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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. If you are into otherism it's the polar opposite, I guess. Maybe if you guy's, and I'm not blaming Canada even if it appears to be obvious, would send down some multicolored snow with the next polar vortex attitudes would change.
  2. I'm with you on open carry and concealed carry. Large capacity clips might be solved with permits and controls. I am opposed to using semi automatic rifles for game animals; a poorly aimed first shot is rarely followed by a properly aimed second. For birds I'm good with semi-auto shotguns. I think anyone who converts guns to automatic or some form with bump stocks, rotary gizmos etc. should be guilty of a federal crime that is enforced. If guy's like Brent who has lot's of real training, experience and range time wants to shoot AR's at tin pots at the club who cares? But they shouldn't be allowed in the public square where the only purpose is to prove that armed speech is superior to unarmed speech. Also, I might be more relaxed if they weren't scary black instead of hot pink and banana yellow.
  3. The sad reality is that now that hunting is a sport with defined playing fields that hold prescribed numbers of participants it is as unavoidable that players will be injured and killed as it is that the target number of animals will be harvested or mortally wounded and left unfound.
  4. I get it that this is the Stupid Accident thread. However, here is an instance of common ground that might yield something. I also do not want my guns confiscated and I also am not in the no gun control crowd. Obviously, the degrees of control and the reasons will remain contentious but when the topic is guns in America any agreements between the sides warrant a touch of the pause button, methinks. So I'll ask: where would you draw the lines? Brent wants free access to suppressors etc. I think not. I also see no reason to sell guns that look like they were designed to kill people in modern warfare. I say no to open carry but agree that reasonably controlled concealed carry should be allowed. Where are you?
  5. May I assume he wasn't wearing any of the available online, and reasonably priced, bullet protection attire? Sure, kevlar helmets and vests are still a bit clunky but when it's your safety in a world of flying bullets (not hunting, I mean concerts) you should take reasonable precautions. And screw the fashion police, it'll happen eventually that nanotechnology will allow for very stylish creations by the best designers. So, if you're the sort of safety nerd that looks both ways before crossing the highway then you should also think to don your kevlar codpiece if your trip to the 7-11 might occasion an encounter with some Proud Boys. That just makes sense. As anyone capable of believing what they want can tell you, guns don't kill people, thin jock straps do.
  6. If there are 100,000,000 gun owners and there are 40,000 gun deaths per year then, providing all responsibilities are shared as equally as all rights, every gun owner is responsible for .04% of all gun deaths each year. I'll further assume that means that 99.96% of gun owners see no problems. That seems about right.
  7. Bill, there may be 400 million guns owned in America but it's actually like 100 million gun owners, I think. Also, your 200,000 women who annually defend themselves with guns, and I'm assuming that it's not the same women each year, has to be way off.
  8. Oh, come on Brent. You wear goggles and hearing protection on a firing line unless you are a doof. Hunting with hearing protection is stupid. You know, like the ability to hear: "Please don't shoot, I'm your Mom!". Muzzle jump is a sound fear/ recoil fear reaction. Wear your hearing protection when practicing and learn to take the recoil. Try again.
  9. Fair enough. But the point is intact. Why do you think anyone needs one?
  10. Zero for me. I have friends who are R's who wanted Trump to be reelected but none who have spiraled down the election denial rathole.
  11. Seriously man, who gives a fuck if alarmists are alarmed? Then there is this : ”Gun sales surged this year. Some current buyers say they’re concerned President-elect Joe Biden will pursue laws making it tougher to buy weapons.” So are we talking Guns or Weapons? Why? Look, I'm neither anti gun or anti weapon. Also, I can not help but notice that the demise of the Trump Presidency has had a salutary effect on assault type weapon mass shootings. I'm not sure how that fits in but maybe those Gun industry analysts can clarify things for me. Then there is Hunter Biden. Are we all to believe that our new most anti gun president in the universe named his son Hunter? I guess that makes sense. In the meantime, I'm curious as to why, no matter if they aren't causing problems in Germany, you think we need free access to silencers.
  12. I will. And I'll let you sort out the language and what it says. No charge for SC posters.
  13. Obviously not. But in the context of here I think he's just saying what he believes. I also think the links he posts simply resonate with his belief system which, sadly, seems to be any absurd con that comes into his field of view.
  14. JoeWeber


    ??? I wasn't talking about Canadians.
  15. I think you have him wrong, John. He's no troll. He's a true believer. He could be chained to a stake in the Coliseum with the lions coming out of the gates and he'd be chanting: Fake lions. Benghazi. Pizza.
  16. JoeWeber


    We just need to talk to them and be non-confrontational while searching for some common ground. Something terrible must be bothering them if they are engaging in such obvious self destructive behavior. That's where we need to look so we can help them face their real problems and start to heal.
  17. I love nostalgia. My favorite DC3 jump was out of a Turbine DC3 into the opening of Suvarnibhumi Airport in Thailand. My least favorites were either of the two that had engine outs below a grand.
  18. Danger Will Robinson, Danger Will Robinson. Even Rodney the Robot is throwing a Double Face Palm.
  19. Seriously, this entire thing is beyond my wildest imaginings. Obviously, regardless of the harm to the nation, Trump will grasp at any straw to avoid the courts come January 20. I've said it already several times here but it bears repeating: if you voted for Trump the second time you own this.
  20. If it's because his base wants to be fucked in the weirdest ways possible then for them every day is like Christmas.
  21. I can sort of see the point. No matter, I'm setting aside the decent bottle of wine I was intending to swill with you and putting aside a better one.
  22. Negative. Lippy wants his wife to keep her friend not the other way around. I think the world today is harder than we want it to be.
  23. But you did vote fo him, right?