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Everything posted by gus

  1. Looking good Professor. Gus
  2. How can you justify that level of faith in an aad? Gus
  3. I downsized from a Sabre2 to Crossfire2, here's what I found: Higher front riser pressure Much more divey coming out of toggle and riser turns More oversteer coming out of turns Better openings Flare 'sweetspot' is lower in the toggle stroke Significantly higher descent rate Some of those differences are down to the step up in wingloading but the Crossfire2 I demoed was same size as my old Sabre2 and most of it stills holds. The Crossfire2 demands your attention, make sure you give it. Gus
  4. I see what you're saying. Take it to the extreme though and put your camera on the end of a 1m pole coming out of the top of your helmet and even little movements are amplified. Like I said though, the difference is probably negligable. Gus
  5. One other con (which is true of all topmounts) is that because it's higher on your head and therefore further away from your neck (which is the pivot point) you'll feel the weight of the camera more on opening. Maybe the difference is negligable but BASE openings are brutal enough for me! Gus
  6. How about just "pioneers"? That pretty much says it all. Or having read Groundrush and BASE 66, how about "hardcore crazy bastards"! Shortened to HCB. Or indeed "triple digit midget". Can't take credit for that one but I like it. Gus
  7. gus

    BASE Ethics

    Good stuff Tom. Maybe edit your "Getting into BASE" article to include it or at least reference it. Gus
  8. gus

    419 scam via PM!

    There's a thread about it here too. I'm guessing that it's possible to automate the process of creating a user, harvesting usernames, then sending pm's. If so, is it something you could prevent by customising the forum software to the point where automated PM spam scripts wouldn't work? HH? Gus
  9. I just got the exact same PM. For anyone that's unfamiliar with these, it's a classic "419 scam". Edited to add: I don't know whether it'll do any good but I've forwarded the text on to [email protected]. Gus
  10. It looks like the AltiTrack is the only one with data logging? That's a bit of shame. Gus
  11. gus

    4 year old BASE jumper

    Here. Looks like he's going head down to me. Loser. Gus ps Photoshopped?
  12. Seems like some of our moderators (TA specifically) have to spend way too much time trawling through posts and removing things which obviously shouldn't be there. And the problem seems to be getting worse. What about a system where us normal users have some sort of editorial control? You could have a little 'moderate' link in the bottom right of each post that takes you to a page where you submit a word or phrase that you think shouldn't be in the post. If enough people do the same, that word is automatically edited out. Not sure how you'd decide when the threshold was reached. If you think that power might be abused then let the moderators nominate specific people that can do it. If TA had 10 (or whatever) 'mini moderators' I imagine he could spend much more time doing other things! Gus
  13. So how much longer is your ws bridle, an extra foot? It's strange, I don't remember you telling Glamour Boy about your pc in tow and special bridle as you hand tacked his shrivel flap on top of MB . Gus
  14. Perhaps because there's now less distance between the pc and where the bridle is anchored - ie container pin vs shrivel flap. Gus
  15. They're relatively rare because of the expense, boogies are you best bet. Langar had one for a few days over the summer and I'm sure it'll be back. Edited to add: I think the jump tickets were £35. Gus
  16. Hey Remi, I haven't read the article, is it suggesting that a turn of more than 90 degrees on a canopy at 1.3 or less is pointless? ie a greater degree of turn won't generate any more speed? I certainly don't think that's the case. Gus
  17. I'm not a rigger but what I meant in my first post was that if your friend was holding the mesh of the pc to linestretch wouldn't that force be enough to rip the mesh of any pc? Even if he didn't hold it for all that long? What I mean is: why are you suprised that it ripped? Gus
  18. I'm sure an email to Morpheus would get you a thorough response - but isn't it simply the fact that the mesh is not designed to be loaded like that? Gus
  19. Also worth checking out Maurici Park. We had a good stay there and out of high season it's not too expensive. Gus
  20. Looks good (flash bits don't work on my 'puter though) but I'm no longer on it so I don't like it . Bring back the old one! Gus
  21. Yo Faber, I think what Thomas means is that little bit of velcro you have on your shoulder won't shrivel. It may be only small but in a vertical deployment position could it be enough to cause even a slight hesi? I've seen the same thing on other rigs btw. When going handheld on my Gargoyle I just lightly tuck the bridle under the top right flap. On the subject of stowed comfort level: My regular A is 360 ft and I almost always go handheld, I think it takes one link out of the chain and I think you're less likely to distort your body position and induce an off-heading. The times I've jumped that same A stowed I've opened noticeably lower with the same delay. I think you just have to be aware of it. Gus
  22. ? Gus
  23. This game is just too much fun. I have my B and S, will go looking for A and E. One thing I found was that if you take a motorbike off the building you can land uninjured on top of a different (lower) building then BASE from that. Short canopy rides rule! Gus
  24. I have a PC9 and several friends with PC6s that I've looked at. As far as I can tell they are identical apart from, like you said, the PC6 has no memory stick or DV-in facility. I would bet that the lense and the recording innards are exactly the same. Gus
  25. gus


    I have some as well. Gus