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Everything posted by ifics

  1. Yeah, but a Baldwin doing it is just soooo much more amusing
  2. "Whats in the bag?" Baldwin brother, "Its my life, I'm cutting away..." BWAAHAHAHAHHAAHH Sorry but that quote cracks me up every time, that and the scene where he is in front of the mirror talking on the phone and is practicing his track, or whatever that was.. So gay, soooooooooo funny to me at least. Its funny seeing a Baldwin do anything and try to be serious so I guess thats the problem
  4. People can post things in other areas that are worthless too. You would have to take away "post numbers" all together to get what you want. Either that or somebody who really knows what they are doing would have to read each post and each reply and decide who deserved another number.
  5. I bet that site sucks up some SERIOUS bandwidth!! Once its back up again I know I will do my part in the bandwidthsuckage
  6. Thats sweet!! I am looking for a graphic to add to the front of my container... Do you mind if I use that?
  7. Kelly from "Saved by the bell" She was a godess to me, she is still freggin HOT too!!
  8. ifics

    FAQ by a whuffo

    "How many time have you jumped?" "80 something" "Do you want to die or something?" "no..." I have had that one a couple times before, also, "What are the odds of something going wrong?" I don't usually answer that one so it makes them nervous.
  9. ifics


    Yeah but thats a bit too far of a drive, soooo depressing...
  10. ifics


    I just spent about 30min trying to find a DZ with good weather this weekend. I tried to find tickets under 300 bucks to fly to Florida, tried calling 3 states all of which have bad weather.. We were willing to drive 8+ hours to get to one. Its just not meant to be Its amazing what desperate skydivers will do, but weather in the South this weekend is just not on our side
  11. I remember seeing a freefly stick figure on here once, does anyone have that???
  12. I live 25 minuets from the heart of Downtown... I can get there whenever you guys and gals tell meh
  13. Sooooooo, where is the party??????? Lets DOOOOO ITTTTT!!!!
  14. How bout "Biff" like he biffed it in.... (is that even a skydiving term?) Maybe "Flare" or "Thump" I know I have herd that sound before
  15. I have a good idea for more then one tattoo but I don't just want to walk down the street to get it.. I want to find somebody that has a good track record and is known for quality work, I don't know of anyone like that here...
  16. Yep, I am in Houston and the weather is going to be SHIT!!! I will be at Safety day regardless of the weather though...
  17. ugh.... I have had some hangovers that make you wish you never lived in the first place I did end up drinking again that night though, Mardi Gras is evil
  18. Yeah I'm hard core I would shoot them both, but when you're not looking either spit it out or puke in the bathroom I love both, but together I might have some issues
  19. ifics

    I'm in love

  20. Those are some amazing pictures, it all looks so small like you could touch it.. Its amazing to think that those dots and spirals hold galaxies and planets...
  21. Honestly I will buy liquor over beer because when I am trying to get "there" I like to drink Crown/Vodka (not together or in that order or in the same night) When it does come to beer I will get either Shiner or Hefey..
  22. Listen to this man, he holds the key to beer heaven Bock is Bomb!!! But filling! and Hefeweizen is exactly what he said, grrrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaatttt Stuff, but thats my taste
  23. I was watching the news at work and to my surprise I saw some jumping on. They had an interview with a guy that did 500 jumps his first year (i forgot the name) It was pretty cool, showed some really nice footage and great pics. It made my day sooo much brighter