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Everything posted by funks

  1. I have seen nothing offensive in his posts. Thank you Ron. I too am trying to understand what I have written that could be considered offensive. People seem to have a hard time understanding the point I am trying to get across. I AM TRYING TO PROMOTE UNITY by suggesting nobody should get special treatment just because of their skin color, INCLUDING WHITE PEOPLE. That is all. I guess because this discussion is a black and white topic then I am automatically considered a racist. You are damned if you do, you are damned if you dont
  2. You are missing what i am saying. My point and my attitude all along is that skin color has nothing to do with anything. With that said, I have to disagree with your statement above about my attitude. I LOOK BEYOND THE SKIN COLOR. People who continuously bring skin color into the equation are in my mind promoting racism, no matter who is doing the speaking. I do not believe any race should receive special treatment just because of their skin color, i have said this before, i will say it again. Is it ok for the NFL to mandate that every team interview at least one black person for a head coaching job prior to making a hiring decision? Why cant it be a decision based on sheer talent and whomever is best qualified for the position. What the fuck does skin color have to do with it???? The world needs to look beyond skin color, but until certain races stop demanding special treatment because of their skin color this will never happen.
  3. Why do black people have a steeper hill to climb today? How is their struggle any different from the daily struggles I have to endure? How is their opportunity any more limited than mine? This is what I have a problem with, people thinking that life is harder for them just because of their skin color. That is bullshit.
  4. Actually most of my friends are dicks, I am still trying to figure out why I hang out with them.
  5. [reply. I DO believe that people have to pretty much lift themselves up by their bootstraps. . I agree. My point is that the black community does not lift themselves up by their bootstraps. They want and demand special treatment just because of their skin color. Case in point from another thread. Every NFL team is mandated to interview at least one black head coach candidate prior to hiring a head coach. Guess why? Because sharpton, and jackson bitched and moaned that there werent enough black head coaches in the league, and then Cochran went to work from a legal standpoint. This is bullshit, they are not asking for equal treatment, they are asking for special treatment. I get equally irritated when an asian person qualifies for a loan before I do simply because they are considered the minority. There just seems to be way to much SPECIAL treatment taking place amongst the races and this in itself creates racial separation.
  6. The black community creates a lot of the problems for themselves. Why is there BET? Why is there JET magazine? Why does the NAACP exist? Why does the WB only play programs with Black actors? They create a segregated environment for themselves. What happened years ago cannot be changed and it is about time that it is left in the past. As long as the black community is living in the past and allowing jackasses like sharpton and jackson to represent them then they will not be able to move forward. Black people make skin color an issue, not white people.
  7. So you are saying that because black people were not allowed to drink from the same water fountains or use the same bathrooms as white people X number of years ago, you can understand why some black people think the government has conspired to commit mass genocide against the black man??? A little extreme wouldnt you say?
  8. Snowflake, My original post was about an article that stated that a large group of the black population believes that AIDS was created to specifically wipe out the black community. I followed that up with a comment about conspiracies. You stated in one of your posts that you believe these conspiracies do exist. I am still waiting to hear some examples from you. I guess I could say that the NFL has a conspiracy against the white man and doesnt want any white running backs. Pretty funny huh. I would never say that because it simply isnt true. It is what it is. What we are talking about here is perception. The only point that I am trying to make is that some black people blame their hardships on their skin color. The article simply supported my opinion.
  9. I hope you are referring to the statements about err...white people. Are you?
  10. Lets hear some other examples....
  11. That is an amazing idea. I wonder why no one ever thought of it before. It must be wonderful to be so wh...err I mean right all the time Oh Boo Hoo. Once again, these are perfect examples of just complaining about a situation instead of doing something about it. Are you telling me that every low income person lives in a "hazardous" area? Bullshit.
  12. So are you saying someone forces them to live in a hazardous area? Yes, income is a factor, however if the desire is strong enough I am quite sure they could find a less "hazardous" place to live.
  13. I bet all other races that have been effected by AIDS will be happy to know that black people were the intended target of this so called man made disease. Why the hell do black people always think it is a freakin conspiracy against them????
  14. Thats a close one...we may have a 3 way tie here
  15. Nahh, I prefer real true to life odors, not chemically manufactured ones
  16. Do you enjoy the smell of your own farts? Well, do ya?
  17. This has been happening to my Sabre 170 alot recently. Very bizarre, and yes you are right, it is pretty freaky. My rig is with my rigger right now, I am having him take a look at the lines to see if it needs relining...strange considering this has been happening for my last 30 jumps or so, but my last jump was the softest most beautiful on heading opening i have ever had....
  18. People are so troll happy lately....why do you think he is a troll???
  19. by posting "no more ass kissing" threads allowed
  20. Your opinion, much like mine in my original post. Once again, your opinion. But you have to admit Bush has taken a harsher public beating then clinton. Sure clintons whole hide the cigar scandal created uproar, but it also allowed the public to connect with his personal side and realize the POTUS is a human being. Dont think he lost to many points for that considering the general public could have cared less about that and more so about his ability to lead the country Agree. But, I do believe Bush is taking a harder beating then anybody in recent history. So? Very shady business practices? Yeah, bush never did anything of the such. You really didnt quote that much history here. 98% of your comments above are personal opinions.
  21. Then how do you explain the 2.4 million results on google for the search phrase "Republicans against bush"?
  22. You guys couldnt even last 24 hours without an ass kissing post. You people are nothing but a bunch of...well....ass kissers
  23. Look how many results show up on this search. Even his own people cant stand him
  24. No one listens to you funks. Not even in SC Wheres my love?
  25. according to all his supporters then why does he seem to me the most ridiculed? I don't recall Clinton or Reagan taking the beating that Bush seems to be subjected to. From the airwaves to general conversations it seems like a very large portion of the public hates this guy, more publicly so then Clinton haters back when he was in office.....Why is that? Is it because the majority of the public truly believes he is a moron? Ron - No need to say it is because the democrats are sore losers