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Everything posted by Lindsey

  1. I went and bought shirts today to tie dye. So....if you happen to be a Moss Point over the 4th and want one....come and get it! ==8-D Peas~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  2. AAANNNND....for the Tie Dye comment....I'm gonna have to make up a batch of 'em to take with me to hand out at Gold Coast over the 4th! We need more tie dyes in the air is my opinion!!!!! Breakin' out the dyes and soda ash..... Peas~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  3. Heh, heh.... Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  4. Lindsey

    OOOH SHIT!!!

    Good job getting that reserve out.....I've never had a high speed mal, thank Shiva! Even the most thoughtful person is going to make a mistake periodically.....though that seems like a pretty careless one, there. One of the riggers that I use sometimes once made a horribly careless mistake, and had the person jumping that rig needed his reserve, it would not have opened....again, thank Shiva that didn't happen. We really have to weigh risks in this sport. I would never say to find a new rigger because of such a mistake, but it is certainly something to consider. I don't think you'll ever find a person who will never screw up once in a while.....which is another reason I won't be a rigger.... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  5. ....and it's so good to see your face..... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  6. Sending warm, fuzzy energy your way)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  7. That was a VERY nice thing Lummy did. Way to go man! Peas~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  8. Lindsey

    Weekend Numbers

    OOOOH Happy Birthday, Scott!!!!! 0 (again): 2 great dives: 0 (spent the weekend at dad' beer allowed) but the sauna was hot and the pool was cool..... Peas~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  9. Great story! Thanks.....what a great time! Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  10. heh......reminds me of a little ditty that someone said to me once when I thought I had been treated unfairly.... Whine, whine, whine you should've stayed home with your mama bakin' cookies..... Anyway, I prefer not to stay home bakin' cookies, and barring a life alone indoors, taking the lumps is part of the deal. Like, Get over it!!!! Peace~ Lindsey Please accept this post in the spirit of love in which it was offered.... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  11. I got to jump with my new Mindwarp today.....I have NEVER (at least since student status) worn a helmet. Anyway....I was amazed! Could barely tell I had the thing on. Nice..... Thanks, Lisa! Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  12. I got to make a couple jumps today.....first one I did a little sitting, and the 2nd....well, an old high school friend of my MOM'S shows up, and I jumped with him. Anyway, on the sit jump. Sitting was no problem....I assume I was doing it right.....kind of leaning forward knees bent a bit, and easy to stand from that position? Okay so far? Now, there was one position in there that seemed right, and I wasn't able to really move around from there a lot....if I bent my knees more, I flipped back into a reclining position....if I straigntened them, I stood. I just kind of sat there and watched the 2 way that went before me. I turned a bit just by looking around. Anyway.....what are the main control surfaces for moving forward and backward, and for turning. Do ya' use your arms a lot, or fly more with your body or legs, or what? Not alot of experienced freefliers here to draw info from..... Thanks! Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  13. :) Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  14. I was joking....heh....didn't mean to ruffle feathers.... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  15. Rain is not my favorite thing to feel in freefall, but that's still a pretty cool story..... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  16. I have not had 2 canopies out, but I saw a relatively new jumper deal with a touchy situation a few months ago.... He apparently brought it down low enough to have his AAD fire after he deployed his main. So it's trailing along in the bag without enough force to pull it out....until he picks up a little speed.....on a turn at only a couple hundred feet at the most. 2 out.... Almost immediately they downplane! Jumper did great and cut away immediately. Thought he demonstrated some real steady nerves there....I doubt he has a hundred jumps.... Just thought I'd share~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  17. Oooooohhhhh......I always flash the jumpers without really considering the pilot's feelings.....guess that's rude..... Peas~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  18. Lindsey

    I'm guessing

    At least there are a few relatively cool people hangin' here and there....or maybe I just think they're cool because I'm weird....hmmm Peace~ Lindsey Holding that meditation pose, "oooooooohhhhhhmmmmmmm" Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  19. Skydiving Women Unite! So....don't you just TOTALLY love so many of the sydiving women you've met..... Anyway.....drinking and posting again.....I was just thinking as I read your post that you seem like a very cool person, and someone else that I'd like to meet.....and how cool my skydiving girlfriends are. Maaaaan. Something to be grateful for, for sure! Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  20. Lindsey

    I'm guessing

    that on a Friday night, people actually do things for fun.....thus the lack of a crowd... Ho humm Lindsey Just sitting here in meditiation pose "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHMMMMMM" Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  21. Congrats on the job! It's comforting to know that there will be some jump money coming in...... Hope you *like* that job.... I'm getting to work more all the sudden than I expected,'s great! Congrats! Peace~ Lscribblescribble Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  22. Lindsey

    how many people

    Spam, corn, and beans..... I grew up having that at least once a month. It's always comfort food for my little brother when he comes to visit, even today. Two years ago, we had it on Christmas Eve for lunch. Good stuff.... A little wonder bread to sop up the juice.....mmmmm Spam (low sodium, heh, heh, heh, nowadays), creamed corn out of a can, and pork 'n' beans..... Mmmmmm Enjoy the recipe! ==8-D Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  23. Saying "y'all" and being able to spell are not mutually exclusive..... Thanks for the site, though. ==B-D Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  24. Lindsey


    I like to watch these new things for a few years before I jump in.....and maybe HMA will be the thing.... after another re-line or two with Vectran, maybe I'll have the mod on the FX too.... ==B-D Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  25. Lindsey

    Would it be...

    OOOH! I wish I had that power for a day..... Heh, heh, heh...... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion