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Everything posted by Conundrum

  1. People tell me I resemble Jennifer Aniston.... I don't see it what-so-ever. lol
  2. Yep, Perris is right. I hated those blue suits. lol
  3. Found this pic and started cracking up when I saw it.
  4. I don't care who has to pay for it, me or the place I rented from, Im chopping in the event of an unfixable problem or malfuntion. The thought of how much it would be would not even be a consideration.
  5. I feel you. I've been laid off 3 times, and Im only 23. It's really shitty, but you just have to keep on truckin and look for something better! Good Luck!
  6. Here's a good pic of me and Dom wearing our Infinitys
  7. I learned how to pack when I had 15 or so jumps. Been pakcing ever since. I don't like to pack, but I'd rather spned my money on jumps than someone to pack it for me, I can hardly afford to jump as it is.
  8. I'm scared now. I'll ask him this weekend. I know its a totally shitty pic, but my scanner is on the way, just don't have it yet so I used my webcam to take a pic of the pic.
  9. I can see a really good arch, too! Wanna jump?! Sure, come on over to Perris. You can see the rig is still way to big for me though. I can't wait til I am ready to move down to a smaller one.
  10. K, here's a better pic than what I've already posted. Still not great, but you can see the rig better.
  11. My tandem exit, my Level 8 exit and a recent 2-way exit with dgskydive
  12. This statement bothers me. It's the second time I've read it in here. Would you pay for a pack job if you knew it wasnt going to open? I highly doubt it. Why? Because you pay them to do their job correctly. So in essence you are paying for a pack job that will open. Otherwise.. I could just go around stuffing canopies into containers and be paid rightfully? Hell no.
  13. nm, I'm not even gonna get myself started. lol
  14. I think they should be allowed. If you dont like them, dont click. Period.
  15. Conundrum


    I know. I bought the suit used and it fit me well enough that I took it. I plan on having the booties fixed soon, and/or getting a new suit all together.
  16. Im not cool enough to make the list.
  17. its cool.. while I am sure there are many out there that can do better Ill just stick with my logo. its just a quick draft... ps: I am an artist also... BFA in photography, painting, and furniture design Ill take suggestions, though... Okie dokie, just thought I'd offer.
  18. I am an artist and have been since I was like 3... If you want help designing something ( logo ), I'd love to help.
  19. Conundrum


    I don't think I have a problem arching.....