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Everything posted by ifics

  1. Damn, looks to be a lot of people going to show! So lets do it to it!!!
  2. can I get a DOH!!! EDIT: Sure I'll go!!
  3. I'm down if you will tell me where the HELL TBD is??? I am freggin clueless
  4. I could also host it but give the link personal instead of posting it here.
  5. Was that Skydive Spaceland??? Man I am just about at 100 and I am too scared to try any sort of high performance landing. I am glad you're ok, that looked like it HURT!! You played it off nice with the stand up landing though
  6. All I know is that some products are ephedrien (sp) based which makes my heart race, seeing how I have heart problems a product that makes it race can be dangerous. The products I have seen that dont have ephedrien (sp) in them are caffeine based and made my hyper. I too am looking for a new product because I stopped using Creatine. Creatine seemed like it was doing a lot for me but a week after I stopped it I noticed a big difference in weight, some said its because creatine makes you hold water and as soon as you get off it you lose all you thought you had. So any advice on any new products would be helpful because I am looking for something new also..
  7. I don't like the wrapper with the big ass pic of a soldier on it, if I saw that I would probably not be the first to buy it. Then wrapper with the small picture of the soldier in freefall on the other hand would make me snatch the bar right off the shelf, I wonder why?
  8. Do a lot of lower back exercises... It will help!
  9. Thats great!! I am happy for him, he is a great dood (just dont sit next to him in the plane, his gas could kill a buffalo, I guess he is going to have to hold it in with the tandems now) I really want to come out to Aggieland but the drive is sorta killer for me
  10. I wonder what the moderators would do without repost's late at night
  11. Not that I give a ratz what it says under my name but I just noticed it. 300-700 is "Old Hand" right?
  12. I really cant make an honest vote without seeing the merch But I would say if its putting a damper on her daily life then go for it.. Other wise she should keep the pillows, sweet...sweet....pillows
  13. FUCKIN NOICE Peir!!! I was wondering where you were this weekend! Awesome weather, but I'm sure you know that... Beer me
  14. ifics

    my new rig

    Very nice man! Thats the wings EXT right? That makes it a longer slimmer container eh?
  15. Great vid! I remember my favorite part of my AFF stuff (next to actually skydiving) was watching other people exit and their first bit of freefall, I still love that part!
  16. How did you mount you're audible? I have 2 (prodyter and protrack) but it seems like it might be a tight fit, and it hard to see in the helmet. Any pics of yours? Any advice on it?
  17. I started on a 2001 Yamaha R6 (still have her) it was against some peoples opinion though. I rode on my streets only for 150 miles (I have about 13 miles of twisty roads before you even leave my subdivision, so I didn't see a main road for awhile) It's been almost 2 years since I have had her and I love it, she is still plenty fast for me.
  18. No, depending on what we are doing we brake at 5,000ft and I pull at 4,000 or 3,500ft
  19. That is freckin hilarious!!! Glad you made it out whole but whoa thats freggin funny
  20. yeah that was freggin noice!!
  21. http://www.freefly.com Then click "pictures" and scroll down to videos and media. Then watch the 2nd video on the top row "DieSchurken - DVD Preview". That video shows a line twists and it spins all the way down into some trees. What the hell is the story behind that one? He looked like he hit hard, also there is a pretty bad looking premature deployment vid of a guy headdown..
  22. I don't feel like getting off my couch to take a picture of it
  23. Sounds like a bunch of crap I just saw that for the first time on "You Gotta See This". Its a very freaky video and his main risers are just snagged on the right hand corner (steering line I guess). I didn't hear how it happened but it shows him yanking on the other lines to counter the turn but, nada.. He hit what looked to be one of the only trees around. HOLY BLEEEEEP is what I said, scary stuff.. EDIT: Maybe the Mythbusters should do a show about the possibilities of survival