump LEGALY from an airplane useing a single parachute system, i can track better, and fly longer than i can with skydiving gear. In my GPS experience (hardly any skydiving, but i have used them A LOT in other applications) they are EXTREMELY inaccurate judging Altitude. i could explain this in depth but it would take a few paragraphs and im not in the mood. Usualy, with my 3 GPS's i only buy ones with Aviation modifications, (pilot III, etc),those seem to have more reliable Antenaes. and i only buy one with a barometric sensor/altimeter. while also not accurate, it is better at finding an average sink speed than the GPS. keep in mind also, that GPS loses A LOT of accuracy with speed, at critical mach in an airliner its off by hundreds of meters. just my dos pesos.
  4. whoa dude... a 10 pound rig? What kind of main and reserve in that?
  5. Wrist- age 5-trying to do a backflip off the swing 5 metetarsuls in foot- age 14- 8 meter fall from tree after anchor failure random fingers and toes, but those shouldnt count Eggshelled left heel, and COMPLETELY destroyed lower tib fib, in febuary that one has had 3 surguries thus far, one more end of summer. ... ... ... -SPACE-
  6. Fido, broseph, well, shit. I bet that a bunch of people die every month from trying wingsuiting to early in their profesional skydiving careers, maybe we should ban Wingsuits, small canopies, CRW, AFF, Static line training, and up the laws against BASE jumping. i was NOT talking about the "that looks easy" attitude. I was talking about the anti-"oh dear jesus, your a wingsuit pilot?, isnt that the most scariest thing in the whole skydiving community? jeez, your intense, i cant try that at all, or even think about it until i have 200 skydives and at least 1 malfunction." attitude. i agree that maybe i should stop giveing advice, but its not like -I- have anything to do but sit here on because i cant walk, or do much of anything from an injury (paraglider collapse at 20 meters caused by weather). whats your guys' excuse for posting here? and edited AGAIN to say- personaly, i would never tell anybody to stop jumping. thats just rude. edited for 4th time to remind that i cant spell, nor do i care or care to learn. english is a shitty language. but i guess its the only one i cared to speak in any form of effectiveness. edited for the 5th time to be a smartass- and by headsup i mean smart and fast, not actualy heads up, thats ineficient flying technique ...... ... ...
  7. I guess what im trying to say here is, if your heads up, go for it. wingsuiting out of an airplane is really not that bad. there are a few things that you should know, get somebody to explain it to you and go for it. i didnt get trained, my freind handed me a GTI when i had 80ish skydives, showed me how to hook it up at LP, and sent me out for my first 20 solo wingsuits. worked great. its been sai before, but ill say it again, wingsuiting is just another discipline. its not something that you need to pay 100USD for training to try. just, be heads up. but i hope as a skydiver you are, Always.
  8. oh yeah, and canopies are all the same, dont turn to low, and FLARE. that holds until you get into the 2/1 plus loading range. its all about keeping your head and being willing to land out. I was jumping a Lighting 113 at 50 skydives, and a stilletto 120 at 70 skydives. PS- Dont turn to low and flare.
  9. Yeah they do recomend that dont they? huh, they also recomend 1000 skydives before BASE jumping. shit. im screwed. the label on a navigator 280 recomends 50 ramair parachute jumps before useing it. i guess im a little sneaker arent I? ..... .. ... -SPACE-
  10. Do like me and my boys did. Order a V2 NOW, (it was the V1 back then for us) borrow a GTI for 10ish jumps, and fly. of course, this suit will take you a LONG time to get good at, but that keeps you on the edge. A lot of birdpeoplesuitpilotguys are all about the jump number things, like every other disciplines but hey, do whatever you feel comfortable with, V1s are a bitch to fly, physicaly and skillwise, so try a GTI or something like it first. but hey, thats just me. goodspeed. .. .. .. -SPACE-
  11. Hell yeah... We have done BASE jumps and Skydives wearing climbing sit and full body harnesses for a bunch of reasons. rigging the setup is different every time, I have actualy done a round parachute jump with only a climbing full body harness. it woks pretty well, cant steer those bastards anyway, one riser with no cutaway seems to work great. but of course, this is us, our dropzone hates us, and a lot of other people do as well. we have also used our BASE and Skydiving harness as the harness for different applications. I got a bunch of info if you need it. PM me for the application, or if your just curious ... ... ... -SPACE-
  12. Aye... being a 22 year colorado resident, in several different cities, Colorado will always be a great place to live for people who DONT GIVE A FUCK about the government. I like mountains, rivers, antenaes, and gliders. the skydiving SUCKS here, but hey, who gives a shit about skydiving anymore? CH The difference between BASE and Skyjumping is simple. I like new sky, freefall is the same everywhere. the view on the other hand, damn.
  13. thanks deadman, for reminding me cock. and yeah, bleach is bad, i WAS jokeing about that. CH -SPACE-
  14. huh, your going a TOTAL frankenstein rig arent you deadman?
  15. Calvin19


    Nice job though, most of my good freinds are smokers, my best girlfreind for the last 15 years smoked like a chimney, but got a BAD bone infection and the doc told her she had to stop, she hasnt smoked in 3 months. hang in there. Cheers.
  16. Calvin19


    i really hope you aren't serious. well, no, i shot my girlfreind, she was keeping me from the Oxicontin. no worries though, it was a 22short round from a pistol, it just bounced off her skull. luckaly, so yeah, i didnt shoot anybody. but the anxiety makes me want to.
  17. Calvin19


    And of course, im not crushing the pill, snorting or injecting it, im just taking it. so im not that worried about it, this is day 8 of only taking it at night, im still packing BASE gear, but hey, thats all i got right now. I found out that there is a huge difference between Addiction and Reliance. I am Reliant, not addicted. Addiction would mean i need Oxicontin mentaly, im just withdrawing physicaly from it. ... ... ... -SPACE-
  18. Calvin19


    Thanks. Several times have i completely defyed the medical feild. Im supposed to be a "3" right now, (1 is vegtable, 10 is all of us) im a 9 at the moment, was discharged from the craig hospital for severe brain injuries a month and a half early. my doctor said that it will take me 8 months to walk at all, 4 months after my crash, i was walking. (with a bad limp, ill never get rid of that ) These bastards took away my drivers liscense, my pilots liscense, any future ability to become a proffessional pilot, and gave me drug cravings that are beyond horrible. so, read my quote below. all im asking is for ideas on how to deal with my anxiety better. already this week i have packed and unpacked my BASE gear, 7 different ways. so, ill be off of this Heiroin shit on my own, never again will i go to a doctor for ANY drug at all. i guess, i didnt this time either, just the coma kinda halted all cognitive and executive reasoning in me. ... ... ... -SPACE-
  19. I second, restraining order From my very limited experience, i have found that humans do not have the experience or integrity to promise forever,
  20. Ok, so for a lot of reasons, i am not happy with my life right now. Many a time, i think i would have been better off not wakeing up from the coma. but i know personaly many para/quadrapalegics who still love their lives. i spent 3 months in the hospital with a bunch of people who will never walk again. the look they gave me, because i was in a wheelchair for 4 months, was one that i will never forget. but, if i EVER get the thought in my head that i will KILL myself, i will either be way to fucked to actualy do it, or i will find some WAY cooler that BASE jumping, because, really, this sport isnt THAT cool. and really, it needs no more martyrs. so, capitals dude, go step in front of a bus. ...... ...... ...... -SPACE-
  21. Calvin19


    yeah, i told all 5 of my doctors to go FUCK themselves, at one point or another see my quote these docers took away my patient rights legaly, started me on drugs that i NEVER would have been on had i not been in a coma. I even threatened my Orthepedic dude. I was being wheeled to surgery, he told me there is a VERY small chance they will have to amputate my right leg. I told him if he wanted to see christmas, i would wake up with that leg. he laughed with me, and knew that i was serious, because i was. I still have my leg, for one reason or another. My orthepedic surgeon is the only doctor i trust, at all. that and the trauma guys that dealt with my first day, and coma shit. but i HATE drugs. All Drugs. I dont smoke at all, VERY rarely drink, and i have gotten myself successfully off 17 different drugs in the last 126 days. so, i will deal with the medical feild in whatever way i deem necessary. -SPACE-