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  1. This post entered in wrong thread. sorry
  2. After building many sets of toggles, one of many things I learned is that using a zig zag stitch on the upper tongue causes more abrasion and rapid wear on the brake eyelet on the brake line. Early on it was found that multiple straight stitching (301type) eliminates the wear on the "cat eye". The toggle with the downward tongue requires a wrong direction pull on the pocket it fits into. Eliminating the bottom tongue simplifies the whole system. For now that system works but could go to the next step quite easily.
  3. This an industry wide problem that has been mostly unreported because people did not have it happen on the next jumps. When the slider makers went to the premium quality stainless grommets, they elected to install the ones with an inside diameter of 15/16 in. Real bright. The old style #8's have an ID of 1 1/6 in. The riser and toggle material is mostly 1 in width. Then, slam a size #0 grommet in the toggle handle and it becomes more than 1in wide and rock hard. Try putting that through a 15/16 in hole. Guess what, you will have a jamb up or worse a toggle fire. A jamb up will cost you critical time upon opening when you are getting control of the canopy. A toggle fire will swing you around and maybe twist lines leading to a cutaway, even if you are not jumping a hot rod. I installed real #8's on my slider and built quick draw slim toggles. Either will drastically help the problem. After 2 toggle fires and multiple jamb ups, it is now just a memory. Then you will get the folks that say "just install bumpers" and live with your slider flapping, slowing you down, and obstructing your vision. Remember, It doesn't take much to work, and it doesn't take much to not work." Good Luck
  4. Did you have slider stops at the top side of the risers?
  5. Anyone here wise to the secure slider mod from Ray F from Yolo ?
  6. Jerry, you have a good memory. Sheeks could be one of those people. Always good to hear your comments. Obvious you are one of the more wise people on this site. Jim T
  7. Sheeks, your idea and concept may have body to it or may have draw backs. It is people like you, with those kind of thoughts, that will push the equipment forward. Keep thinking not only of the line eating sliders, but anything you may question that could be better. If you can figure how to get rid of the slider, you hit the jackpot. I respect your thoughts.
  8. Mostly newer jumpers can be very stupid. They think that just because it is an "approved" rig and reserve is in date, nothing can be screwed up. They say "it's all good". As long as they look cool and are patted on the back by others is their focus. Remember, It doesn't take much to work and it doesn't take much to not work. Good Catch!
  9. Wait for new number. Go to I made my rigger, A&P, and pilot number the same. Write "pending" for now.
  10. Two weekends ago I was in Eloy. Sandy and I had the run of the shop for 3 days with nobody there. He showed me how to pack the mojo. Although I am not totally sold on mards, look's like this one is the best so far. RI is big on exploring new stuff. They seem to go almost over board on engineering if there is such a thing. This leads to coming up with the next step as far as advancing the sport. I am sure that, in time, there will be another model by someone. Keep it up everyone, full speed ahead.
  11. The last time I spoke to Dan was at the Midwest Skydivers Reunion in 2014 in Michigan. He mentioned that he did not write that manual, he just compiled information that was already out there.
  12. Well then, black cables it is.
  13. The rig manufacturers, except RI, are unaware as far as I know about the housing cleaning. I gave a demonstration at our DZ at safety day a few years ago and may have mentioned it on but have not really called it to attention to the public. It is a simple procedure that seems to work on my rig and every other rig I have performed it on. Rig manufacturers can test it on their own and probably bury it in red tape or claim they discovered it. I really don't care. As long as the rigs of my friends and myself are good I have moved on to solving other problems. HPC, Instead of focusing on a rig that needs help and has outdated management, take it to the next level and give some ideas to the cool rigs and really help a superior rig be even better. As I said, you seem to have the right attitude.
  14. Good catch. I meant to say cut away pulls.
  15. Reserve ripcord pulls have been measured up to 50 lbs because of dirty Lolan cables. I found the black dirt is coming from inside the metal housing. It is lubricant and who knows what, left over from the manufacturing process. By running a 17 cal. flexible (cable) gun cleaning "rod" with a swab on the end, it removes the black stuff. The flexible rod allows the cable housing to be cleaned after the rig is built. The yellow cables do not get black any more. Of course I clean as per manufacturer every month. ha ha It is my understanding that RI now cleans their housings before building rigs while the housings are straight on the bench. I have not confirmed that. BTW HPC you should be the head of PL research and development if Johnboy would give you full authority to push that rig up to speed. This is one of the few threads here that is going to help the sport. I hope.