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Everything posted by Lindsey

  1. I'm drinking and posting. Just wanted to preface this with that.... But to me, the concern would not be about the possibility at this current time of "be[ing] picked up without significantly more evidence than "I know about bombs, and have Pakistani friends"." It would be much more about the clear possibility of giving too few too much power.... Please accept this in the spirit of love in which it was given..... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  2. Again....for the record.....I don't max out cards. I only use my debit card, which removes money directly from my checking account.... If it ain't in there, it won't get spent. Works really well. Now that the mood's better (got called in to work at Children's Hospital all night, and it reminded me real quick that most of us really have nothing to complain about), I realize that I blew a great opportunity to talk to you on the phone.... So bein' down in the dumps is really a waste of good daylight.... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  3. I don't know.....I think if I had just gone through 6 grand, I might get out of the standing position before dumping.....just my $.02. Please accept this in the spirit of love in which it is offered.... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  4. Did I tell Billvon that? Doh.... sounds like something I might say.....sorry billvon Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  5. Peanut Butter? Well....thank GOD I'm out of the loop on that one..... Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  6. But just for the record.....this whole incident of mine was never intended to be confrontational to begin with.....just kind of snowballed real quick.....I certainly saw no need to cover my ass in any way initially..... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  7. Lindsey

    Cuckoo Clock

    Headbangers Ball.....memories....surely they don't still have that on anymore.....Do they? I'm way too out of the loop these days..... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  8. Lindsey

    Cuckoo Clock

    .....and I think Dave had some sort of injury to his arm earlier this year that probably keeps him from jumping..... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  9. Lindsey

    Cuckoo Clock

    Oh, come on's Megadeth..... Please accept this in the spirit of love in which it is offered.... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  10. yeah.....I know you're absolutely right. I guess that I just didn't see my first note as any more than my $.02. He obviously saw it very differently. When I got that one back, I probably should've picked up the phone, at least..... I get in trouble with stuff like that all the time. I'll say something via e-mail that I don't see as any big deal, and then someone takes it in a spirit much different than that in which it was sent, and next thing ya' know....KABOOM! Augggghh Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  11. So today I got into a relatively heated discussion (being nice) with the associate dean of the College of Medicine, via e-mail. Auggghhh! Now I've been in a rotten mood for a couple of hours, and even ordering that new helmet didn't help....usually spending money snaps me right out of it.... Maybe I'm just a bitch.....but is that necessarily a bad thing? So medical school is relatively competitive. In one of our courses, the director laid out for us early on how our final exam would be scored, and the scoring didn't seem to be fair to any of us in the class. But after many discussions, his way stood. So.....I worked really hard to give myself a huge cushion so that I could absorb the shock of that final 25% of the grade..... Well, after the exams were scored, a bunch of people complained because their grades dropped. The associate dean reviewed the way the class was scored and agreed with the class that it was unfair, and the course director then "adjusted" 48 grades in that class up a level. So I e-mailed the dean to voice my concerns about how that whole thing was handled. I was polite, but pretty direct. He sent me a nasty, very condescending note back which I, of course, had to respond to. In it, I suggested that he not insult me further. He did apologize for overreacting to my initial note and for the personal insult....he said because he's been overwhelmed by students' notes about that particular course. He suggested I come by and talk to him face-to-face, which I'll of course do. But my stomach is just in knots over this. Perhaps I need to learn some tact? I don't know. I'm not often bummed out, but today I am...... Peace and Love~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  12. Woo HOO!!!! Just what I was looking for.... 7 hours in the Jeep and pitch a tent! Of course we just drove down that road a couple weeks ago, but I guess I won't let repeat scenery deter me..... Hee HEE HEE!!!! I just ordered a new helmet from Lisa (plug for Square1), so I'll be able to test it out (but hopefully not all of its parameters) in freefall..... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  13. Heal up well, brother.... Sure do hate to keep hearing these kinds of things..... Hope they put ya' back together well..... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  14. My anti-virus program has been catching this one coming in almost every day it seems like for the last month! It must be everywhere! Arggggghhhh! Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  15. Hope you have a great day! Happy B-Day! Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  16. Lindsey


    It is so very sad when your home dz closes. I can totally feel your pain.... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  17. I was deeply saddened that you and Sheepy were not in that set of pics.... And I think the only reason Kreg got in was because he was standing next to Wingnut.... You saw how he and Nikki were makin' eyes at each other.... uh-huh! Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  18. So anything going on at Gold Coast on the weekend after the 4th? (5th, 6th, 7th?) Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  19. That song cracks me up! Thanks for the morning chuckle.... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  20. I have been wondering where you'll be good to see your name in print again.... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  21. Anything good going on? Seems I'll be free that weekend of the responsibilities of motherhood, and it might be a good opportunity for a short road trip..... :) Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  22. I've not gotten over any plateau lately, but I was really incredibly shocked when I jumped with a 4-way at Emerald Coast that I can still turn some pretty nice points after nearly 6 years since I've jumped seriously at all.... Of course I've jumped plenty in that time, but after our little dz broke up, people went their separate ways, and there hasn't been a lot of good RW going on.... Like you, I wasn't sure of where my abilities would lie, but I was pleasantly surprised that I really hadn't lost a whole lot.... In fact, the biggest problem was that I didn't know the names of some of the formations that we were doing.... Makes me look forward to hooking up with some folks this summer even more.... I hope that by the end of the summer I'll be able to say that I, too, have taken it to a new level..... Peace~ Lindsey Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  23. ...and you sound like a hundred jump wonder who thinks he's invincible.... Peace~ Lscribblescribble Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  24. I guess I've been practicing it since I've learned to write. One of my friends once asked me if I had changed my name to Lscribblescribble, and I thought it was funny.... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion
  25. We had thunderstorms today, so I shopped the classifieds and bought a great futon for $100 that some old couple was selling for their son. I'm so proud. Now my mother won't have to sleep on the couch anymore when she comes to visit. Cleaned the house (a little). No jumps this weekend, but a great time..... Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun 'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion