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Everything posted by Conundrum

  1. He's gorgeous!! I love reptiles and have a Savannah Monitor
  2. Sounds good to me. Do you need a ride? Hahhahahaha, I already love you girl and I haven't even met you ( yet! ) I like Rosa's idea of moving all day on Saturday or Sunday and coming down Monday, I just may do that. Besides, we need to do Conundrum-Style and GFD-Style jumps.
  3. Dammit it all to hell. I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it to the boogie, I have to move that weekend.
  4. How about a thing to a day spa for a massage and such. Women love to be pampered
  5. I saw UFO's a couple weeks ago!!!! [/inside joke]
  6. Can you do it?
  7. Here's my 50th jump pic (taken today) and a great shot of me, Dom and Ryan wearing our Infinity's ( and a bump for the thread )
  8. If you haven't seen it, watch it, very very cool stuff.
  9. I've been a fan of Friends for a looooong time, I'll be watching the last episode.
  10. omg thats hysterical, I can picture trying to look scared....
  11. I know lots of things you don't know, and I'm not telling either.
  12. THE PAOMNNEHAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Cool eh? if it's a repost, kiss my arse
  13. Lots of beautiful Infinity's people!
  14. I'm very sorry for anyone that knew him personally. I did not know him, but, Blue Skies forever, Perry. We will miss you.
  15. Conundrum


    Terrible joke.... yet, I still laughed at it.
  16. Wow Rosa, thats some pretty odd stuff goin on there. I think you should just be extra cautious around the dz and ask lots of questions (i.e. Hey did you see anyone follow me into the restroom? Who were the women there that night? Do you know who wheres these type of sandals? etc.. ), you're bound to find out who it was eventually. Who knows, maybe they had you mixed up with someone else ( we can always hope anyways ). Good luck.
  17. Out of the 3 I have tried ( Red Bull, Rock Star and something else in an orange can ) I liked the taste of Red bull the best, but no energy drink does jack shit for me, so I don't drink 'em.
  18. lol, right. Does he like it? Obviously. Is he 'hooked'? no. You don't make only 4 jumps in 7 years if you are 'hooked'.
  19. What I hate even more are misleading thread titles. [/disappointed]
  20. Conundrum


    If this thread isn't locked for post whoring, I can only assume that the rules only apply to some and not all. There really isnt a point to this one. At least mine was fun.