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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. And don't get hit with a hurricane.
  2. In case you are interested in reading legal complaint/indictment papers, here is a site with the cases related to January 6th. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases Sorting by date shows arrests as recent as today.
  3. Probably accelerated by the corruption allegations.
  4. And an all too common comparison. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ohio-court-sentences-black-woman-193000949.html
  5. Florida court rules that cruise ships can require vaccinations. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/tourism-cruises/article253309823.html
  6. Another anti-vaxer with a death bed conversion. https://www.thedailybeast.com/anti-vaxx-radio-host-and-former-newsmax-anchor-dick-farrel-dies-of-coronavirus
  7. Fake medical specialty, no big surprise that she sold fake immunity tablets and fake vaccine cards. https://abc7news.com/fake-covid-19-vaccine-vaccination-cards-scheme-fraud/10887317/
  8. People who are not vaccinated refuse to wear masks, so it is back to masks for everyone. I doubt that all of the patrons at the lumber yard today were vaccinated -- I was the only one wearing a mask.
  9. I was at a lumber yard today. 16 people inside, I was the only one wearing a mask. Nobody outside was either. San Jose, California. At two grocery stores and a liquor store, I only noticed one person without a mask. We have gone back to having masks recommended for everyone indoors, vaccinated or not, because of upswing in cases.
  10. If you want to see where the US may be heading with the delta variant, take a look at the UK, or (worse) the Netherlands. Then number of new cases per day in the Netherlands has doubled in the past 2 days, quadrupled in 4 days, and octupled in 7 days. Within the coming week, both the UK and the Netherlands will probably exceed their previous new daily case peaks.
  11. That's just projection by the right wing.
  12. You slipped a decimal point there. If you assume that the US has actually had twice the number of confirmed cases, that would be about 70 million cases. 622k deaths is a fatality rate of 0.89%. Even if all 332 million of us actually have had covid (we haven't) that would still be about 0.2% I haven't seen any reporting yet that the delta variant is definitely more deadly, just that it is ~2.3x as transmissible as the original version.
  13. What about the people who have been vaccinated, but have immune system problems that make the vaccines ineffective? What you suggest will make it more likely that they will die.
  14. That lawsuit is as dead as Trump University (and Foundation, and AirLine and Steaks and ...)
  15. What did you do with yours? I donated mine to charities helping the poor make it through the pandemic, since I'm one of your "90% that don't need it."
  16. Commercial car washes recycle water. They use less water per wash than typically used at home.
  17. They are reporting only about 33% protection from symptomatic cases in the UK with one dose against the Delta (from India) variant. Less severe cases and less hospitalization, I would expect.
  18. UK cases, which were lower per capita than in the US, have tripled in the past month while US cases declined. 60% of the new UK cases are the delta variant (one of the ones from India), which is maybe 3x as contagious as the original variant. It has estimated Ro of 6 in non-lockdown (open) conditions. Single doses of vaccine are less effective than they were previously in preventing symptomatic cases (33%) Two doses still give good results, although not quite as good as previously (88%). The loss of taste and smell doesn't seem to be a common feature of the delta variant. 6% of the new US cases are now the delta variant, but it will almost certainly become a higher percentage.
  19. Must be moving pretty fast.
  20. Mom shoots at loose puppy, hits her 5 year old son in the abdomen. https://www.fox19.com/2021/06/02/mother-accidentally-shoots-5-year-old-son-trying-to-shoot-dog/