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Everything posted by blueskyserenity

  1. Fares From 1 Cent*, 5 Cents*, 1 Cent per mile*, and 5 Cents per mile*. I'm confused. Do you multiply .01xmiles to destination? I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  2. Awesome event Chris, Kim, Emma and all the folks involved! Robby's been smiling ever since :)! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  3. That's what I was thinking! Yippie Mouth is back!!!::) And with a husband too? Dang girl you've been busy! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  4. Holy Shit that was funny! I hope your ok Brandy. Damn what a life you guys lead! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  5. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  6. Happy Birthday Lee! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  7. Yeah Scotty...listen to Mama Carbone. She definitely knows best. Heal speedy! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  8. That's great! LOL! Don! You crack me up! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  9. Merry Christmas to two of the most wonderful people in the world! :) Edited to add: Oh...And to all of you misfits as well I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  10. Happy late birthday!!!! :) I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  11. blueskyserenity

    Farm Bus

    You guys have been busy! Who is that in the pic? I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  12. Dang Bob! Feel better! Yikes! Hugs coming your way
  13. Well damn Bob. You will definitely be getting a great big hug (but ever so gentle due to the boo boos) at SDA this weekend. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  14. I think it looks great Kim, especially compared to the original. Busy was right! I have no idea about building websites so kudos to you!
  15. Happy Birthday Beautiful!!! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  16. Yeah, Jorge likes to video girls in ponds cleaning off puddin! We won't believe him! Congrats Tanya!!
  17. Well happy late birthday Brandy! Feel free to drunk dial Robby anytime. He really misses his Tally friends! :) I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  18. Quoteadventurechick avalonwings blueskyserenity brierebecca carbonezone (scotty, tami, herc, tommy & boogie) CG chaoskitty Cora (McDuck's) CSpenceFLY(with the Hog Flop Trophy) dzmemories Goofyjumper fmmobley hisgoofyness homesick brick hottielicious Icon134 jeiber - probably Jessie07 Katz kelel01 Lauraliscious littleskycrab livendive McDuck micduran mindway69 Missg8tordivr (hopefully ) MLKSKY Mostly_Harmless +10 namgrunt nanner ncfitzge norules ntacfreefly popsjumper (straight from the Hog Flop) rastaricanair revillusion Salsa SimplyputSI Skinnyshrek Skydave skyedivr teamjenn1 The_Don & jeannier tmaricle55 Turtlespeed UpnDownShop Yardhippie Hmmm....Let me think of the last boogie I went to??? It's about damn time!
  19. Awe Turtle it's your birthday????? Happy Birthday you sexy thang!
  20. Yeah! Like every year!!!! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  21. Oh hell! Kelly's Birthday? Have fun sweetie! Don't do anything I wouldn't do I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!