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Everything posted by catfishhunter

  1. Nope just another Darwin award winner. Right: The obituary described Bond as being “on FIRE for the LORD.” Last summer, she was elected as a Republican Precinct Delegate for Saint Joseph Charter Precinct 1." Clearly a perfect candidate. Since your obviously trying to tie things together lets look at the mass murderers lately.Since they were all or nearly all democrats and liberals like you and billy and quade and andy it could be said the world would be better and safer if we just lock you all up now before you go on a mass killing spree.. Please stop making shit up, it makes you look The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth LOL so to dispute me you use a liberal who says ", given the effectiveness of right-wing lies" yeah that story is going to be truthful. But coming from a lawyer what would the truth ever matter anyway... MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  2. Bolding mine. We have been this way for longer than BHO has been in office. Bush and the Iraq war did more damage to our relationship with the rest of the world than anything BHO has done. And while I certainly see a lot of "dividedness" (if that's a word), I have yet to see any real violence, nor any "indicators" or "precursors" to it. We are a long, long way from "civil war," despite what the extreme right wing websites want you to believe. and you would be wrong. To think we are so far removed from what is going on in the rest of the world is arrogant and ignorant. Our time is coming just as it has for every single nation that has ever been. Our nation came about because of a king and aristocrats that thought they could continue to subjugate free men. We will see fighting on our shores in my lifetime if something doesn't radically change. I believe this with all that I am. You can ignore it and dismiss it but history shows what is coming you just have to look and SEE what's in front of the path we are on. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  3. Giuliani did this for the same reason people like, for example, Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore do it: deliberately, for they know that it will put them semi-virally in the news for about 24 hours, in a sub-world in which publicity is the stock in trade, and any publicity is good publicity. He's trying to re-establish his bona fides of relevancy, probably because he wants to make some money. Maybe he wants to re-enter politics, or maybe he's about to write a book, or maybe he wants to make himself attractive for a TV pundit gig, or maybe he needs to increase his fee-value on the speaker's circuit. Or maybe, like any self-respecting bunny-boiler, he's tired of being ignored. I think he did it more because he knows the audience he is speaking to. Agreed. Giuliani is just pandering to the ignorant. I didn't see him mention you once. Let me go watch it again because I missed that MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  4. The 2nd amendment gives every free man the right to bear arms. No state should have a CWP. But since we have given up that little slice of our liberty already then one permit should cover every inch of our nation. As for your 2007 information I would have to research that but I am going to flat out call that story false or at the minimum misleading. to have a CWP ANYWHERE the permit holder has their information ran every 24 hours. If you come back dirty they are coming to your home for your guns and they are not going to ask nicely So if you really stopped and used that big old brain of yours, making sure all of us radical conservatives that carry a weapon every day were watched over, having a CWP does that for you. But that would take some actual logical thinking on your part. As for this story, to have a hand gun legally in Nevada you have to be 21 and every gun is registered when you buy it. You get a "blue" card that stays with the gun. The kid in this story obviously didn't have a legal right to a handgun. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  5. Nope just another Darwin award winner. Right: The obituary described Bond as being “on FIRE for the LORD.” Last summer, she was elected as a Republican Precinct Delegate for Saint Joseph Charter Precinct 1." Clearly a perfect candidate. Since your obviously trying to tie things together lets look at the mass murderers lately.Since they were all or nearly all democrats and liberals like you and billy and quade and andy it could be said the world would be better and safer if we just lock you all up now before you go on a mass killing spree.. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  6. The incident actually happened; look it up. Or are you making a different point? WHOOOSH! MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  7. Something you are very familiar with MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  8. Nope just another Darwin award winner. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  9. catfishhunter


    Creepy that the Biker Chick and Killary appear to enjoy it MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  10. Wow really? Good reason? your not Muslim or the right Muslim so you must die. You believe they have good reason for that? WOW. If I had little respect for you before I have absolutely none know MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  11. New Jersey is a cesspool. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  12. I don't think that they have that sort of "long term" goal. Not a "lets get out of hand, so that the government clamps down on our people so that we can provoke a real revolt" sort of plan. They are simply thugs who can't abide anyone "dissing" their prophet. So they, like any thug, try to intimidate people into compliance. And when the intimidation doesn't work, they lash out violently. The Ayatollah's death threat against Salman Rushdie is exactly the same sort of thug tactic. Scare people into silence. Part of effectively dealing with situations is not having this air of superiority. You are bound to make some massive mistakes if you think all these people are just stupid. They are far from stupid. Ignoring the fact that they are TRUE believers in what their religion tells them and ignoring what their religion actually TELLS them to do is our most ignorant mistake. They truly believe what they are doing is what their religion tells them to do. You don't blow yourself up or kill children because you kinda sorta believe. This isn't the first time in history they have risen to this level. Why there were the crusades. I am totally and completely amazed how ignorant and arrogant humans are to ignore history. Nothing we are or have or do is any different then those that came before and we will be destroyed just as they were for the same reasons. Just amazing we cannot learn from our past. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  13. Where did she buy it from? Here? Craigslist? eBay? She should have probably asked around about the person before paying them. Not saying it is a scam but if she paid and didn't get it within 2-3 days (priority mail is that fast and 3-5 days international to most countries) or at last have a tracking number she is probably scammed :( MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  14. If making money is the only goal, yes he has great business ideas. Unfortunately there are a great many "business people" that believe if you cant go to jail doing it that makes is ok. I'm not one of those. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  15. For gun purchases? I could but even your favorite media outlets have reported on record yearly gun sales Or Are you talking the crime stats? You continue to be the most violent and murderous society in the Western World. Standing up and screaming how proud you are of that is rather silly. At least we have something to be proud of and you have??? Oh wait yeah Hockey..You do have that.... MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  16. You can live in a tent in Eloy for free or really cheap in the bunk house, the tunnel is on site and you have some of the best instructors in the game and they fly pretty much every day. If you decide to come to Utah I have a friend with a bunk house with reasonable rates and Dusty and Devin at iFly Utah are some of the best coaches in the tunnel business but the DZ only flys weekends and some week days during the busy seasons. You can drive a couple of hours north and Jump the Perrine to your hearts (legs as it is a long ass hike out) content. Plus we have MOAB and Rock Canyon and a few other places the locals can show you as well as some sweet speed flying places if your into that and don't have a wife that says hell no :( Lodi has a camping area and cheap jumps and the area is beautiful but it is the land of fruits and nuts and far from being a cheap place to exist which is about all your going to be able to do with 13.5k US and still skydive If it was me id go to Eloy. They have a shuttle you can take from the airport. Camp eat and shower on site. There are enough people to run you into town to get your ramen noodles and koolaid and a tunnel on site. You could even hook up with people that travel to and from Perris and to Utah on a regular basis so you wont be "stuck" at one DZ and since AZ is a huge hub for southwest plane tickets to and from around the west are cheap if you decide to hit other western DZ's. Whatever you decide take lots of pictures and keep a journal and NEVER fall asleep with your shoes on! MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  17. Since your calling a dead man a Liar please post your facts that he lied. You seem to have undeniable proof so lets hear it. As for the defamation lawsuit the judge changed the rules the jury was hung. They should win on appeal. Last I do not believe for a second you even went to see the movie, and if you actually went it was for no other reason then to once again show your anti Americanism. It will always be amazing to me the lack of respect shown to the men and women that make it possible for you to have the freedom have the opinions that you do. Me id prefer to ship you off to Iraq and let you see how far your opinions get you. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  18. Dave did, not sure how active he is now. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  19. Oh, you can have the option. Go for it if you can. Just don't think you're actually going to change the outcome of a terrorist attack such as this, because you (and this time it's a personal pronoun) almost certainly won't. 99.999% of the most highly trained individuals on the planet wouldn't be able to. I didn't know you were the all knowing Quade..I think you have been taking a few to many magic pills and now you think your a God unto yourself to "KNOW" all things. The outcome would have been different, from what I have read, if one person had refused to let them in. "Cartoonist Corine Rey, aka “Coco,” told the weekly Humanité that she let the men inside the building of Charlie Hebdo after being ordered at gunpoint." If she had said no and gave her life instead of letting them in one person could have made a difference so you are 100% wrong...which isn't all that rare of an occurrence for the all knowing Quade MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  20. I don't have any issue with your premise just your delivery. if you cant see that then I worry more about you then the FNG. Now back to you. You said the load of Tandems and pilot were depending on you to spot the plane. So yes your jumps and experience are relevant since you couldn't be bothered by the FNG You also said "others' landed before him then you said it was just 2 people on the plane and tandems yet you said "Didn't watch anyone else land to follow them" who was this anyone else? Just you? Or did the tandems make it down before him? Or where their video guys on the load the beat down the solo belly flier? Trying to get the whole picture and get past the shiny new gear and pretty girl and being able to afford to pay a packer :) Not so much fun being called out now is it? This guy you slammed on dizzy just might find this post and instead of learning he is going to think you nothing but a prick and envious of his pretty girlfriend and shiny new gear. Next time pull him aside and talk with him about your concerns. If your a FNG too then pull in an instructor to moderate what is a real concern and what isn't but most of all do it as a fellow jumper instead of what you did here. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  21. That's just mean!! There is no way she does that, donkeys are way too loud and they have standards. top I just spit coke all over my desk, damn it.. LOL MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  22. Didn't say you were a bad guy. Envious? Yes. Why? I have no idea that's between you and your therapist. I did ask you and you didn't answer about your jump numbers, license and ratings since you made yourself sound like you have been around a long time and couldn't be bothered with the FNG. Something else I was wondering about, you said you went out first and then he followed and you were spotting. Sounds like a 182 load with a couple solo's? If so asking for help with gear and clothing shouldn't be looked down upon. Hell I have to ask for help getting out of the door on a 182 and I sit right next to it being a big fat fucker. Last what do you have against "fancy" full face helmets? I am going to make a big assumption here that you either don't have the money for one or you have never taken a knee to the chin either way putting that in their makes you sound extremely envious of this guy. Now you can take that as me picking on you or try to remove yourself from the equation and look at what you wrote and how you wrote it from an outside perspective or don't. Either way please answer my questions about your experience so I can understand your old fashion perspective. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  23. Now whether or not you meant it that way that is exactly how it sounds to ME.. What was the point of mentioning any of those things? Every girlfriend is pretty but there was something about this one that made you envious or you wouldn't have made a point to emphasize her being pretty. Also what does being a regional sales manager mean so much to you that you make it an integral part of your minimalizing of this person? Since you only have a picture of a half naked dude and no info on your profile and made it a point to call out another jumper, how many jumps do you have? What's your license and ratings? Where do you jump? Would like to know a little about you and where your basing your calling out of this person is coming from. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  24. I think you should read and re-read what you wrote. Sounds extremely envious. Now if you tell me you never showed anyone one of your videos and tried to impress a girl with how cool skydiving is then i'll apologies but I don't know any jumper that didn't tell everyone they know when they first started jumping. As for the ear buds and gopro. Did you take the time after to talk with him about why he was using them? Me Id much prefer someone use earbuds on a solo then on a jump with me. As for video of a solo why not? if you want to show people the view you see what better way then on a solo where you can scan everything from every angle and not worry about anyone else. Handing his gear to a packer. I haven't packed in over 1000 skydives. Does that make me that guy? I know I am "that guy" that pays his packers well and anywhere I travel I have no problem having the best packers willing to "squeeze" me "that guy" in even if they are already swamped. Down wind landing. Raise your hand if you have never been there..Did you land way out with his down wind or did he cross traffic. Big difference. Now even though this post was dripping with envy doesn't mean this guy wasn't or couldn't have been a douche but he might be just need someone to point out a few things and have a discussion about them instead of a envious post on dizzy that he will probably never see. So to use your title...Don't you be "that guy" :) MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.
  25. Yep. Compared with UK, Germany, Italy etc. US shootings are way out of line. In both directions. And why if you are so damned smart are you still here since you hate the USA so intensely? My Christmas wish for you is to move to one of your beloved countries. I think Italy would be a good one for Italy would be a good one for you. Need help packing? MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.