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Everything posted by Chizazz

  1. Hahah. I just bought one of those like 20 minutes ago. Haven't tried it yet though.
  2. There's the Scioto River too.
  3. 0:9:I dunno Did 7 jumps on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. Yayyyyy.
  4. I've seen these too. I heard that they're real pics but the guy and girl beside her are only like 4' 10". and that she's 6 foot something. or so i heard. w00t.
  5. Chizazz

    Star Wars

    I was thinking about the Death Star thing too. They probably started building a 2nd one a few years after the 1st one. Or ol' George Lucas just got silly and HAD to mention the Death Star in the new ones and f**ked the whole story up.
  6. nah, not if you tie the lines around your wrist. then you couldn't accidentally let go. Could also stuff it in a backpack...
  7. Gonna order it in a day or two. I'll post an actual pic in about 6 weeks when it arrives....
  8. Nah, just hold onto the ends of the lines and do a hop n pop
  9. I agree. He has 59 jumps. He must be correct.
  10. 111/113 of them. Slid in on butt on 1st jump 'cuz it was a tandem. PLF'ed on one of my AFF jumps 'cuz we had to.
  11. Has anybody ever heard of the Aerial canopy?? Are they any good?
  12. I edit stuff with Final Cut Pro HD.
  13. I sold my younger sister into slavery...
  14. At about 60 jumps. 'Cuz renting gear is too damn expensive.
  15. Chizazz

    ebay scam

    i didn't think they let you retract your bid that close to the end of the auction.
  16. 0:4:Can't buy beer Got 4 jumps in on Sunday with the 4th being the sunset load and my 100th jump! Did a 10-way.
  17. yeah cuz those both completely different....
  18. 0:16 if you count the seven on wednesday:0
  19. Got 7 in seven hours yesterday. Not too bad
  20. uncle has a pet jackalope. He got it from a guy when he was on vacation in Africa.
  21. I think that Troy's gonna do the best
  22. Hmmm....we'll go with the guy behind the girl in the white bikini that's holding the camcorder up.