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Everything posted by gremlin

  1. Ohhhh!!!! You in trouble now!! I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  2. Not only is the temple fantastic but being able to pan around is very cool. I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  3. 0:0:0 Was roped into painting two bedrooms. Hand and wrist still hurt from all the painting but when I tell anyone they don't beleive me I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  4. Brothers in arms - Dire Straits Suicide is painless - Manic Street Preachers Everybody hurts - REM I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  5. Spoke to Vicki earlier today and said I wanted to start moving stuff around for our new house. I was hoping to get it done this afternoon so I could come to London this evening. Got told that I would have to move the stuff on my own as she is "tidying up" the place she has been staying in in London. So tonight I will be trying to move all of Vicki's stuff on my own. If you see her in the pub tonight please ask her how the "tidying up" is going and ask why I am not there. I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  6. No but she could charge less I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  7. Recently there were two blokes in UK doing about 160mph and they got jailed for 2 weeks. You get less than that for mugging an old lady. UK speeding laws suck. I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  8. I have never made a sheep pregnant yet and I don't wear any protection... wonder what I am doing wrong I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  9. I leave the net for a couple of days and I find photoshopped pictures of me on the forum (well they must be photoshopped I'd never wear anything like that ) Anyway revenge will be mine. Pictures of Vicki will be incoming. I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  10. General Furrycheeks here, Lieutenant be prepared to do what I order you to do I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  11. 9/16. Am going to have to watch myself at those drunken DZ parties I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  12. Sorted. Will experiment. No photos though! I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  13. General trim or Brazilian style? I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  14. The weather here is currently crap and I was wondering what to do this weekend. Now DZ.Com has offered the solution. If you don't hear from me for a few days it just means that I have knicked something and can't sit down I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  15. Have you thought about changing your business role from office decorator to corporate entertainment? I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  16. Is there a prize for the best 'pirate in freefall' photo? I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  17. Quote (Sunny...I've had some upgrades made in the women's showers too) Quote Yeh - Cameras for Turtlespeed I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  18. Some people are so greedy I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  19. I want MORE sunshine! I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  20. gremlin

    Women Drivers

    Men may have more accidents but women cause more accidents - driving in the middle lane, not signalling etc which cause the men to have accidents. So I have been told but as some of the women on this forum would kick my ass I will abviously not agree with it! I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  21. Grover on Ecstasy You're funny, you're loveable, you're entertaining, you like to call yourself "Super Grover!"--You're obviously on ecstasy. But that's why we love you. Be careful, ok? Hay Rosa - now we have something in common... about that HOT SEX.... I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  22. Small brown non moving thing - stick Large green hissing thing - Snake Being outside when you could be inside watching tv and drinking hot chocolate - pointless I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  23. Women... know your limits! Loved the scooter pic "but I've worn it like this ever since I bought it..." I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  24. Tilly - you love squaddies - admit it I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....
  25. Like the OJ one I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....