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Everything posted by atsaubrey

  1. I plan on being there this weekend and am looking for people to jump with. Who is making it a point to make a jump with me. I know Amazon thinks she stands a chance (I have my doubts) Who else wants go out and go really really fast? God this is gonna be a fun weekend! "GOT LEAD?"
  2. Man I wish i was ther to be part of that! YAHOO Michele!!!!!!! "GOT LEAD?"
  3. Corona por favor! Damn man you bust more canopies than anyone I know. I think Igo should retire that canopy. I guess if it were me (i'm sure you were thinking the same thing) and after what happened last time, it would have been chop chop. Awesome hearing you kept your head and didn't hurt your bottom this time. "GOT LEAD?"
  4. I haven't jump else but the XX canopies and the MT-1xx system. I will say when jumping the system I would get the bruises you mention and the hard openings. I currently use a XX as a main in my Vector system and have been getting wonderful openings. I have the nose rolled tightly to the A lines and double check the slider. I believe (I dont know much) the main reason for slammers witht the system is due to the spring loaded pilot chute. (let me explain) I am using a BOC throw out with a 30 inch pilot chute. I have been concerned with using such a small pilot with such a huge canopy. I talked to some riggers about it and explained I hadn't had any hesitation but then again didnt want to find myself in that situation. We did some talking and and some of the ideas we came up with is the mass of the spring loaded pilot chute is probably the main reason these canopies have a tendency to slam ya. I haven't had one hard opening (just one brisk one) with the throwout, so it seems to be logical. How does this help you?? I dont know. Am I full of shit? Probably. We decided, don't fix what isn't broken and would hate to put a larger pilot on the system only to find it caused harder openings. In the mean time my suggestion would be careful with your packing and get some of those seatbelt shoulder pads at AutoZone (or wherever) and slip the around your legstraps to give you some kind of padding that the rig is definately lacking. GOOD LUCK! "GOT LEAD?"
  5. Really old! 32, its feels really old some days "GOT LEAD?"
  6. HAPPY B-DAY!!!!! It's mine too!
  7. 3:1:4 damn that alot for one jump huh. first jump at Perris, First licensed jump with people, first bigway, first jump outta a skyvan. Pretty kewl though, went out with 10 of the Sky Skum and attempted an 11 way, got a solid 6 in and a short 7th. As usual my fallrate was the issue. I have been instructed to start using the swoopcords or else. "GOT LEAD?"
  8. Then I have a question, if they do indeed open slower. Are they packed to open slower or are they designed that way or is it a combination of both? If it is just packed differently, I am confident my rigger packed it to open fast. "GOT LEAD?"
  9. I recommend a tandem jump before aff. It would help with the sensory overload thing and make the aff jump more enjoyable. Now if all DZ's required it, I would never to this day be in the air. It is a matter of choice, but tandems have a benefit in my opinion, but it should be a choice. my $0.02 "GOT LEAD?"
  10. just bid on the damn thing and get him a free jump for gods sakes! "GOT LEAD?"
  11. oh yeh oh yeh wingsuit rides, oh yippy..i cant wait for one of those! "GOT LEAD?"
  12. OK OK...i'll admit i more than likely made the mistake....but to and too are completely differnet and when used incorrectly it drives me crazy! "GOT LEAD?"
  13. GQ would be fun to jump with, I'd love to "snuggle" up with him on jump run..hope he's there! "GOT LEAD?"
  14. nope...just ordered a VX46...not quite ready for the "development" VX39. 10:1 baby! Could I swoop a Navigator 260 hum....gotta think for a second. "GOT LEAD?"
  15. 370, 337 whats the difference when they get this big. So all of you know, my goal IS to downsize to a 280ish canopy eventually, hum thinking about it maybe a 260. "GOT LEAD?"
  16. I added Lawrocket to the list. Anyone else that is new should add his/her name to this list.
  17. Disregard this post I'm a freaking idiot! "GOT LEAD?"
  18. huh?....I could arrange a pink tutuu....ok probably not a pleasant sight. "GOT LEAD?"
  19. Who's gonna be there? I would love to meet the peeps I've been messaging! "GOT LEAD?"
  20. I was going to make a post asking who was going to make it to the Perris Boogie, but guess this will work too. I'll be there, how many other DZ.commers are going to be there. I want to be a Mafia sister too. ok maybe not "GOT LEAD?"
  21. I was getting a repack at Perris over the weekend and saw it hanging up being "worked" on. They got pissed when I tried to use it as a hankerchief and blow my nose....I had no idea it wasnt one. It was interesting when Luigi figured up my wingloading on it though, I'd be pushing 10:1 NO THANKS! "GOT LEAD?"
  22. GET OUTTA MY HEAD! Your desciption sounds exaclty like me. Are you sure your not me?....did I get really drunk and make this post under a different name? No but seriously, I do feel exactly the same way, made the same excuses. Its good to be scared, but I will say once on the plane and on jump run its all buisness and life is good once in the air. I will say my last jump the nerves had subsided for the most part, so figure 2 more jumps and you'll feel the same....afterall you are my evil twin. "GOT LEAD?"
  23. atsaubrey


    that was bad, very bad...lmfao "GOT LEAD?"