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Everything posted by funks

  1. I thought I had already answered that question. No, I did not. I depend on my yearly income more than he does. Perhaps if I had free room and board, free travel, and the many other free services he receives I could have. As a matter of fact, if I had millions of dollars and the entire american public looking to me to lead them I would be embarrased by making only a 10K donation. I wonder how many more ways we can beat this horse?
  2. Exactly. Thanks Ron, that is one of the points i have been trying to make. Way to many reports of donations being made and not one mention of our dear president, how could he allow that to happen? His insincere bare minimum donation was politically motivated, to appease the masses.
  3. Tell them to keep it out of the media then.
  4. Question for everyone - Would you have a problem if Bush only donated $100? No. Unlike what seems to be your perception, I don't care what he donated - the fact that he did is all that matters. How dare you or anyone decide what is appropriate for someone to donate? You are not in their shoes nor do you know exactly what is going on in their lives - president or not. I just simply view his donation as insincere and a means to appease the american public. I have said over and over again that I would tend to believe that if there was no media reports of donations being made by celebrities then he probably would not have donated a dime. Once again, my opinion. He is worth millions, and has access to millions. He is our commander in chief. He is the leader of the free world. 10K is paltry in my mind considering the source that it came from.
  5. Question for everyone - Would you have a problem if Bush only donated $100?
  6. Less able to deal with a malfunction just because you packed it???? ...why would it be any different dealing with a malfunction that you packed or someone else packed???? Believe it or not but packers do pack malfunctions. You may want to realize that otherwise you may be in for one hell of a surprise
  7. Ron, one more comment on your posting techniques, like i mentioned earlier, you are very good at manipulating quotes to make them come across the way you wish them to. Reminds me of Michael Moore piecing together his excerpts for his movie...You must be one heck of a Michael Moore fan!
  8. Are you saying I neglected to donate a dime? If so, please tell me where you are getting that information from.
  9. Yes. This is the latest thing you have to bitch about Bush. Is the event a big deal? Well Duh, of course it is. But my comment was more along the lines of "You said it, it is no ones Business how much an INDIVIDUAL donates. It is sad that the haters choose to let their hatred for a guy over shaddow any amount of good the guy does....And after all it is still none of anyones business." Ron, I am not a bush hater. Please go back and find my thread where I discussed how I couldnt care less who the president is. Please do not turn this into a Bush bashing issue. No matter whom the president is or was I would have the same problem with the donation. This is just my opinion, but I bet his advisors had to suggest he donate something considering all the other donations that were being made public. I am sure the talk of public opinion took place. If there was no mention in the media about donations by well known people my bet is he wouldnt have donated one penny. Once again, just my opinion.
  10. Hit it on the head. The latest publicized cause? That is more offending than my view on Bushs donation amount. So far almost 3,000 Americans are reported dead, with the total count approaching 200,000. This is a world altering event that will effect generations to come and have immediate repercussions that last for years. And you view it as just "the latest publicized cause"???? edited to add this in response to Dorbies post, not a reply to rons.
  11. It wouldn't affect your opinion of him either, you'd probably still be carping about how his contribution is a small percentage of his net worth. Actually you are wrong. It would effect my opinion of him. If he donated 100% of his salary I would have a lot more respect for the man. Same way some corporate CEO's only take a dollar in salary. They have other methods of income, they dont really need the money, and they do it as a sign to their employees that they are serious about helping out when times are tough. I stand by my original comment. 10K is a pathetic donation coming from the President of the United States.
  12. Your opinion. And it is clear you hate him. So you are holding him to a higher standard than anyone else. Like I said he gave more in both actual dollars and in % of income than most. You will of course never admit it was nice of him. But I expect nothing less. It was nice of him. Happy now But he should have been nicer. Holding him to higher standards? Damn right I am...he is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The entire WORLD holds him to higher standards.
  13. Tack a ZERO or TWO to the end of the figure he donated, then I will consider it a generous move on his part....Otherwise, he is skating by with the bare minimum stricly for public perception purposes.
  14. You should have just announced you were the Bush family personal accountant in the first place. It would have saved a lot of time. Somebody already used that line earlier in the discussion
  15. Yep answered it just fine. You want to say how others can spend their money while you don't spend yours. Your hatred of the man will not even allow you to admit he did a good thing. Instead you would rather find a way to ahte him and fuel your hate. Ron, I like how you provide quotes from my previous comments and delete certain parts out to paint certain pictures, quite creative. Any comment on the disposable income part I mentioned that you failed to include in the quote? Does that explain why I did not donate 3% of my income? Bush could donate 100% of his income and it would not effect him whatsoever.
  16. did you give 3%? No. I rely on my salary for survival. He does not. His salary is disposable income, mine is not. Answer your question?
  17. Did you give 3% of your salary? I am not sure why you guys keep bringing up the salary issue. The 300K he makes a year is more of a token of appreciation from Uncle Sam. Otherwise, the salary for being president would be much more in line with what his actual duties are. Fact of the matter is he is worth MILLIONS and has MILLIONS at his disposal. Bill gates makes 900K a year in salary. The salary issue is a moot point.
  18. Ron, I now know that you and many others on this board are willing to accept the fact that the most powerful man in the world gave 10K to help with the largest most destructive natural disaster we have all ever seen and will probably see in our lifetime. Kudos to you. btw - Bush's donation was less than what he personally spent on flowers for events. Boy, if that isnt compassion i dont know what is.
  19. Then Kerry should send the rather large amount of funds he got also...It did not do him any good... BTW what did Sorros send in aid? How about Moore? I couldnt care less what they sent or what Kerry sent. Bush is the president. Lead by example. Bottom line is he has millions of dollars of personal wealth at his disposal. Forget the moral issue here of donating or not donating, do you honestly truly believe that a 10K donation is a positve reflection of his compassion?
  20. Bush was more than willing to accept millions of dollars towards his campaign to further his own political career. Perhaps it would be a nice gesture to give a little more back (to people who actually need it to survive) the same way his supporters were willing to give to him.
  21. This statement made earlier about sums it up: "I gotta say, he coulda done better. He needs to be held to a higher standard. He's a leader. He needs to lead by example. This wasn't an ordinary event. It shouldn't yield an ordinary response from someone who would present himself as a moral example."
  22. In other words you will never post again
  23. And you're making that assumption. So together we're in a stalemate. I think the word you're looking for is presumption. Presumption of guilt and condemnation based on information you don't have that is really none of your business. No actually assumption and / or assuming was the word(s) aggiedave and i were looking for. Not calling anybody guilty or condeming anybody. Simply pointing out that i believe his donation was a very feeble donation for someone in his position.
  24. According to this article his net worth is between 9 million and 25 million. That seems very low to me but nonetheless, still many many many times more than my net worth