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Everything posted by blueskyserenity

  1. RIP Conway. I will never forget you guys stepping out of the Otter from Spaceland for the Dublin Boogie and thinking, "What badasses"! I'll miss those baby blues... I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  2. My husband bought me 30 decibel earplugs so I could sleep soundly through the night despite the freight train beside me Best purchase ever! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  3. You're an entomologist and didn't even know it! Working with all those bugs! I knew we got along well for a reason
  4. Oh Jen! That is awesome!!!! Yippee more moms and dads to play with! And Will and Alana as well? Holy shit. Good thing Robby and I weren't there that weekend. Can you imagine a miniature Robby? I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  5. Clopton It's an ancestral name from England. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  6. Complete flake this way...That is the same weekend as AthFest, Athens largest music festival. It's a wonderful way to make contacts in the music industry in town. Robby is volunteering with the music end and I've volunteered for KidsFest. And...My Costa Rica Entomology students are required to volunteer at KidsFest, 12 hours Sat. and Sun showing bugs to kids. Can't really miss an assignment that I'm giving them a grade for Sorry Bolas. I hope you can find someone to cover our spots in the Condo Now I'm going to run and hide b/c my hubby is going to be super disappointed Dammit man... I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  7. Mugs sound like a great idea. I just ordered a crap load of goodies for our department and all we need is a logo to send, which...I already have on my computer. But a coffee mug????? Come on Lee. I thought you were more of a man than that. How about this...
  8. I'm always careful, anywhere I go with Robby. I hope Marianne and the kids are coming too! Miss you Marianne! We'll see. Did Robby put you up to this you sneaky girl? I'm so home sick right now (leaving Costa Rica in the morning) that it may be a while before another road trip! Btw. Happy Birthday Kitty!!!!!!
  9. There is nothing that can compare to being a parent Chris. And when they're as young as Brennen and "firsts" happen everyday, time apart is hard and those "firsts" cannot be replaced. I love all the pics you post of your family. You are no doubt an incredible husband as well as a loving father. I have lost 2 skydiving friends this week. Even though neither was directly skydiving related we would've never known one another if not for this sport. I never would've met you if not for this sport. I am also going to be taking an indefinate break. I simply don't have the opportunity to jump as much as I should. I stay "current", but in this sport I don't think "current" is enough. Fortunately Robby jumps and my children love the dz atmosphere so we will continue to be an active part of the community. Even if I'm not in the sky I get the same rush everytime I hear parachutes open and look up to see the sky speckeled with colors. I have been tossing this around for over a year. In a year I've done less than 10 jumps...It's time for me to also step back... I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  10. I met Shannon at both of Dublin Boogies. She and Robby teased each other online quite a bit. I would come home from work and he would crack me up with the days events, emails, pms and postings that everyone had grown to appreciate and many will miss... At Dublin this last year Shannon had just gotten to the boogie and found the seal on her rig broken compliments of the airline. I walked up to her and said "Hey Shannon". She looked at me and said, "And who the fuck are you????" I don't why that stands out in my just makes me laugh and smile when I think about it. Knowing people online and then meeting them in person is always a treat and Shannon was a delight. She was so freaking cute in that hat and boa too! Even though I'm out of the country right now I'm sending major vibes to Bob, to her family and to this community. Blue skies Girlfalldown! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  11. I am at a true loss for words. Brian was a great guy. He always made me smile and he knew how to put Lee and Robby in their place. I am currently out of the country and got the news via this site about Shannon. Now this about Brian and my heart weeps to give my husband, my children and all of my friends hugs. To everyone Brian has touched...think of him and smile. You will not be forgotten Brian. We will come home from boogies and still give you our reports...Blue skies Brian... I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  12. This is my favorite part I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  13. QuoteSTATISTICS ON IMMIGRATION 1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card. This statement is not true. Everytime anyone shops at Walmart, the grocery store, buys gas, buys clothes, etc. they are paying taxes, state sales taxes. In Athens alone our sales tax is 10%. They may not be paying the gov't directly, but they definately are paying taxes. Edited to add: You know I love you Beezy!!
  14. Dang Hixxx. What in the world????? I think you may need to get a new packer I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  15. Oh Bob! I don't mean to laugh...but that is funny as hell. Don't let Psycho scare you. He's harmless. I'd visit you in jail anyway!
  16. Your wedding pics are gorgeous!!! This one is my fav.
  17. That's awesome! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  18. Do tell? Did they get engaged or go all the way?????
  19. He's doing the bunny dance I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!