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Everything posted by Lindsey

  1. Lindsey

    So sorry...

    [sipping morning coffee]HH....all I can say is you're a trooper, man.....[/sipping morning coffee] -- A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
  2. [suckin' up to HH]This is too cool.....thanks HH!!!![/suckin' up to HH] Peace~ Lindsey -- A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
  3. If you click on your name on the main page, then click on "see all user's forum posts" Then you can click on Skydiving Talk Back, and you're here! The empty can rattles the most
  4. Now that is BAD ASS.....Lots of folks claim bad ass accomplishments, but cool estrogen loads rock.... Peace~ Lindsey 0:1:0 The empty can rattles the most
  5. Yep....and I was too lazy to figure it out for myself.....had to get instructions....but made it nonetheless.... Peas~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  6. Off-heading openings is something that in my experience can be fixed to a large extent by watching the body position.....when I first got my FX, it had a real tendency to open up all crazy.....well, after I had to cut it away once because of line twists, I figured I needed to watch the body position a bit more on opening....has practically eliminated ANY opening problems..... Just my $.02 Peas~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  7. Condolences and wishes for a complete recovery..... Peace~ and Blue Skies.... Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  8. Surely a 100th that you'll never forget! People can do some pretty stupid stuff.....hope you're not banged up too bad from the opening, and glad it turned out okay in the end.....and ought to kick his ass.... Peas~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  9. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers....that's a pretty rough road.... Sending out lots of good energy))))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The empty can rattles the most
  10. Lindsey

    ESPN and me?

    Woo HOO!!!! Airweenie, couch potato kicks ass.... Peas~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  11. nevermind, your other post.....OUCH! The empty can rattles the most
  12. Surely you know better than to keep us all in suspense about the skydiving what happened? Nope.....I saw a few dehydrated, out of their minds skydivers this weekend too.....though none so bad that they needed a professional assessment....just a good bloody mary.... Peace~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  13. Cats only humor us because they know they're ancestors ate we need another poll? ==8-0 Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  14. What a fantastic way to spend the day! Thanks for sharing.... ==8-D Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  15. I *might* buy a product from someone whose attitude I don't like....just depends on how unscrupulous I believe they are.... But if I really like a company, I'll surely try to buy from them. My list of "won'ts" is pretty short (like 1). Heh.... no need to take life too seriously, I suppose.... Peas~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  16. Congrats on that, girl! Isn't it great to have such a strange group of characters to keep you company when you're blue.... Peas~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  17. Taurine is an amino acid, 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, I believe. There's a lot of it in muscle. It seems, if I recall correctly, that humans synthesize it from cystine and methionine.... It's not bull urine. No BS.... ==8-0 Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  18. That would be a knee at the bottom.....though they do put rods in the tibia too in a bad fracture. Peas~ Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  19. well....I guess titanium is technically a transition metal.....and it is a good heat conductor.... Don't think they typically use polyethylene to repair fractures..... ==8-0 Lindsey The empty can rattles the most
  20. Now, I'm proud to be part of that club....but disappointed that I don't set off metal detectors.....that could be fun. I did have a bit of an omen regarding this once. A couple weeks before I broke my ankle in two, I was at the prison (I was doing some work with moms in prison at the time), and the metal detectors kept going off on my right ankle, but there was nothing there. Removed my shoes and socks, and it kept going off. We all had a good laugh over it. Well....two weeks later, there I was supine on the table..... But I am glad mine's just a little ol' ankle injury and not a femur! I guess I like to go out, but not ALL out! ==8-D Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  21. ....AND I just got through making 11 tie dyes to take with me on the 4th.... my back hurts from working over a sink that's too low, but now I'm kicked back on my little 'puter with a margarita. The kids have been pretending to be vampires all afternoon, and that's kind of funny.... It's warm outside, and a weekend is coming soon.....(not that my weeks are all that difficult any more, but no planes flyin' around here until Saturday)....seems that all's right in my little corner of the world. That's good.... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  22. Woo HOO! So glad you're starting to get about again....sounds kind of rough, but skydivin' chicks are tough.... It's really good to see you around! Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  23. Me too, Lummy.....the portal is closed....but DAVE put a link in his first works! Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  24. Woo HOO! Clay! I'm totally with ya'! DON'T DO IT!!!!! Peas~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  25. Another girl perspective.....I don't believe that long-term relationship necessarily means gotta get a house and plan the rest of our lives together. If you did things to make her believe that's what you wanted, then yeah, you led her on. If you were clear that you weren't wanting that kind of a committment, but enjoyed hangin' with her, then you didn't lead her on, IMHO. Sorry you're down in the dumps, though.... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion