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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. So, 200+ Republicans in the House are aiding and abetting the criminal actions of Bannon. This sets the tone for others in the future to go ahead with their criminal behavior, knowing that they will be protected. The last time this flaunting of a congressional subpoena was voted on by the House, it was a Reagan appointee. How many voted not to hold that appointee in contempt? Zero.
  2. The fact that a bunch of creationists are being offed by Darwinism does seem ironically appropriate.
  3. “What a great teacher.” Sometimes the best you can do is be a bad example for the edification of others. Fuck around, find out.
  4. I had a doctor visit for an injured wrist, and got a wrist brace. Pretty much identical to one which can be had on Amazon for around $20, but you can rest assured that it cost several times that. The kicker was an added charge of something around $120 for it being a "custom fitted" brace. The custom fitting comprised trimming off the end of the velcro adjustment strap with scissors, something that took a few seconds to accomplish -- and that wasn't a doctor's time either. My insurance has also been routinely upcharged for visits. Certain levels of visits are classified by a minimum time spent, and the time required for a "complex" visit is rarely spent. e.g. 25 minutes with the doctor, charged for a billing code requiring 40 minutes. I was looking up billing codes (too see what was being charged) a few years ago. Searches gave me results to a seminar presentation for doctors, telling them how by asking another couple of questions and spending another 2 minutes with a patient, they can enhance their revenue stream.
  5. Maybe it is time to get that shingles vaccine I've been ignoring. For people over 50 years old, "(shingles) vaccination was associated with a 16% lower risk of COVID-19 diagnosis and 32% lower risk of hospitalization, suggesting RZV elicits heterologous protection, possibly through trained immunity." https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.01.21264400v1
  6. It's behavioral. FL's vaccination rate was slightly above US average, nearly the same as CA.
  7. More evidence that vaccine administrators should be aspirating before injecting, this time for mRNA vaccines to avoid myocarditis: https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab707/6353927 Conclusions This study provided in vivo evidence that inadvertent intravenous injection of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines may induce myopericarditis. Brief withdrawal of syringe plunger to exclude blood aspiration may be one possible way to reduce such risk." There was already a ~2006 study that showed that venous injection of adenovirus vaccines could cause the same type of unusual clotting seen in the AstraZeneca and J&J/Janssen vaccines. When my wife got her 3rd Moderna injection, she asked the nurse to aspirate, which she did. Got blood the 1st two tries, clean on the 3rd. The CDC continues to recommend against aspirating, to avoid potential pain to the patient from moving the needle around. UK likewise says not to aspirate. It takes under 2 seconds, no real downside.
  8. Well maybe the upcoming Texas audit will show that Trump lost there too.
  9. From the article, it is not apparent whether the nurse had consent at all. I can't imagine that it isn't standard procedure to have the vaccinee sign a consent first, though.
  10. On September 21st, the Texas Department of State Health Services listed 253 cases of children hospitalized with covid (now 237 cases in screen shot below). Multiplying by US population/Texas population, then scaling downward to adjust for the higher overall infection rate in Texas vs. US overall, that 237 would be about 2300 kids for the entire country. So 2000 current may not be that unlikely.
  11. Like the "gone this year" segment from the Oscars, but this is some of the people that posted BS memes about covid, then died. i.e., FAFO. Some well known, most not.
  12. How so? From exit polls, whites were the ethnic group that voted most for the recall (still voted against, overall). Whites with no degree were the only group to vote in favor of the recall.
  13. With the vote tally so far, the margin is even better than when Newsom was elected in 2018.
  14. So that was a waste of $300 million of our state tax money, to get exactly the predicted (non) outcome. Not to mention a large amount of campaign money. As of now, something like 48% of the people did not vote for any candidate, just the question of whether the governor should be recalled.
  15. My wife has a compromised immune system, made worse by immunomodulatory drugs she is on. She's had 3 doses of Moderna, but was only at about the 2% percentile for antibodies after the 2nd dose. She is sad that she may never see one of her best friends again (they are not local, but still got together), because her friend is not getting vaccinated. Same for another friend. I wouldn't modify my behavior as much (only one very slight comorbidity, normal immune, not overly concerned), but I absolutely must avoid picking up anything (even common cold) and passing it on to her. Sigh. I will get a 3rd dose myself, as soon as it is authorized. I could just claim to be immunocompromized and get the 3rd -- it wouldn't get questioned, but will wait a couple of weeks to see what authorizations come down the pike.
  16. I wonder how many anti-vaxxers have that as a reason for their reluctance? I've seen it as a meme on the HCA reddit thread, but not very often. I doubt (with absolutely no basis ;-) that it comprises a double-digit percentage of all sarscov2 anti-vaxxers.
  17. Religious exemption form for healthcare workers seeking not to take the vaccine. https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2021/09/11/about-religious-exemptions-for-vaccine-resisters-conway-regional-health-system-says-you-must-really-mean-it
  18. Interesting open letter from a year ago to the then FDA head regarding his mis-statements about covid treatments, in particular the purported benefit of convalescent plasma, and succumbing to pressure from the administration: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/936611 Recent paper showing that convalescent plasma has been found to have no benefit, and actually harmed patients. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01488-2
  19. There are hundreds of these on https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/ It is sad, at least many of them are. FAFO applies to most of them. I unfriended someone on FB a year ago for posting similar memes and other political things that he knew were lies.