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Everything posted by funks

  1. If you live in a country that predominantly speaks the english language and you refuse to learn it, then yes, you are ignorant.
  2. Exactly! I do agree that people who wont learn english are ignorant people that lack tolerance.
  3. please...we speak much better english than you so called originators of OUR language over there on the other side of the pond. Foshizzle my Nizzle
  4. Not sure exactly why this matters but I speak ONE fluently. But you better bet your ass I would learn whatever one I needed to if i lived somewhere that English was not the predominantly spoken language.
  5. There is a very large group of non-english speaking people in this country that have been here for many many years. They choose not to learn the language because we as a country make it way to easy for them to get by without learning english. I am a firm believer in that they should be forced to learn the language if they wish to stay here permanently.
  6. Sorry Billvon, I disagree. My stance as plain and simple as it may be is that this is The United States of America, we speak english here. If you want to live, work and play in this country then you too should learn to speak the language that the majority of the public speaks. I am repulsed by how many people are willing to accept the fact that it is ok for someone to come to this country and show no effort or interest in learning english.
  7. [reply I think we are all better off that there are such a mix of languages in the US. Seems to me like everyone is saying we who speak english should learn to adapt and accept the fact that there are other languages being spoken and that we should learn those languages because of this. Why should we have to adapt? How about making them learn english? Why should I have to learn the language of someone who just came to this country within the past couple of years when I have been here my entire life? Why should we be the ones to change? How about applying the same thought process (learning the language) to those that are coming to this country?
  8. Instead of spending all their money on stickers that they plaster on the side of their cars and spoilers that serve absolutely no purpose perhaps they could sign up for an english as a second language course. Once again, why the fuck should i have to suggest where they learn the language? I wouldnt expect anybody in Turkey to tell me where to learn their language. I would show a little initiative and common courtesy and do it myself. Once again, we are to accepting of the fact and make WAY to many excuses for these people. LEARN THE LANGUAGE FOR GODS SAKE!!!
  9. That was me complaining about the ATM, as a matter of fact i still bitch about it every time i go to an ATM. I think people here are missing the point. It is OK for people to speak another language, as long as they can communicate the basics in english. The problem is with the people that do not even attempt to learn the language and then expect to be catered to because of that fact (ie - radio stations, atms, phone prompts). That is bullshit....there was a band around a while ago called SOD. They had an album titled SPEAK ENGLISH OR DIE...not a bad motto if you ask me. (that was a joke btw for all you nitpickers)
  10. Darius, isnt this your post in this thread of mine from a couple of months ago admitting that non english speaking people "get on your nerves"? your post is a couple down on the link;search_string=press%201;#1118124
  11. how many times have you ordered a hamburger with ketchup, mustard and pickles at a drive thru only to receive a cheeseburger with tomatoes and lettuce? Part of this can be attributed to the intelligence of a person working at a fast food window but a part can also be contributed to the language barrier. My fucking favorite radio station (whfs in DC) just switched over to an all spanish format (dj's also) yesterday. WHFS has been on the air for over 20 years. This is a sign of times to come. Corporate America makes it way to easy not to learn the language. It is driven by greed. This is happening all over the country. Why not have a spanish station with english speaking dj's so english speaking people could understand it also? I'll tell you why...because the spanish population they are catering to can't understand english...WE MAKE IT WAY TO EASY FOR PEOPLE NOT TO LEARN THE LANGUAGE...IT IS BULLSHIT.
  12. Guess what, with this train of thought you will be forced to communicate with those that dont speak english because they will eventually over run us.
  13. THIS FUCKING BITES!!! There are no good radio stations in DC anymore unless you can pick up 98 rock from baltimore[url]
  14. Turning to an internet board for advice and then following that advice is not good no matter what the subject is and no matter whom is giving it. You just never know.
  15. That was cold, very cold...just had to point that out didnt ya
  16. Don't even bother, no evolution taking place here. Actually I have noticed a declining trend.
  17. Considering how helpless they are here you have a very good point. Probably wouldnt be much of a fight.
  18. No need to worry, you guys arent tough enough... If we wanted to we could come in and take over your little community and there aint a damn thing you could do about it
  19. To much love and respect for one another in this part of town. Not enough name calling, bashing or beat downs taking place. Speakers corner could kick the bonfires ass any day of the week ------------->funks runs back to speakers corner
  20. Agree. On my second wingsuit jump I could see the tandems opening up off in the distance in what appeared to be my flightline. Knowing I was last out of the plane I didnt even hesitate to dump right then and there....perception in the sky can be a bitch, it is alway better to play it safe.
  21. There are a ton of tsunami videos out there on the internet now. From what I have seen it looks like a major high tide that just consumed everything in its path. My question is and maybe they just havent gotten it on video; was there ever a 20-30 foot wave moving at 500 mph like originally reported?
  22. The catholic church is exactly that. A cult. Stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, repeat after me, give me your money, go and do as i say. The catholic church tries to have way to much influence over its members. They would take an old ladies last dollar if she was willing to offer it. Definitely a "business oriented cult" in my opinion.
  23. funks

    Hard Nipples

    On almost every episode of friends this week Jennifers Anistons nipples have appeared to be quite erect. Quite nice
  24. I think he just did. or did I......... I would just like to add one final comment...Bushs donation was generous. All you guys are correct, he did not have to donate anything. I just thought when he did do it, if he was gonna do it, it would be more. I hope all of the 10K he gave makes it to those who need it...(but that is a totally different discussion)
  25. Fact of the matter is Bush is a lying deceitful manipulative piss poor businessman who has no business leading the most powerful country on this planet. If it wasnt for a miscount of votes in the 2000 election and for the fact that the american public opted not to bring in a new president in the 04 election due to the Iraq mess we wouldnt even be having this discussion. Michael Moore could do a better job and would have probably made a larger donation. Ok, I am done now