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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. Good way to start the day. A 14,000ft high pull on the sunset load is always good too.
  2. What is your opinion about solo jumps for you ?... considering where you are in the sport. edit wups.should have put this in General Skydiving discussions.can it be moved ?
  3. Good call with the Zepplin, but I think I'm going to have to go with some Floyd. Hmmm ....Animals
  4. I use the quote "I'm having a really good day" From the movie "Let it Ride" with Richard Dryfess quite often. And Yes I'm having a really good month or so. Hope I can keep it going this good.
  5. Congrats ! Glad you're so happy about it. Much respect for your decision to help those who need it the most.
  6. If you intentionally relieve your intestinal pressure in the plane : May you crap your pants on opening ! Farting on the plane increases your chance for a mal ! Breathing methane causes cancer in labratory skydivers ! If you gas the pilot we all pay ! You will clean toilets in the after life forever ! Anyone else want to cast a spell on the evil ones ?
  7. Wow, cool. Seems like you feel better. If this helps, you're getting a Neptune before me and many others :) I want to get one and put it on a chest mount. While still wearing the old regular alti on the wrist. See how that goes for a while. The (fast) Otter will be back this weekend. Yay! So much to be thankful for. Looks like we all have had times like you are experiencing. You're doing just fine. Now make us proud and go jump and tell everyone how much fun you had this weekend. That's not too much pressure is it ? :) edit : Maybe slow Otter again this weekend ? Not sure. Irrelevent anyway. An Otter there is better than a Cessna 182 in the snow.
  8. F.I D.O. = F@#K It Drive On Keep it simple and fun. Too much seriousness and you'll forget why you're there. So do what you know in a fun way once a day. Don't forget you rock at things you didn't even know how to do a few months ago. Like Michelle Germain Said "Put the FU back in fun." It was good to see you this weekend. Didn't see any of your landings and I wanted too. Please don't go elsewhere. Dz's are tough crowd everywhere.The love is there to protect you and them too. Try to remember the "intent" of someone's comments.They usually mean well, but the words can hurt, but not as much as the alternative. Someday you will be saying or thinking the same thing they are, about someone just like you. I "got in trouble" this weekend for wizzing past a 2 way freefly group. ( i was going for a top speed run..out of control.) I'll never do that again and was glad that someone told me how retarded I was for thinking I can stay in my own airspace while I'm in an out of control,head down, speed run. Which was more like a track from hell. We make mistakes. We learn. We learn... and make less mistakes. Try to learn first. See ya in a week. And yea you suck cuz it's warm there. That's all. jef
  9. Very cool to hear. Happy news ! No friggin in the riggin cuz you're diggin the livin.
  10. I hope you become a very happy and successful skydiver.
  11. Used to go there a lot in the winter. I miss that place. Great people. But i gots my own peeps at Sobe now. Have a great time. Give Betty a hug for me.
  12. Yes you should take a skydiving trip. Consecutive jumps without the worry time and money would be the best thing for most skydivers.Make the jumps, and everthing will just fall into place. Warning : You will be even more addicted to skydiving after the trip. That's the only drawback... the obsession that eats at you while you are stuck on the ground trying to do whatever it takes to get back up there to play.
  13. Depends on the No. I'd say if he knows you won't , then he wont. If the trust is there, it's there. If the trust is lacking, well, it's a tough relationship.
  14. Went to visit "Countryscrub". Seeing Scrubby walking... almost bettter than he types, and seemingly not in excessive pain. Turtle shell brace looks handy for head down flyin. Kidding Country, see ya back in the sky soon.
  15. Guess I don't know who should go. But i think i need a break. 2o more minutes and that's it for a few days. Ha
  16. ] Whew! Thought from the subject that this was gonna be another gun thread! That's it ! comedy like that and stuff . Keeps me coming back for more.
  17. How's the next Lake/ice boogie doing ? Is that gonna kick too.... is Sunday the weather day ? or no Sunday ?
  18. Still trying to piece together the second rig.Goal for summer: 2nd rig Question for those with 2 rigs: Is it weird or not as safe switching rigs back to back? Especially if one canopy is quite different. Guess it's not much different than those "old rental days" I'm thinking. Or is it like trying to date two women at the same time ? (not a good idea.) I see the need for two rigs. Just hope they are simular. Wow so anyone know if dating twins is a good idea?
  19. Sometimes i ask myself "Why am I here again." Seriously. But I can't put it down. Always have to come back for more. Is it a weather related illness ? I have better things to do don't I ?
  20. -34s aye ? Let the Otter wars begin. We really should try to do a "we go there ... you come here weekend, But it looks like we're booked til fall which would still be a good time. Not sure if the Tecumseh web site is working yet. Are you workin on that one Weege ?
  21. 1)Quick flight to go jump somewhere warm. 2)Round up the females for an orgy. 3) How much time do I left ? 4) Base jump w/o a rig at the last 10 seconds of life.
  22. Hey Skydive Green County.... Bring that Casa with ya full of jumpers and we'll have a real big boogie. Then we'll bring our Otter there sometime. Maybe.
  23. It's all true. One big happy disfunctional family. The way a dz should be. Come join us here or Sobe. Freefly Summer like no other planned for this year.
  24. A few years ago I thought about putting W.E.N. on my helmet cam for White Entertainment Network.... just to spoof B.E.T. Black Entertainment Television. Then I decided to just get on a load.