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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. I do? Because I think residential real estate agents aren't worth the 6-7% commission and the gig economy companies that employ them (yes, just like Uber) have what amounts to a collusive lock of pricing? Or, is it when self styled conservatives pontificate on tax policy and business practices while collecting a US Government paycheck? Excellent likeness, by the way. Thanks.
  2. The shit hits the fan in many ways.
  3. Just depends on your appetite for gambling. Me, I try to avoid $1.5M losses on Otters and Super Caravans. I know an operator who gave up $2M on three crashes and never learned. I have a wonderful 182 I built up for jumping. 1979, wet wings, 325HP with all of with mods, glass instruments etc. etc. It's a $180K airplane but at that end of the scale insurance is $5K plus liability ($2500) just for being a back up. Makes no sense and I'm an idiot for doing it. But 2% + $3500 liability on a $1.5M aircraft makes sense all day long.
  4. Might be, or it might be something else. You might be surprised, perhaps not you, to know how many jump aircraft are under insured or have liability only simply because they can. Give someone a chance to play the odds and damn if many won't take it. And they'll do it again after a loss believing, I guess, that the reset odds are now in their favor. Weird.
  5. But he bought the house. Caveat emptor, he might have pointed out were the plaintiff a client and not his own miserable sorry ass. It's funny, well maybe not funny as I now think about it, but I've spent a lot of hours and a commensurate amount of money in the company of attorneys. They always loathe going further than a threatening letter for something that will be argued on technicalities in court. Unless it's their money, of course.
  6. Well, it's been double blind, peer reviewed determined that it doesn't learn better between 50 and 60 as has most recently been confirmed by a study on Speakers Corner.
  7. Better, let the taxpayers in the county that issued the rebuilding permit pay for it. That would bring it to a screeching halt.
  8. There shouldn't be a national dumbass disaster program. Give folks one bite at the apple and then if they build back it is so, so sorry next time. I can't wait for Phoenix to be declared a Federal Disaster Area when average temperatures reach 130 degrees and you need snowshoes to keep from sinking in to the asphalt.
  9. That only holds true for blue states, don't you know?
  10. PM me for a free trial subscription to JOE News. I'll get you spooled up in no time.
  11. All the best parents blow snot all day long on the internet. Thanks for the parenting tip but if you really want to help pray I catch the Marlin that took my favorite lure yesterday.
  12. And also a fabrication on your part to try to make a point. You need a time out.
  13. It's really simple, Chuck, free flyers do not look down. Of course that includes angle/movement groups. Belly flyers sometimes sometimes do and Tandems always do. The big reality is that upjumpers are generally willing to risk an off DZ landing, apologies to follow. The other reality is that a lot of us aren't as dialed in at what we do as we think we are so there is the constant risk of someone below us in freefall. So, any smart exit order try to limit any potential freefall collisions or off DZ landings to us, not Tandems.
  14. Oh, look at you. Aren't you validated now that another egghead needed you to solve his problem? Maybe he was simply smart enough to know that he could get your dumb ass to drive for hours in the shit for his amusement. Get a life, man.
  15. Not quite as difficult as a stable of hookers but I'm sure you're up to speed for the monthly checks.
  16. No job. DZ closed. Snow everywhere. Day's spent getting the house in order, the kids asses wiped and readying up for the wife's daily debrief. All of your amazing banking, managerial and war making skills put to their best use organizing a trip to Disney World. Anything interesting in the soaps these days?
  17. Are any of us serious? How many jumps have you made from aircraft that didn't burn fossil fuels?
  18. You really "watch" to know? And that after you edited? Not very impressive unless you are shit faced, of course. Seriously, as it has been pointed out on these pages by others, you often aren't too quick on the uptake. Let me make it simpler, the next time the urge strikes, instead of us, jerk yourself off.
  19. Actually, you are losing out on any of us who thought there was a scintilla of seriousness about you. I suggest you stop posting here for a few months until the most gullible forget.
  20. We are, totally. Just go to the moon. That or stop with imagining why the future isn't what you imagined it would be and instead be marveled by all of the awesomeness around you.
  21. If you put your kids outside tonight with two snot rags each and a copy of Rush Limbaugh's autobiography which one would survive the night? Keep in mind we are playing stupid fucking mind games, of course.
  22. OK, so premium unleaded. And the rover runs on regular? Don't tell me it's a Tesla.
  23. Bill, is that fancy Mars lander using reliable fossil fuels? I'm assuming yes, you know, out of an abundance of caution.
  24. Unless you are there under sentence from a judge and wear an ankle bracelet you are not forced to be there. Leave or stop complaining about it. It isn't your job or your family, Do like we used to do, get a VW camper van, put a for sale sign on what you are leaving behind, hold your nose and hire a realtor if need be and just go. You are Special Forces, right? Should be a snap.