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Everything posted by atsaubrey

  1. at the dz jumping leaving early and going to the DZ in about 15 minutes "GOT LEAD?"
  2. sorry bout thet I have 2002 "GOT LEAD?"
  3. I think it is XP then again it might be 2000 "GOT LEAD?"
  4. Ok so it must be too early this morning. I am getting my Microsoft Office blocking allmost all attachments this morning, I cant remember how to change the settings to allow the viewing of them. HELP! "GOT LEAD?"
  5. no answer on most of it but fly into Ontario. Much closer and not near the traffic from LAX "GOT LEAD?"
  6. HOLY SH*T thats funny "GOT LEAD?"
  7. I was "nailed" by the Sandman my self....exactly its like you do it cause your drunk and doesnt matter. "GOT LEAD?"
  8. Naw there was the vid guy and stills taken too "GOT LEAD?"
  9. Looking to save some money for the boogie. Anybody got room in a tent/camper for my fat hiney while im there? I can bring my own air mattress (flying form SoCal for that one) only need room for a night or two. "GOT LEAD?"
  10. Never jumped in actual winter (SoCal) but damn it sounds fun...looks like another trip home this winter. "GOT LEAD?"
  11. Does anyone have pics of my prejump with everyone? I know a few were taken. "GOT LEAD?"
  12. I have seen some pie-ings, but come on, you guys down south are brutal! "GOT LEAD?"
  13. Your right!! SSD absolutley rocks! I am totally amazed at all the work they have done. I will definately be heading back down there. As the others have said YOU NEED TO CHECK IT OUT! Oh and Gia, I wasn't all that nervous (just wanted it to work) and yes the pics are incredible! I'd post a pic but hopefully you'll all see it in Parachutist. "GOT LEAD?"
  14. That dude has a pilot chute on his ass!!!! That is freaking hilarious! "GOT LEAD?"
  15. I was in the saddle at 2000ft on the button according to my wrist altimeter. It may have been asymmetrical but damn did it snivel. It was fun jumping with you and Michelle Sparky!! "GOT LEAD?"
  16. Interestign that you bring this up! I did a Belly (me) freefly jump (5 guys freeflying) on sunday. We funneled the exit bad and ended up head down and on my back for about the first 3000ft. Needless to say I kinda freaked at first (the fockers wouldn't let go and it was the pre-second time I have been unstable on exit) and thought to myself, this is kinda kewl then thought about AFF, and arched and wham-bam I was on my belly. Needless to say that arching crap they teach ya works!! Anyway, I had a blast and it was really kewl to be in a position i've never been in before, just relax and enjoy and be safe. "GOT LEAD?"
  17. Shit what took you so long???? I've been drinking for a couple of hours work no less. "GOT LEAD?"
  18. I havent had any problems with mine except living in cali it sometimes kicks into climb mood when I travel on the freeways up big hills and will lock in on that. I have to then set into "im on DZ". My only other issue was it lost all my jumps in the logs this weekend. So I guess me saying not having problems wasnt a true statement. "GOT LEAD?"
  19. I'm up for bid....come find me on ebay. (I placed the first bid on him and plan on paying up if necessary) "GOT LEAD?"
  20. on my way to ebay.. Buhahaha "GOT LEAD?"
  21. hang on for about an on my first 32oz cocktail and will be ready for ya in about a hour....You gonna be round in the PUB???!!! "GOT LEAD?"
  22. At what altitude to you deploy? I was just reading in the incident threads and this was somewhat discused. Im interested in students and A-B license holders comments. I did a five way last aunday and ended up going a bit low and deployed in the 3k range and ended up with about a 1000ft snivel that scared the heck outta me. I currently (with 36 jumps) dont like to go lower than 4k. My hardeck is 2500ft by the way and yes red/silver came to mind when the ole "flatline" on the Neptune went off at 2600ft. "GOT LEAD?"
  23. I live 10 minutes I think I can make it, but i'm not a chick but I heard they rock "GOT LEAD?"