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Everything posted by Nightingale

  1. The problem there is not the dog. Get your sister a gift certificate for a training class, because she is obviously not the alpha in that relationship.
  2. I second the "Check your canopy" idea. Get your rigger to inspect your canopy for damage caused by the line sliding around on top. I saw one of those out at Perris a few years back, and it looked like parts of the ZP had almost melted.
  3. I don't like any of them, but I'll be voting for McCain. We have a democratic legislature, and therefore, we need a republican president to keep both sides balanced and not running amok with their own agendas. If the president is a different party than the majority of the legislature, only the really important stuff gets done.
  4. Taking a break from jumping doesn't mean you have to take a break from! It's a great way to keep in touch with your sky-friends.
  5. Banks aren't "creating money". They're offering loans based on assets they already have, even in electronic form. If one of those banks started printing US dollars, that would be a problem.
  6. And since those foreign banks aren't issuing US currency, there's no problem. If a bank in Germany wanted to start printing US dollars, that'd be a problem.
  7. This will be my third non-jumping trip to Prairie. I was hoping to be able to jump this year, but alas, I still need a cypres.
  8. I'm glad you're interested, Shotgun. Take your time to decide, and hopefully we can find some people in your area who are interested that you can carpool with.
  9. Prairie's great fun whether you're jumping or not!
  10. Amber's not that devious. Just wishful thinking, because she knows we're going to get her to Prairie one way or another.
  11. Yeah, I know. Gotta splurge once in a while. I don't keep food in my house anymore, except for the stash of emergency food that I wouldn't want to eat except for an emergency. That way, I have to go out to get food, and consciously think about what I'm getting so I don't end up nibbling an entire box of jordan almonds at home.
  12. That's AWESOME, Amber!!!!! As for LP, you've got your plane ticket to get out here, transportation from here to the boogie, and a place to crash along the way. All you've got to figure out is how to eat, and food's not that expensive.
  13. Sigh... lost a few pounds last week, but gained two of them back eating fourth of july junk food over the weekend. =(
  14. If one of the teams gets enough members, we can use that table as our meeting place.
  15. Here's the link! Lisa and I are co-captaining. And we need a man to make our sign. Not really, but it sounded good. Hehe... I don't know if we need a man to MAKE the sign, but it'd be nice to have one to CARRY it.
  16. Here's the link! Lisa and I are co-captaining.
  17. Gender identity disorders are a fairly well documented medical phenomenon. Scans of people who are transgendered (female to male, in this case) indicate that their brains resemble those of males much closer than females, and vice versa. It's a biological issue, not a social one, and is generally treated with hormones and surgery. The majority of people who are transgendered assert from a very young age that they were born into the wrong body. "Radiologists can now confirm what transsexuals report - that they feel “trapped in the wrong body” - on the basis of the activation of the brain when presented with erotic stimuli. There is obviously a biological correlation with the subjective feelings." "But while the number of transsexual brains examined is small, Dr. Swaab said the results had scientific power because the discrepancies in size of the hypothalamic structure were quite large....Dr. Swaab proposes that the sexual variances...arise during fetal development, and thus are essentially built in." I'm really not sure why so many people are upset that this guy had surgery and hormones to correct what is basically a birth defect, and then chose to carry a child for himself and his wife because she could not. source:
  18. Harry (Itllclear) was one of the jumpers, along with Jim Wallace (I think) and some others.
  19. We get some privileges as a returning team (free promotional materials, posters and other stuff to help us raise money), so it would probably make more sense to keep the existing team and join yours to ours. We can change the name to include tunnel flyers, and be co-captains. A tunnel/skydiver team is an awesome idea! I hope we can make it happen!
  20. As long as they're not anywhere near people's gear, and well behaved, I don't have a problem with them. It might make sense for a dropzone to ask that a dog earn his Canine Good Citizen certificate before coming to the dropzone.
  21. Nightingale

    The look

    About the time I started teaching karate. I was 14, and running the adult classes sometimes! Without that look, it'd have been chaos! The look was refined when I began teaching elementary school.
  22. No jumps, but one absolutely beautiful plane ride from El Monte to Catalina! Do I owe beer for my first time LANDING in a piston airplane?
  23. The SlideBar Cafe in Fullerton, CA does tempura fried chocolate cake. It's got cookie dough frosting in the middle, and is covered with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and raspberry syrup, with fresh raspberries and mint. Chocolate heaven!
  24. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Congress has the power to coin money for the US. Not Mexico or Canada. So, the issue may be that there is no constitutional authority to allow a foreign country to issue and regulate our currency.