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Everything posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. Hi Mark, While I fully understand that Donald Trump cannot control who might endorse him, the proper thing to do would be to disavow this organization. Any bets on what he will do? Jerry Baumchen
  2. Hi Ron, Turtle and you should learn to stay on topic. And, that is just plain mean. One would hope that a true Christian would not stoop so low. Jerry Baumchen
  3. Hi Mark, The question was: 3. Do you ever recommend a square canopy to your PEP owning customers? I was not referring to an Aviator rig, I was referring to using a square canopy in whatever rig that they have or might buy, i.e., Softie. Jerry Baumchen PS) And, yes I could have worded each question better.
  4. Hi folks, The attached article appeared in the 28 Aug 1964 issue of TIME magazine. In the article was a photo of Tee & Dick and one of a ParaCommander; very similar to the attached photo of me under my old P/C. Jerry Baumchen
  5. Hi Lisa, You think she might be a switch-hitter? Jerry Baumchen
  6. Hi Ken, Yuppers, two so far. Jerry Baumchen PS) Do you think she might have big tits? Maybe I should get back to her.
  7. Hi Deyan, It is sort of a 'back door' question. If you have 'never' pack a PEP with a square canopy, then the answer would be 'Yes.' I probably should have asked: Have you 'ever' . . . Jerry Baumchen
  8. Hi to all you riggers out there, Just out of simple curiosity: 1. What percentage of the PEP rigs that you repack/maintain have a square canopy in them? 2. Have you never packed a PEP with a square canopy in it? 3. Do you ever recommend a square canopy to your PEP owning customers? And a wild a$$ guess for #1 is just fine with me. Just looking for some unscientific data on this subject. Thanks for any input, Jerry Baumchen
  9. Hi Terry, I remembered that one 'sort of' right after I hit the Post Reply button. However, I do not recall anyone getting an FAA approval to re-certificate the Pioneer canopies. Do you recall anyone? Jerry Baumchen
  10. Hi puppy, There has been only one nuclear plant in Oregon, the Trojan plant. They applied & received many requests to increase the storage of spent rods. I 'think' that they simply could not store any more spent rods at that site. And of course, those things mentioned by John Kallend. Your question is probably best answered by a 'it depends.' Jerry Baumchen
  11. Hi Ro, And mine is not as sharp at it once was. I doubt that even 1% of new PEP rigs are sold with a square canopy. Most mfrs of PEP rigs do not even offer a square canopy as an option. Having owned two 5-cell Swifts ( and having had to use one of them ), I would not call them 'funky.' Somewhat different but actually ( IMO ) rather simple; not as simple as current brake setting designs, but not 'funky.' Interesting, since the mistake was made at the factory in the first place. I could not agree more. These canopies were never designed to be overloaded. Even the newer designs are not something that I would want to land unaided. As I recall, only the SAC canopies ( under an FAA AD ) and the Phantoms ( under a SB ) were the ones having to be tested. Just some thoughts of mine . . . . Jerry Baumchen
  12. Hi turtle, And you know very little about what you type. I am not any expert but I did spend 30 yrs working in the large electrical transmission business. And my agency was heavily involved in a number of nuclear plants. I think only one is still operational. Any idea on just what the total costs of cleaning up a shutdown nuclear plant are? Jerry Baumchen
  13. Hi John, And in the early 50's they told us that nuclear power would be so cheap that we would not need meters on our houses. They even made a short film telling us that; I remember seeing it. Jerry Baumchen
  14. Hi Rob, Generally, I agree with everything that you say. However, you might ask Mike Furry if he agrees with your statement quoted above. Just after Steve Snyder won his lawsuit against Mike, I read that they were only $5.00 apart in negotiation settlement discussions; neither would budge any further so they went to court. Jerry Baumchen
  15. Hi Paul, Yup, that says all I need to know about it. Too bad really, Jerry Baumchen
  16. Hi rehmwa, This year, I'm thinking that Richard Cranium would be a viable candidate. He could be the GOP's salvation. Jerry Baumchen
  17. Hi Robert, Nicely done, sir. His OCS application is being completed as we consider. Jerry Baumchen
  18. Hi turtle, Having spent the vast majority of my life as an engineer and working with a fair amount of statistics; there are always two things to consider: 1. Possibility 2. Probability I think Ms. Clinton is far more probable to become president than will your volcano blow. Just sayin' Jerry Baumchen
  19. Hi folks, The plot thickens: Jerry Baumchen
  20. Hi Rob, I forgot something: About two years ago, I was contacted by someone in western Europe. I then provided a RAX mockup; and later found out that this person was representing MARS. It is my understanding that MARS has abandoned the Skyhook and is now using the RAX System. They did provide me with a video of some of their testing of the RAX System on their rigs. Jerry Baumchen
  21. Hi Rob, As it is in every industry I've ever been involved with. A fairly good synopsis; until someone comes up with a totally new concept. Eric also patented his device, which has stopped some development by others. His patent is for a 'pin puller.' Kelly Farrington ( who had the original concept for the RAX System ) was able to get around the patent because the RAX is not a pin puller. The pin stays stationary and the device pulls away from the pin. That IMO is a major difference. I just wanted to clarify that. Jerry Baumchen PS) Remember, the law firm who helps you get a patent will also help you in finding the loopholes in the other guy's patent. C'est la vie.
  22. Hi Paul, I would not if I had the chance; he will not be on any ballot in this state. Given that, I do agree with him that Ed Snowden should be pardoned. The medal part; I'll withhold my thought until later. Jerry Baumchen
  23. Hi turtle, I don't know about you, but my common sense says that you then should have directed your question to her and not to me. Again, what've you been drinking? Jerry Baumchen
  24. Hi turtle, Who has mentioned 'NSFW? What've you been drinking? Jerry Baumchen
  25. Hi folks, Here you go: Jerry Baumchen