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Everything posted by Phillbo

  1. We buy Trace Minerals and add a few drops to my water bottle since we installed RO.
  2. I wonder why they used a helicopter? Not much free fall time in that jump.
  3. Why the need for so many cameras?
  4. I agree jayhawk is bringing the drama but richard is being a real dick .... I though the perp was a welcomed family member of Dizzy... I must have been wrong.
  5. So, now I'm curious if he will screw a tranny on it if he gets it :)
  6. And posting his checking account number is probably bad juju.
  7. LOL Tip 5 - Never Go Into A Diatribe (This is Queens English for "Don't show your ass.") Let's suppose the criticism you've received is misguided and wrong. The most common mistake is how people respond by: a). working themselves into a lather and taking a hard stance defending themselves and b). write a long-winded response that only fuels the comment thread (we see it on a daily basis within the forums of When responding, keep calm and carry on (even if you want to rip someone's head off) and keep it relatively succinct. Rehashing each detail of the customer encounter WILL fuel more commentary from those watching the thread unfold. Keep in mind, you're not responding publicly to an audience of a few - it could be a few hundred. No matter how right you maybe, acting indignantly will only turn many people off.
  8. What is this building used for?
  9. Anyone rent movies on a Kindle? I bought my Girl Friend one for use on the boat and am a bit confused on the rental period stipulations. They state that you have a 30 day rental period and a 24 hour viewing period. It's the viewing period that has me confused. Is that 24 hour from the time you dump it to the device from the cloud or does the software know when you actually press play and it can sit on the device for 30 days? I need to know this because when we head to the lake we do not have wifi access so I need to download the movie to the device today but it may be 3 days before it is watched. Will this work?
  10. Need to teach that pooch to PLF.
  11. Phillbo


    I travel the Navajo nation quite a bit and have picked up many hitch hikers. They ride in the back of my truck and it really does not bother them, they are use to it.
  12. It's getting better now.
  13. Still real slow and getting errors for me this morning.
  14. Break on through to the other side.
  15. I fear me. I do the dumb thumbs up thing when I dive over a cattle guard.
  16. What does it mean when an N number has been 'deregistered' ?
  17. some of it is OK... Snoop Dog is tolerable.
  18. Give me a couple weeks, I have some research to complete.
  19. Very lucky he did not fall out when the gear was lowered or at landing while he was passed out. Also curious why the ground crews do not check the wheel well while hooking up the tug?
  20. there was a tri pod involved in that sequence.
  21. Call the card company and see if they offer a chip card for international travel.