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Everything posted by ifics

  1. What scene are you talking about?? The Helicopter shots??
  2. I agree but its SOOOO short.. I pushed play, sat down with my dinner and a beer and it was over (well, a tad longer then that but you get my point) Other then it being 29 minuets long and over 20 bucks it a GREAT video...
  3. Other then that its a great video, music doesn't suck or anything just isn't my taste.. Great job though bud!!
  4. Sould flyers Crosswind Flyboyz film festival dvd Good Stuff
  5. I liked the video but the music did not do a thing for me I know you said its not finished though, I thought I would just throw in my .02
  6. didn't realize that the uppers around 3,000ft were going 40mph and while I should have turned around into the wind I decided to gawk at the pretty clouds and sun, by the time I realized where I was I was about a half mile off... 1st out landing do to raw stupidity, but it was just soooo purrrty
  7. Yeah, buy more gear then you think you need and wear it even down the street to grab some gas. I have seen some ugly things when you don't wear your gear I also don't know a damn thing about cruisers, sorry..
  8. cuts the base price from 1400 something to 700 something. I get the final numbers tomorrow on exactly how much it saved me. I will PM you when I get all the info..
  9. I used one for my new Wings container, 50% off base price...
  10. I would recommend a Suzuki SV650, they handle great, look great and are quick as well.. You should be able to find one for 5k.
  11. ifics


    I went straight to AFF, glad I did now... I knew how bad I was addicted before i landed my 1st canopy
  12. Companies give the option for Spandex or Codura (sp). I have spandex on my Mirage and wan't to know the benefits (if any) of Codura...
  13. I got mine on my 6th try, so I know EXACTLY how you feel. I think you should just get it by default after the 5th try
  14. SDH pulled my name for that month Coulda cut glass with em'
  15. Thx that answers a lot!
  16. Since there seems to be a big debate about PC in tow and a Pull Out would completely eliminate this why isn't every rig a Pull Out? What is the downside of a Pull out? I will be getting a new container after awhile and would like to know the good and bad about both. If they are about the same but one can eliminate a potentially serious problem why not just go with a Pull out?
  17. EXACTLY, do you're ceremony THAT NIGHT or you will PAY!!! You're a good sport Don! I have to say, pouring that ice cold water on you was fun to say the least
  18. In my gear bag on the floor near my bed. Rig is in bag faced back down.
  19. Yeah, Yoda whomped his ass and then limped out on his cane liked nothing happened... Gottalovit....
  20. I had one of the most amazing weekends yet. I saw some AMAZING cloud formations and got to play with friends above them. There is one part that sticks out. I was about 500ft from landing and the Otter (which just got home to SDH) was doing the sunset flyby while ppl are mooning (the usual) I was last canopy and at the end of the runway, when the plane got to me it pulled STRAIGHT up a couple hundred feet from me. It was an absolutely amazing sight!! A lot of other things happened this weekend that I wont forget but that part in particular sticks out, MAN i love this shit
  21. Isn't that a given? Not if it has the Princess in it, she is sooooo hot... I have to say the best part of the last movie was when the monster ripped off part of her outfit