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Everything posted by VanillaSkyGirl

  1. Douglas, Guineapiggie101 has already been to Skydive Arizona. I took her with me on a spontaneous road-trip to Eloy in the spring when I was brushing up on flying/4-way, prior to the AZ Challenge. I thought that she may enjoy some tunnel time with Melanie to help her work through her AFF difficulties. (She rocked it, after her tunnel time!) While there, I introduced Guineapiggie101 to three of the Airspeed guys, among others, so she knows some of the big names, already. Guineapiggie101~ I think that watching Nationals may inspire you to get back in the sky by yourself. You seem to be searching for the key to that. Have fun!!!
  2. I didn't know Robyn outside of her posts and facebook, but I am greatly saddened to have heard of her passing. I enjoyed reading her lengthy threads. Her style of writing was unique and verbose, but I felt almost like I knew a bit of her, after reading her posts. She seemed like a very loving a good mother and friendly, inquisitive person. It's sad that she has left us. I hope that she has found peace. My thoughts are with her baby boy and loved ones. Fly free, lovely Robyn.
  3. plus you get extra points if you can pronounce her (family)name correctly when looking at her in the eyes Hola Señor Piisfish!!! Long time, no see! Como estas?
  4. plus you get extra points if you can pronounce her (family)name correctly when looking at her in the eyes Hola Señor Piisfish!!! Long time, no see! Como estas?
  5. You are a very new skydiver, right? "That girl" is not only a sweetheart, but also a very accomplished freefly/freestyle skydiver. Her name is Amy Chmelecki. Remember her name, if you ever go to Eloy, keep up with Nationals/VRW/freefly records, or simply want freefly coaching like Squeak. Amy is a well-known freefly/freestyle medalist with various records and is am all-around bad-ass for ANY gender. Amy & Mirage: More Amy:
  6. Wear a different color/style each day, Cindy. Love you, sweetheart!
  7. That's beautiful. I'm glad that everyone at Elsinore was so caring towards you, Bill. It's good to know that there is lots of love and best wishes from one DZ to the other, especially during times like this. It's when our community truly comes together as one.
  8. What an excellent thread topic, Mar! For those who don't know, Dan B.C. is one of the best skydivers of all time, as well as a kind, inspiring coach/friend to many. In '91, B.C. was in a plane crash that killed many. Dan had a broken neck, skull fractures, collapsed lung, internal injuries, but only seven months later, he competed @ Nationals. Dan B.C. eventually became a multi-world champion & founding father of Airspeed. **Please promote all that is good in our sport by pre-ordering Dan B.C.'s book. Amazon has the best price: "Playing to Win" **To Pre-Order the book: To the right of your screen, you will see a little shopping cart with **Pre-Order: Add to Cart. Click there to Pre-Order. As Mar mentioned, if there is lots of interest via Pre-Orders in Dan's book meaning that it's a success, this will generate interest among the studios in his story via this movie: That would help to get this movie into the theaters, which would help to promote our sport. There is virtually no better representative of our skydiving community, than Dan Brodsky-Chenfield. Thanks, everyone!
  9. VanillaSkyGirl


    Aw, thanks everyone! We had a great time, even while waiting for the clouds to clear.
  10. I'd rather my wife be a successful person than a successful wife. I guess it's all about what you see as important in the other person. After reading his responses, I can understand why Karen fell in love with and is still married to Remi.
  11. I agree with Squeak (looks around, nope, still warm down there in hell ). Quit whining about your life on an online forum and get out and live it. Change one thing. Stick with that change. Then change another. Repeat as necessary. +1
  12. VanillaSkyGirl


    Congratulations, John!
  13. Meso, your photos are incredible, and your niece is adorable.
  14. Hey GP, I agree that many things can be learned from being on the DZ, yet not jumping. You can watch landings or watch people pack, etc. Look for Lisa H, if you need company on the ground. She's always there watching the activity and knows many of the regulars. Another great idea is to manifest for a sunset observer ride. You'll have a beautiful view in the co-pilot's seat. It's really fun to watch people as they exit, especially after the last one leaves and Karl dives the plane downwards. Plus, you'll be able to chat with Karl or with whomever is flying the plane. It's always good to get to know the DZO or pilot. As you now know, they're all really good people at SD Elsinore. Have fun, be safe and keep learning!
  15. Of course I do...hope you are well. Sending love & big hugs to you, ladies. Miss you both!
  16. I don't watch television, but yeah, watching a talk show would be torture for me, too.
  17. Oh, you look so beautiful in that costume. It really suits you, perfectly. I used to be a costume designer, so I truly enjoy looking at period or historically-accurate costumes. I sent you a message. You must be using modified gear at your size. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me. It's very different being tiny/short and trying to skydive. We have to shop around a bit to find gear that works for us, but it's so worth it in the end. Plus, you can be as awesome a skydiver as anyone else. Believe it! Welcome to the skies, my dear sky sister!
  18. Actually, that wouldn't be terribly unusual. I actually think that your costume looked really cool, Ms. GP101! Perhaps, during times when you aren't jumping, you could find a way to bring up your SCA involvement. There are some jumpers (although I'm not sure if they are at SD Elsinore), who are definitely into that kind of thing. You'd be surprised at how another common past-time of yours could be a way to create another bond. In any case, the actual fact that we all jump out of planes creates a huge enough bond amongst all of us! As for looks, just worry about becoming a skydiver, first. Your looks cannot help or hurt you there. That is really all that matters to new jumpers, when socializing. The unity in our sport is about our love of the sky first, and everything else comes second. Personally, I've never thought that the people at the DZ are better-looking than the people whom I know, outside of the DZ, but skydivers' personalities, flying, skills, etc. is what makes the attractive in my eyes. Oh, and exactly how "short" are you, GP101? I am a pretty small lady...about 5 ft. tall. It's not so bad. Have you ever seen this quote: "I'm not short. I'm fun-sized."
  19. Expectations are somewhat unfounded at this point, if you've only spent time with them on two or three dates & have not felt a great connection to one specific girl. Once one of these girls is special or stands out to you, and you want to do something special for her, then do so. If there is a connection, you will know. Otherwise, if you have to ask, then the answer is most likely "no". Do whatever feels right. Nothing should be done because it's "expected".
  20. Hahahaha, I like you! Those are awesome responses, Chris.
  21. I quickly eat something in between just about every skydive because my body tends to burn through food quickly. A few years back when SD Elsinore had their little indoor cafeteria, they used to sell these HUGE sub-type sandwiches (the kind that needs 2 hands to be held), chips and a drink. Every time I'd jump for the day, I'd buy that combo for lunch. I swear to God, that every single time that I'd be standing around taking bites out of that monster sandwich, a different person each time would walk up to me and make the same damned comment: "Rosa, that sandwich is BIGGER than YOU are!" It happened EVERY single time!!! Like a little woman cannot eat a BIG sandwich!? WTH! ***Nataly, tell your roommate, that you'd appreciate it, if he kept his comments about your food to himself. It's none of his business what you put in your mouth.
  22. Sending vibes and prayers his way! Please let us know how he's doing, if you are able to visit with him. Thank you, and good luck getting through the snow!