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  1. Its one of those things where it just is, Its kind of like putting on a lure or a golfball, bullet, knife, birdie, paintbrush - same idea. River City Crew Rocks
  2. Just taking a poll for my friend, next week "Are Tie Die Shirts with the saying "Why would anyone jump out of a ......." makes you look like a dork. Kev River City Crew Rocks
  3. Did a couple of jump, wicked good time. Owner very nice, special, helpful, cheerful, wicked awesome, to me.
  4. As much as I think Cornishe is a Gay ass homo he does have a point here. I still think BASE should be kept on a dL as much as possible KeVo River City Crew Rocks
  5. Hey "Freedom" Why don't you stick with jumping out of planes you pussy ass MoFo. Then go have intercourse with you soulmate Tracker. I heard he likes to be held at night as well. Kevin Spencer P.S. I'll pick you up in Cowtown on the fouth, have coffee ready River City Crew Rocks
  6. Two month and half old pack jobs, Two on heading openings. Lots of VooDoo when it comes to packing. Traker do us all a favor, Get off your ebony ass and go pack. Weekend is coming. KC P.S. Can I have my spare set of balls back? Fido hasn't been the same River City Crew Rocks
  7. Mr.Tracker, Why don't you get some guts you pussy ass MoFo. I'm tired of hearing you cry about everything. No wonder why you can't get a girl. Grow Up. KC P.S. I'll pick you up at 5.00, I'll bring the coffee and a spare set of balls River City Crew Rocks
  8. Has anyone ever put line twist into there pack job to practise Flying with/getting out of line twist at twin? Is it a bad/good idea? Kev River City Crew Rocks
  9. Canadian looking for some experience Minnesota jumpers to jump with and learn from. PM me please Kevin River City Crew Rocks
  10. KevinSpencer

    Thanks Abbie

    Dude you guys got Abbie figured out all wrong, and its time someone lets the public know. Everytime a Canadian comes to Twin, Abbie is like hey dude you can crash with me. Next thing you know he is taking you out for dinner, listens as you talk about your feelings, makes you feel good about yourself, "hey Kevin takes these pills", and then takes advantage of you in your weeken state and then dumps you in a gutter. I cry myself to sleep River City Crew Rocks
  11. Thanks for your input guys, Thats all I need to hear Kevo River City Crew Rocks
  12. Jeff started jumping his turbo z around 80 jumps. Now he has 280 jumps total. He wasn't loading it as high back then due to the fact he has put on about 40 pounds. DZO wants Jeff to buy a saber2/safire2 150- 1.46 loading Jeff wants Safire2 129 or Safire1 139 (we know safire1 are smaller) loading at 1.7ish Jeff is 220 pounds with gear and he likes cookies. I'm just trying to be the non-bais moderator here, cause i'm sick of being in the middle River City Crew Rocks
  13. I'm stuck in the middle of battle here between my roommate (Jeff) and my DZO. My roommate (Jeff) has 280 jumps under a turbo Z 165 loaded at (1.33). My DZO says he can buy a semi-elliptical loaded at 1.5 max. Jeff feels that the DZO is out of the times and is holding him back. Jeff feels he can handle a semi-elliptical loaded at (1.7-1.8). Jeff is a very talented canopt pilot and has just about done everything to his current canopy. But he has never had any canopy coaching. My question to you, What do you think the Max loading for Jeff should be? River City Crew Rocks
  14. BD was awesome, I did my first two jumps and had myself a wicked time. That Harry guy was awesome on radio. The only thing that suck where the people cutting in line late in the day. Thanks to everyone who put on the event KC River City Crew Rocks
  15. I have a mind warp pimp daddy, most of my jumps are free flying. I'm going through the new para-gear and trying to decieded on the best camera sight and sight bracket for my helment. Can I get some input from some experience camera guys? Thanks Kevin River City Crew Rocks