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Everything posted by Calvin19

  1. Calvin19


    tried that 2 weeks ago. i shot somebody.
  2. Calvin19


    Actualy, i wanted to take ALL the badges off my gear for a few reasons, most important being first -same reason i debadge my car, it looks better, and i can put whatever i want in its place. -so the Dynasty cant take picutures of it when i get busted -so i dont get reminded by lawyers that im about to die every time i jump (warning labels) -last, and the most fun, im going to make pants out of the resulting free labels, 2 blackjack, 2 warnings, 1 Dagger, ... -SPACE-
  3. Calvin19


    ok, after 4 months on Oxicontin, (essentialy, heiroin) i want off of it, doc said he would perscribe something that will help the crave/other stuff, but i told him to go fuck himself (for the 3rd time) so, does anybody have any help on this CRAZY shit im dealing with? now im down from 80mg a day, to 20, in two doses. been that way for 2 months. help? im on this cute little 'ween' program, so none in the morning, only 10mg at nite. help? please?
  4. Calvin19


    you are correct, nothing vital in the stitching. sounds like a good idea now thanks -SPACE-
  5. Calvin19

    Number 100 . . .

    Tom, sorry man, i agree i was preaching to the choir. but, being me, thats what i do. I just dont like it when people excuse themselves from the sport because its "only 2 seconds of freefall and a short canopy ride" i just think that its a crappy way out of it. so, sorry man, i know you didnt mean it like that, but i just got annoyed sitting in my house for the 124thish day, and i fealt like talking on a soapy box thing. Be well, You and I, Us, will always be Base jumpers. no more advice, none of that should come from me. im going to spray paint toggles. be well. -SPACE-
  6. HEY! i was there for that! it was cool -SPACE-
  7. personaly, i think thats kinda fucked up. but, kudos. slitting your wrist isnt something they put in a eulogy is it?
  8. Calvin19

    Number 100 . . .

    Sadly, i didnt even read any farther down this forum to see if anybody beet me to it, but i have a thing or three to say about what you did there say. to most of us jumpers, the point of BASE jumping is not the freefall, its not the short ass canopy ride, its not the 100th death, its not the feeling we get when we read about the 'incident report' out of 'BASEist monthly' this is NOT a sport about following the rules, or jump order for safety, or correct deployment altitude, its not about landing accuracy or the perfect track, Man did not explore the world (and sadly, later totaly destroy it) by paying 20USD (25in CO) to ride the same little sailboat around the same lake up to 30,000 times in a lifetime. They built there own boat, drew some maps, found a good crew, bribed someone else into paying for it, and they left. they went and saw the world. Granted, all those great explorers learned to sail on cutelittle boats, around the little lake where they live, but some moved on. A lot of those little explorers stayed there, in the lake, perfected their sailing. they raced other wannabe explorers, and probably took home a lot of women who thought that sailing is the last great adventure. but then, the real explorers got home, some of them dead, some of them failed horribly, but those ones that got home, they have character. I guess they went out to drink with the wannabe explorers, shared stories of the lake, and raceing, then stories of the grand ocean, new islands, new land. and those women were there, and still went home with there wannabe explorers. and you know why thats ok with everyone? because that, as well, is not why most base jumpers do what they do. Now is where i am supposed to say WHY base jumpers do what they do, and WHY its ok to risk everything. Im supposed to redeam myself for makeing fun of skydivers for the last 1000 charecters. but im not going to. none of the BASE jumpers that are considered respectable, blame you or anybody else who chooses to quit or never start. I guess, All i got to say is that BASE jumpers all have different reasons, for doing what they do. they get out, and they see what is out there, just another way to prove that they are Audacious. AUDACIOUS, is not an insult, from the first time i was called it as an insult i fealt complimented, because I AM A JUMPER. like DG brilliantly sad before, I, and US, will forever be BASE jumpers. so, greenie, this is obviously just a pep talk telling averybody to be themselves... quit for anything you want. start for the same reason. AUDACITY:simply, bold courage so, essentialy, nevermind
  9. I like blue as well! not as much as yellow, but a close second. maybe ill call marta... hmmm....
  10. Calvin19


    dude. last time i checked, a few walls have gotten a really good look at YOUR label, a really close look i might add.
  11. i dont really like the metal short straight pin deadman, you know that. remember the toggle incident? -SPACE-
  12. I guess the whole point of this has 3 parts, most important first 1 im bored 2 i hate orange 3 i like yellow so, bleach is bad because it degrades nylon, i knew that, but toggles are not exactly, um, load bearing. openings the toggles are only used as a pin through the loop thing. and i doubt bleach would hurt them that much. but anyways, no bleach im just bored -SPACE-
  13. Im going to spray paint toggles, they are orange (i HATE orange) and im tthinking of bleaching, then dyeing yellow, or just spray paint yellow, a few coats. any qualms? -SPACE-
  14. Calvin19


    so, im debadging my Blackjack canopy, taking off the black jack patches on either side of end cell ribs, anybody got advic e against this? Im a seemstress(er?) so im very good at modifications on hang gliders, sails for boats, clothes, paragliders, etc. but never worked on a parachute, does this patch have any structural use? other than it helps a bit? I will be very areful tearing seem. debadgeing for the same reason i debadge my care, it looks better. thanks CH Post Script, plus, i cant walk, so im bored -SPACE-
  15. Just go fast past it if your going to jump it. I always thought Microwave relays were decaying rectangle boxes that terminate at the sensor or transmitter. the boxes used to direct the signal. the same way a dish does. but maybe those are just the old ones, the kind they used before the circle was discovered ... I actualy always thought that the dish in the picture was a TV relay. but also, maybe those are cylinders, like a Base drum would look like I have seen people get pretty sick from microwave, AM, HD transmitters, FM, and TV relay. but, nonetheless, we are base jumping. how fast can both dangerous things kill us? Personaly, growing old doesnt seem apealing to me, at all.
  16. Calvin19

    Not cool.

    I second that.
  17. 4 months ago i had a horrible paraglider crash, i recieved 2 destroyd lower legs, and a moderate brain injury. I still am not walking, but that i can deal with. My problem is i cant sleep. I was put on a SHIT load of medication. including 2 kinds of sleeping pills. the trazodine and ambien have stopped working. I need to sleep. Im only getting 3 or 4 hours a day now. Anybody have any ideas? I dont like meds, im trying to get off of most of them -SPACE-
  18. Yeah, im kinda jealous. My planes are a citabria and A Christian Eagle. my accelorameters only go to 12, the Citabria breaks at 9 and the eagle at... well, i dono redline reads 12, but its always more than that. more than i can take right now. I agree that instantaonious gs are much easier to stay consious for, im not quite sure on the actual measuments, so i withdraw my statement. I am pretty Competent at physics methinks. but i agree about your points. Im no pro aerobatic pilot... Dont crash
  19. Personaly, I think that the rapid re-orientation (as in belly to hanging, or some disgusting emergency off axis deployment.) of a persons body while the parachute is opening is more destructive than the actual "G" force that a body experiences. I believe this is the reason for people getting neck injuries from 4plus second slider off deployments. Not saying it doesnt happen sliderup as well, just my opinion. I have done 7 plus Gs in aerobatic airplanes for as long as 2 seconds. No Gsuit, and really, 2 seconds is the limit for that. Ouch. But 7 Gs decelerates a human body at 70m/s^2(ish) seriously, if we are not going from 200km/hr to 20km/hr an less than 15mterers, i doubt that Gforce has anything to do with it. take that either way. I think spine compression has a lot to do with something like 200 to 20 in less than meter. -SPACE-
  20. ya, theyre there. my gear is gonna be at my house early next week. not that it does me any good, save helping me stay warm at night
  21. Calvin19


    I guess, that is all i have to say about that. OUT. 3 months in the worst place i can think of. i will jumping again soon enough. learning how to drive again, trying to get my medical back so i can fly my plane, then jumping, sailing, swimming. sigh. Dont Crash
  22. Well, I shattered my left heal, my right ankle, and severely fractured my right lower tibfib, inside the hanwag boots. but they did save me from compound fractures, i think. take what its worth. the EMS guys cut them off of me, but im buying more. lightweight, comfortalble, and fairly protective. but i would have rather had 2 tibfib compunds than the ankle shit. -SPACE-
  23. I would like to know, and i mean no offense by this. if there is ANYTHING that is not easier in this life for a GIRL to do when it comes to getting help from a man.