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Everything posted by funks

  1. Like i said earlier, i believe i donated more than he did when you compare are relative net worths. Yes, I agree that any contribution be it 1 dollar or 1 million speaks volumes. However, 10K coming from the president of the united states just doesnt seem to really show sincerity. Times that by 10 and i believe you are just starting to scratch the surface of a figure that someone with his wealth and public stature should have contributed
  2. Im curious, what could a moderator or HH do? How could they track someone who simply copied and pasted links into an external email and sent them off? If they can actually prove who did this i think it should be made public. But can it actually be proven? btw - this sucks, good luck dude
  3. And you dont think that is what the President is doing? He doesnt make a move without having an entire advisory team tell him if he should do it or not. His donation of 10K was to get the exact response that people are giving on this board "Well at least he cares and he is donating something" If his heart was really in it he would have donated a shitload more than just 10K. His donation is nothing more than a politically motivated move to get the public thinking what everyone is saying on this board.
  4. Compare our presidents net worth to that of Sandra Bullock or an NBA player.
  5. Perhaps it is kind of comical to see bushs donation of 10K along side of Sandra Bullocks 1million, Gates foundations 3 million, NBA players contributions that will be hundreds of thousands, etc....10K is something i would expect from your run of the mill person who has the means to contribute a decent chunk of change...Guess i just expect more from our President.
  6. NO NO NO you already have your own gun thread Selfish bastard (theres the personal attack you were asking for)
  7. And you're making that assumption. So together we're in a stalemate.
  8. So you're assuming he hasn't donated more to other organizations, maybe even 10% in tithes to his favorite church as well? . You are assuming he has? I am basing my opinion on what has been made public. My bet is that any contribution the president makes will somehow be reported to the press, so far no other reports of any contributions.
  9. if you base it on our relative net worths i have donated alot more than he has.
  10. Now I really wish I would have voted, perhaps my one vote wouldnt have gotten this asshole out of office. What a pathetic attempt at acting like he gives a shit. Basketball players are donating 1000 bucks per point for the rest of the season, actors and actresses are donating millions of dollars, etc...and all the leader of the so called free world can do is donate a measly 10K Why did he even bother? Guess he hasnt gotten all of his kickbacks from haliburton yet. Fucking pathetic
  11. I know I never have. They did 6 BILLION in revenue this year! Thats a shitload of books, cds, etc....Who the hell is buying all that shit from Amazon???
  12. I posted a want ad in the classifieds, just checked back there and now everyone is posting a want ad for a GTI!! Anybody have any reccomendations on where to get one from???
  13. Yeah, I am sure that following your advice will really get a lot accomplished. Perhaps instead of posting ridiculous suggestions here on you should focus your time on completing AFF assmunch, btw - how was new years eve with your girlfriend?
  14. can we please now get back to discussing how pathetic our government is and its lack of compassion for our own citizens.
  15. You are assuming I have not already tried thes avenues. You assume too much, in this case. How is it immigrants from other country's that cant speak english come here, go to school and work at the same time while supporting a family and paying bills? Perhaps you should ask ahmad how he does it next time you see him at the gas station, or perhaps raul next time you are sitting next to him in class. Where there is a will there is a way. Maybe it is time to swallow some pride. One other thing....when i was in school i went around painting house numbers on peoples curbs at 10 bucks a pop just to make some extra spending money. It is all about how determined you are.
  16. Bartending, waiting tables, ups, fedex, dhl, stocking shelves at grocery stores, price club late night stocker, 7-11, gas stations, etc.... there are all kinds of jobs out there that have odd hours available, if you really want to work, you can. Can we please now get back to the issue at hand and that is how our government gives out way to much fucking money when it should be spending more helping the needy in our own country!
  17. Is it our governments responsibility to support the needs of other country's in this world? Like I have said before, this goes way beyond the tsunami disaster. Our country has given out BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars to other country's.
  18. You are correct, if you CHOOSE not to work then you do not deserve anything. But what about the people who do work hard and have their entire lives shattered, once again I will use enron as an example. What did our government do for them? Why are they any less deserving of the money we just GIVE AWAY to other country's?
  19. Why do so many country's expect us to support them in times of need? Why do they want something for nothing? Cant they be accountable for themselves? How about taking just a small percentage of that money and giving it to all the people that were screwed by Enron? Did they ask to have their life savings wiped out? No, just like the victims of the Tsunami disaster did not ask for what happened to them. If it wasnt for generous philanthropists, our country would be screwed because our government sure as shit doesnt care about its own population.
  20. a little off topic but are you really interested in how we all got into skydiving or are you more concerned with advertising that url at the bottom of your post?
  21. alright you twit, our tax dollars have nothing to do with discretionary funding that is set aside to assist other countries and those that need help, our country included. is your sorry ass coming out drinking tonight?
  22. Read my original post before making a comment like this please.
  23. we do. Americans donate millions to charities and organizations that help the causes you mention. what about what about what about....bla bla bla. bitch whine moan. quit yer yapping, get out your credit card & click on over to the website of the charitable organization of your choice and f&*king do something about it. this is not about me taking out my credit card and donating x amount to some charity that will most likely only put a small percentage towards the cause This is about the government being so willing to spend ridiculous amount of money (not just on the tsunami disaster) on helping other countries. We were so fucking concerned about putting food in the mouths of iraqi children and made it a priority to do so... just as those children found themselves in an unfortunate circumstance, so do millions of children here in our own country. and one other not tell me to quit my yapping.
  24. funks


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