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Everything posted by Evelyn

  1. LOL. Sounds like my practice drills, but I've yet to have a reserve ride. I kind of think I'd like to go through life getting the perspective without the reserve ride. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  2. No, I wasn't looking ahead at our schedule when I said I would jump every other weekend for 10 weeks. At the time I just wanted him to agree to me going to the RW camp, it wasn't until after that I realized we had all these weekend committments. Then once I realized I couldn't jump during those times I figured they could be part of the times I wouldn't be jumping. So yeah, that wasn't our original agreement, but the way I see it, it works out the same. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  3. That's the problem Andrea, is that it's not only one weekend, we're out of town the following weekend. And I just learned all these new skills in RW camp that I want to practice while they are still fresh. And he's not saying no to skydiving for the quality time, he just thinks I've skydived enough lately. But yes, he does come first and if I can't work it out I just won't skydive this weekend. But I really hope I can work it out and skydive. I've got some plans in mind. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  4. I can't really restrict his golf because we belong to a country club where you pay monthly dues and have unlimited golf, so the more golf he plays the more he gets his monies worth. And I doubt that I will be looking for a new husband cuz we've been married 26 years. As far as getting him in the air, he is on a diet to lose 35 pounds and when he does he says he'll do a tandem (he wouldn't do one before cuz they charge extra for people over 200 lbs. and I think he was embarrassed about his weight). Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  5. Yeah, I pointed that out to him and he said "oh, it's like learning to ride a bike, it'll come back to you." But I do have a plan, he said we were going to spend the weekend doing stuff around the house, so instead of going to the gym every night, I'm going to come home and do stuff around the house so then I can say "I already did my stuff around the house so guess I'll go jump". Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  6. My hubby is not a skydiver, his passion is golf, but he's been pretty supportive of my skydiving. We have a kind of agreement that I can jump once a week (due to expense and need to spend time with family), and once a month I get to jump twice a week (I visit my parents and the DZ is on the way so I jump, visit parents, then jump the next day on the way home). This has worked out well, but I recently attended a 5 day RW camp so told hubby I would only jump every other week for 10 weeks to make up for jumping 5 days in a row. He was okay with it. But the following weekend was my weekend to visit my parents so I jumped 2 days. He grumbled a little but was okay with it since that is the usual plan. But now the weekend is coming and I wanna jump and he says "no". I pointed out that we have 5 weekend events coming up in the next couple months where I won't be able to skydive, but he says "no, that wasn't the agreement" I'd be okay with it except the following week we'll be out of town which means I won't get to jump for 3 weeks. I don't think I'm being unreasonable, am I? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  7. This happened a long time ago before people had cell phones and navigation systems. It was late at night and I was on my way home from a friends and I was lost and I was speeding. I got pulled over and when the cop came up to my car I said "Oh, I'm so glad you saw me, I was afraid you wouldn't". He was looking really confused and said "huh?" I said "well I'm really lost and I didn't want to stop for directions in an unfamiliar town in the middle of the night, so when I saw you I figured you could give me directions, but I needed to get your attention so I figured if I was speeding you'd pull me over and I could ask directions" He then gave me directions and sent me on my way without a ticket. In fact, he never even mentioned the speeding. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  8. If you say something you wish you hadn't you can always take it back, but never having said anything you don't have even that option...so I think saying nothing and wishing you had is worse. Just my 2 cents. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  9. I'm so sorry for you. I gave up dangerous sports when I started skydiving cuz I didn't want to get hurt and not be able to skydive, so now I don't rollerblade, snowboard or walk slowly across crosswalks. Hope you recover quickly! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  10. I have a fall rate problem and people have told me I need to get a Tony Suit, that they can make it with the same zero-P fabric that chutes are made of and it will help my fall rate. So I am definately going to look into it. And yes, I was told to contact Patty and that she is awesome. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  11. Can you please add my name to the list. Thanks!
  12. I was surprised at how much the cost for my new rig added up, close to 6K, but my Corvette is still worth more than my rig, though not by much. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  13. Quotewow. if you have a 1:1 wingloading on a 150, then you should weigh about 132-135 ish. are you really tall? Yeah, 5'6" and weigh between 115-120 lbs. Even with a tight slick jumpsuit and a good arch still need the weights. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  14. That is so sweet. Your loved ones are very lucky. Your post made me realize I don't say I love you to my loved ones as much as I should. I will make an effort. Thank you. Evelyn Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  15. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  16. I'm going to have weights added to my rig as soon as it arrives. Just wondering how much weight I should have put in my rig. I normally jump with about 19 lbs. of lead, but sometimes add additional weight. I'm always going to have to wear lead and will still need to wear a weight belt even with lead in my rig. So I'm wondering should I put like 5 lbs., 10 lbs. into my rig? Also I'm wondering where they put the lead on the rig? Anyone else have this done? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  17. Thanks for all the advice. I will wait to see how it feels, and then probably try the chiropratric route since I hate doctors. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  18. Yeah, that's what A guy at work told me. He said he tore his rotator cup and had to have surgery and he said he thought I may have the same kind of injury. I will go to the doctor as a last resort. I have great medical insurance, I just hate doctors. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  19. I have had this problem for the last couple months. After a weekend of skydiving my right upper arm/shoulder area is really sore. It usually goes away in a couple days, well before it's time to jump again. But I usually only do 5 jumps a weekend. Last week I did 15 jumps and I've not yet recovered. I think I may have had a shoulder injury at one time and am aggrevating it, but I'm not sure. Does anyone else have this problem? I hate doctors or going to the doctor so would rather get advice from the forums. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  20. Yes, it can work. I didn't really have a choice to be married to a skydiver or non-skydiver since I didn't start skydiving until I had been married for 25 years. My hubby is totally supportive of my skydiving, I think he is even proud of my skydiving accomplishments. Works out well for us, cuz he goes to the golf course, I go to the DZ, and we meet up later for dinner and discuss our day, mine is usually more exciting. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  21. Evelyn

    Adria Allen

    I did not know Adria personally, but of course had seen her at the DZ, always smiling. I was on the same load as her that day, was doing a 3 way that exited just before her group. As usual she was smiling while we were all doing the SD hand thing we do. I started praying for her once I landed and saw someone hurt and Jessica told me it was her team mate Adria. I will continue to pray for her. I so hope she makes it, she has so much to live for. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  22. Yes, there is a guy I work with and his next door neighbor is also a skydiver, so he hears about SDing all the time from his neighbor, so is also interesed in my SDing adventures. When I did my 100th jump he got me a cake. Since he heard I did my 200th jump last week he got me another cake for that. That made me smile. He said he'll get me another cake for my 300th. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  23. I am REALLY embarrassed to post this, but I will because it HAS to make you feel better. I was one one those students who I'm sure my instructors wished would have taken up bowling. Level 1: Didn't think to wear my glasses so couldn't read my altimeter, the JM pulled for me. Passed, but they made a notation in my log book that I must wear glasses on future jumps. And although I had radio for landing I was overshooting the landing area and thinking "oh shit, what do I do now" and didn't realize my JM was shouting "FLARE, FLARE, FLARE" until right before I hit the ground. Luckily I was jumping a huge canopy. My first attempt at level 4 I went spinning in a circle each time the JM released me. He had to keep flying over and catching me. He told me before our jump that he rarely failed anyone, only if they did something to scare him. I think I scared the shit out of him. On my 2nd attempt at level 4 I flipped onto my back each time the JM released me, even pulled on my back. Another fail. Then I went to the LV wind tunnel (the Perris tunnel wasn't finished yet). Made it through levels 4 - 7. Time for my graduation jump and damned if I didn't blow it. After I tracked I looked at my altimeter and thought I had another 1.000 ft. of altitude before I needed to deploy, so was just blissfully hanging out in FF until the JM flew over and pulled for me. Automatic fail. I was so upset I was in tears. And it got worse, when watching the video the instructors pointed out other things that sucked. So not only did I have to repeat that level, I had to do 2 jumps with 2 instructors before I could do my level 8 again. I finally passed on jump #13. So yeah, some people can breeze right through, but there are some who struggle every step of the way. But if you want it badly enough you'll hang in there. I've got over 200 jumps and am still struggling with body position and fall rate. I still get really frustrated sometimes, especially when I see people with half the jump numbers and twice the skills. But I'm not giving up. I love this sport too much. I'm doing everything I can to increase my skills - RW camps, coaching, tunnel time. And I am improving, a little at a time. So don't get discouraged. If I can become a skydiver, anyone can. GOOD LUCK!!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  24. Count me in. Evelyn Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller