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Everything posted by blueskyserenity

  1. I agree with Nightingale. Slam him on his evaluations. Even if he's tenured, annual salary increases can be based on job-perfomance and course evaluations if they have a teaching component. Believe it or not, someone does read those. Just think...2 weeks, done with the class. Less than a month...done with being single
  2. Yeah and the f-bomb didn't even phase them it seems. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  3. I found this pic of GeneralLee and something looks so familiar.....????? Hmmmm....Who do those cute guys remind me of?????? I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  4. Dang, April was mentioning that 2 weeks ago at the Farm. Good luck with that! I think it will fly tomorrow though I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  5. It wasn't because you and Kitty were gettin rowdy at the game was it? Jk. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  6. Tell her that she DOES NOT want me emailing pics of my puppy dog eyes to her! Bring it tough guy! Hmmm...Neighbors tonight for Easter w/ the folks? I think that may be a good compromise I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  7. He is trying to teach our kids Spanish so the next time we see his mom we can surprise her. Funny thing though...he gets tutored by Dora the Explorer (Just kidding hun! LOL!) Christie, so nice to briefly meet you. I can't wait until the Puerto Rico boogie next February where I won't be distracted by the kids and we can hang out more
  8. Honestly, I do to. Everything was so 'clean' by the PA system where the music was playing the next morning and a cake plate was neatly placed where the laptop had previously been. I hope we do find it in a freezer. That would be awesome! (I actually already looked, lol.) I got a copy of the police report this morning. Case # 06-03002. The serial # of the laptop was entered into the GCIC network (GBI's crime information center which is linked nation-wide) so if they take it to any pawn shop in the US it will show up as stolen and will be traceable to the seller. I don't know if there is much else we can really do now, but hope that the culprit is identified with time. I told Robby this morning that I didn't want him playing music at boogies anymore, which was wrong and I'm sorry for that. If I went down that road this situation would get the best of me and I will make every effort to not let that happen Robby...I love you...and I will snap out of this soon. Please be patient with me... I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  9. Insurance may cover a replacement but it won't cover a reward. However, it would probably make sense for folks to hold onto their pledged money until there is a need to pay out a reward. And I sure hope there is, because I'd much rather see them get the laptop back and figure out who did it than have to file an insurance claim to try to replace the irreplacable. 100% agree. We are not looking for or expecting any $. This isn't about $ or materials and never was. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  10. Thanks to everyone for the generosity and kindness you are showing. We really appreciate it.
  11. Congrats Billy. Samantha is a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl!!!
  12. No worries J. I will just do things a little different, that's all. I am who I am today because of you guys and especially because of the Farm where Robby and I met. I will never turn my back on my skydiving friends, but my eyes are now wide open. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  13. OMG, I just spit beer all over the computer. Now that mental image is HILARIOUS!!!! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  14. Ditto that J! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  15. Yup, We all know that "Going straight to hell" is Lee's favorite You won't be alone. Someone is working really hard to beat you there I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  16. I actually did get to meet alot of new people at this boogie. Nwflyer - Can you get Robby a job that will fly him all over the country? Micro - My ass is still red from that unexpected spankin! Pyke - Thanks for the blankets. All 4 of us slept quite cozy on the air mattress thanks to you! Hans and Sandy - You guys are so extremely incredible. Greg - Your generosity and heart of gold shines across the dropzone. Thanks for everything you do for our sport. Chris, Jean and Don - Paul is still talking about his 'hard-working' friends. LOL! Cheech - Wish I could have chatted more, I miss you terribly man! All the regulars...Until the next boogie my friends... And to those who turn sweet girls like me into total bitches...good riddance...You will NOT break my spirit I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  17. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I have reported it to the authorities in Cedartown as well as at work. We're not worried in the least bit about the hardware, we're not really worried about the music, (although Robby may not agree w/ me), we are saddened by the missing photo library (many of which were backed up from the laptop to the harddrive, alot of good that did), but many of which were just transferred from our cameras and weren't backed up along with the many other irreplaceable files. I am particularly disheartend by the act of theivery. It is truly unfortunate that I will no longer feel safe on a dropzone. What if it had been my children instead of a lousy laptop There are still many safe places on this earth that I don't have to walk around in a state of constant paranoia. I have been trying to ween Robby of this since we met. Now that I have experienced it, I understand why he is so cautious. I give EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt. He gives it to NOONE. Once again, my husband was right...and that my friends is an extremely large pill to swallow... I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  18. I prefer to use the term 'blended family'. But then again, I'm a glass half full kind of gal. No worries chica! We're just having a discussion!
  19. I see your point, sort of...I don't agree that when you lose a marriage you lose the entire family though. That's a bit much. Divorce was the best thing that happened for my kids. They ended up with a father that now puts everything to the side to be w/ them versus a father that was never there. As for the sleeping in the bed thing I agree w/ Skymama. The only time I let my kids in the bed is first thing in the morning when they climb on our heads to wake us up and I'm considering (being urged really) to not even allow that. It's tough though for sure. I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  20. Happy Birthday Sharon. Long time no see chica! Have a marvelous day darling!!
  21. Now that was funny! Andrea totally broke bad with Orfun initiations. You go girl. A natural foster mom for such a hellicious group. If you look closely at the paddle it does say "Tough Love" I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  22. Oh WoW!! Living proof that I actually do skydive. Thanks Iwan. I will definately be ordering some of those from you
  23. LMAO! I was thinking the same thing! Now Robby on the other hand was not photo shy at all. Must have been the kilt! LOL! I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  24. Awesome pics Salsa. What an incredible 200th jump we had for you. I still want to see the video of our 3x3 tube!!! Where's sufantasma? I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!
  25. Is this Shawn? I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!