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Everything posted by funks

  1. NOOOOO...Remember, we are supposed to go 1 week without any ass kissing threads dammit...or did my ranting yesterday mean absolutely nothing?
  2. I think it should be a National Holliday. I think it should be a day of mourning.
  3. Yes, an ass posting thread. Now we are talking. Just no fat hairy ones please
  4. maybe if I asked for MORE ass kissing threads would that work? know that whole reverse psychology thing?
  5. I have puked all I can puke, I cant puke no more
  6. Please point out where you see "white power" coming across in any of my posts. Perhaps you are confusing my "english speaking power" for a "white power" mentality.
  7. Wrong. The opinion you are referring to is my lack of compassion for people who do not attempt to learn the language that is predominantly spoken in the country that they live in. If what you say is true then I must have a pretty poor opinion of my wife who speaks both Arabic and Farci. Not the case.
  8. When I stereotype, I am referring to everyone that fits into that particular stereotype. I dont draw the line anywhere. It is what it is. If I was a "spanish" person that had to succumb to the general public "stereotyping" me guess what? The only people I would get pissed off at would be the people from my own ethnic group that have created that stereotype. Same goes for black people, I wholeheartedly believe that there is a difference between a black person and a you know what (word I am not allowed to use on this forum). The only people to blame are themselves. If I was to be called white trash for some reason, I wouldnt get pissed off at the person who called me it. I would get pissed off at the people that are actually white trash and have created that racial profile for our ethnic group. I have said it before, I will say it again. If you dont want to be stereotyped, its easy, dont act the stereotype. Yes, there are plenty of ignorant people that will judge someone based solely on their skin color or ethnic background. I am not one of them, I base my opinion on their behavior. If you act like a dick, then in my book you are a dick.
  9. So now you claim to defend the little guy? Why did you not start that way? No you started with Your hatred for him is clearly your first priority about this. You are now fishing for another arguement. Ron, you are acting like your buddy michael moore again by manipulating my quotes to try and get your point across. First off, the small business comment was in response to another point someone else made, it had nothing to do with my Bush is a fucking retard comment. Ron, please answer this question for me. Is your support for Bush based solely on the fact that you are a Republican and believe in supporting your party, or do you honestly believe that he is the best leader for our country and support him because of that?
  10. You are assuming that this will happen. Not assuming, it is a fact. All over the local news here in DC. Plus, when you shut down multiple city blocks what do you expect these businesses to do?
  11. Who cares how much the city makes. Sure, the hotels will make money and the conference planners will but what about all the small businesses that are forced to either shut down or lose substantial amounts of business because of this? I am sure joe blow office supply store doesnt appreciate losing a couple days worth of business so the POTUS can do his grandstanding. But then again, when has Bush ever cared about the small business owner?
  12. A bad sign for what? Crime? Well lets see here, considering within 2 weeks of them moving in they attempted to break into not one, but both of my cars I would say the answer to your question is a resounding YES.
  13. [reply I'm afraid you'd hate it, though. Several families there don't speak english, and are rude enough to say "hola" or "chao ong" to people in the street! I wouldnt hate it as long as they could understand when i responded to them in English.
  14. If people dont want to be stereotyped, then tell them not to act the stereotype. Sorry, I believe multiple families and family members living in one house is a bad sign. Yes, a bunch of white teenagers could have tried to break into our cars...but they didnt, it was the fuckers who just moved in next door.
  15. Keep in mind I live in a very conservative suburban area in the DC metro vicinity. Within the past couple of months the following changes have taken place: 1. Walmart has moved in. Not that big of a deal to me but I am sure it will bring in lower income people looking to save money. 2. A dollar store has gone in the same shopping center that walmart now occupies. 3. A quick cash place has gone in next to the dollar store. 4. An entire clan of Spanish speaking people have moved in next door to me. I caught two of the little fuckers trying to open both our car doors at 3:00am on Xmas Eve!!! To make matters worse, their father was watching them do it. Bastards! Nothing against Spanish people (unless they dont speak English) but these people have caravans of cars coming by all throughout the night and they make more noise than you can imagine. They just moved in to the neighborhood, you would think they would show a little more respect! Fuckers! 5. Police helicopters flying overhead in the middle of the night is becoming more of a common occurrence. My neighborhood is on a downward death spiral towards scumville. Thank god I am moving So, how is your neighborhood doing?
  16. I cant remember the exact number, but how many days did michael moore calculate bush was on vacation during his first couple of years in office? Just my way of showing this guy is all about "ME" time. Now, while we are a nation at war he is compelled to shut down the entire district of columbia turning this area (yes I live here) into a total nightmare just so he can throw this grand event showcasing himself as the one and only. What the fuck is the purpose of that? Perhaps a positive gesture would have been for him to fore go this event and get his ass to fucking work (since he has a shitload of work to do making up for everything he screwed up in the first 4 years) instead of grandstanding.
  17. Bush is a fucking retard, the guy throws a 3 day party that costs over 40 million dollars, and on top of that refuses to pay the security tab forcing the city of DC to come up with the money, all this while we have our troops over seas dying on a daily basis. What the fuck does he have to celebrate? Another 4 years of being a public idiot? The guy is a top notch jackass. He is utterly worthless.
  18. actually it is a major insult, I suggest you not wear it out of fear of being ridiculed, best bet is to just send that new shirt to me. I will bare the brunt of the embarassment for you.
  19. Holy shit that is cold. I jumped in 38 degree temperatures this weekend....couldnt even imagine what 21 degrees would be like, dont think i have ever jumped when it was that cold....congrats on getting off aff!
  20. then why are there 1744 uses of the word ignorant in the forums? Not being nit picky just pointing something out.
  21. I strongly disagree. A language is the reflection of a culture. so you are telling me that having a conversation or attempting to have a conversation with someone in the usa that speaks spanish is a way to experience their culture? Bullshit. Language has nothing to do with culture.
  22. I dont expect anyone in Mexico to speak English. If they choose to do so great, if not, fine also. I however, would not expect them to learn English on my behalf. If I lived in Mexico I would do my best to learn THEIR language.
  23. Why the warning? in this context ignorant isnt a personal attack or insult.
  24. I couldn't agree more. Language and culture are two totally different things.
  25. But did he admit it? If not then he deserves no kudos.